Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creation Progression

Creation Progression
By: Miles Pelton, 9/14/14

              The basic requisite to analyzing a situation or a system is to start the analysis from the beginning. Physics is the study of creation, which if to produce credible results must follow the progression of events from the beginning and that has not been the case. Early Physicists searched to understand the beginning of creation but following birth of the religious concept of an almighty Devine creator the secular study of the physics of creation adopted the concept of the conservation of energy. Whether or not driven by anti-creator beliefs the law of energy conservation was adopted without proof that another source of energy did not exist and without proof of the conservation of energy theory. As a consequence, substantiating theories were subsequently developed to justify belief of the conservation of energy law.
              Deferring to logic that has grown from centuries of reasoning, it is quite apparent that the power to created preceded creation, which translated means that, if matter is made of energy then creation began with energy and at this point in the argument, the source of the energy is not critical to the progression of consideration. More important is the nature and behavior characteristics of that fundamental energy and the processes by which distributed and sustained.
              Again relying upon logic gained through centuries of experience, the success of creation demands several basic precepts. The energy must be durable, the behavior, including strength, constant.  Following that based upon logic and observed behaviors, the energy must have the ability to attract itself and it must have the ability to repel itself so that assembled energy that has no physical component would produce an assembly with a physical component. Then less obvious is the realization that attraction and repelling actions would require two energy forms and progressive assembly would not proceed beyond the creation of two part assemblies if the process involved interaction between the attraction and repelling forms of energy. (That is where the ancient Chinese concept of yin-yang failed.)
To promote progressive assembly the attraction charges must attract like attraction charges (also produces gravitational attraction) and repelling charges must repel like repelling charges. Further consideration drives the conclusion that the attraction and repelling charges must coexist as an elementary particle of energy for the process to work and that means a third form of energy to mediate interaction between the attraction and repelling charges. Then one final fundamental characteristic established through scientific research, the power of fundamental energy charges exists in precise quantum. With those behavioral characteristics the fundamental energy quantum can self-assemble into energy particles elementary to all subsequent assembly and elementary energy particles can self-assemble into more complex assemblies. One important note. Because the energy of elementary energy particles is sustained, the elementary energy particles are carriers of energy that grows in intensity as assembly progresses.
              With the energy to power behavior an intrinsic part of each elementary particle each subsequent assembly acquires power intensity that is a function of the number of assembled elementary particles. As a consequence the intensity of fundamental energy builds as assembly progresses and there are other fundamental energy characteristics. Having no physical property any quantity of fundamental energy can exist at a single point and with the intensity of the energy at a point sustained fundamental energy expands spherically from a source point as an energy field that decreases in density, therefore intensity, as the distance from the source point increases. The rate of decrease that can be calculated by the equation for finding the volume of a sphere, translates as equal to the distance squared and the speed that energy released from a source point travels has been measured as “the speed of light”.
              Research has established that quarks, an intermediary assembly, are the first step in the assembly of matter. Quarks are limited in size by the inverse distance squared rule determined to be 612 elementary energy particles and because elementary energy particles are composite assemblies of complimentary energy charges, they are not discernible and the quark assemblies are likewise. As a consequence of assembly, the assembly acquires an energy intensity equal to the sum of assembled intensities but the assembly charges stratify in response to their inherent behavior. The attraction charges that self-attract, constrict into a center of gravity: the repelling charges distribute around the periphery of the assembly: the affinity charges maintain contact charge by charge. In this format the assembly is called a down quark.
              The more powerful attraction intensity of the quark draws other elementary energy particles to the vicinity and a second quark and eventually a third quark assemble. However; a new situation develops. The intensity of the three quark assembly is so intense that the third quark ejects a repelling charge and the attraction energy charges are drawn into a singularity. The new type quark is called an up-quark. The resulting assembly is known as a neutron and because the assembly has a center of gravity it has mass
              The singularity of the up-quark is a new phenomenon in the creation process. The singularity is an assembly energy center that is in addition to the assembly center of gravity. The singularity center radiates an energy field in the manner previously described and that energy center attracts other like energy centers. This phenomenon produces the force currently defined as gluon and plays an important role in the formation of protons and the assembly of nuclei. Standing alone neutrons are not stable, the contraction of energy particles continue where with continued contraction the force applied increases because of the inverse distance squared rule as previously explained. Eventually contraction force overpowers repelling force and a second quark is transformed from a down to an up and the resulting assembly is known as a proton and with two singularity centers of 612 units and an assembly singularity center of 1,224 units, the proton has powerful binding power.
              The next step in the progression of creation involves the formation of atom nuclei where protons and neutrons assemble. The principle binding force comes from the power of the singularities.
First the 612 unit singularities in the proton and neutron bond. Then the 1,224 unit proton singularity bonds with each of the 612 unit singularities. Then the 1,836 unit singularity of the proton-neutron assembly binds with the other singularities. This is an example of the progression of energy intensity along with the progression of creation.
              The growth of assembly and progression of energy intensities continues into the assembly of atoms and then molecules. It is this growth in energy intensity, binding force production and the inverse distance squared rule that determines the alignment and configuration of atoms and their orbits.

              The processes involved in the physics associated with creation are vastly different when viewed from the perspective produced by considering them in order of progression. A reassessment of the treatment of fundamental physics is indicated as a serious need. 

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