Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision
Author: Miles Pelton
               This is an explanation of scientific phenomena reveled through accidental observation in a manner similar to the revelation in which the relationship between electricity and magnetism was revealed to Hans Christian Orsted (1777 – 1851). This demonstration reveals new understanding regarding light, illumination and vision that has the potential to start a new era in technological advancements just as did the Orsted revelation. At the same time it reveals that the current explanation of the behavior of these phenomena is flawed.

            The phenomenon was revealed when a lighted candle bathed in sunlight was observed to cast a shadow on a backdrop as illustrated in this picture. The candle including the wick casts a clear shadow but the flame of the candle does not even though the flame is clearly visible. Puzzled by the apparent contradiction with current explanation of the behavior of light and vision a closer look was given to the observed phenomenon. Clearly the sunlight in the form of photons passed through the flame without being blocked by matter so did not cast a shadow. Yet, the impression of the backdrop, currently explained as radiating photons does not pass through the flame. The backdrop cannot be seen through the flame.

            The observed phenomenon brought realization that radiating photons are not light, they do not produce illumination. Photons carry the energy that produces light (and heat and ionization) but are not themselves light. When the passage of photons is blocked by matter the energy carried by the photons is released and the energy released produces illumination. The candle and the backdrop blocks the radiating photons, they release the energy they carry and the matter upon which impacted, is illuminated. The candle blocks the radiating photons causing a shadow to be cast on the backdrop. The flame does not block the sunlight’s radiating photons so no shadow and the photons proceed to deposit the energy they carry onto the backdrop.
            The observed phenomenon brought further realization. Photons are not the instrument that carries vision as currently explained. If vision involved the radiation of photons then the backdrop image would have passed through the flame as did the sunlight. Clearly, photons are not an instrument in vision. That leaves several open questions; what is it that is seen as the flame? And, since heat is involved, what is the mechanism by which photons produce heat. . Clearly there is another form of energy that drives vision and separate form of energy that drives heat.
            The flame of the candle is a product of the combustion that takes place with a lighted candle. The flame is not matter illuminated by the photons radiated as sunlight. Combustion is a process where the energy bond that bind atoms are fragmented releasing the photons that provided the binding force. Some of the released photons radiate free of the candle atmosphere to illuminate distant matter. Some photons impact molecules in the atmosphere surrounding the candle wick and release the energy they carry. When the molecule is oxygen the heat producing energy component causes the oxygen molecule bonds to break, thereby releasing more photons to impact and produce more heat culminating in a “chain reaction” or otherwise known as combustion.
            Clearly, the phenomenon associated with a burning candle involves two forms of energy not addressed by current explanation. One form produces illumination and vision while the other form produces the effect called heat. (For an explanation of the heat process http://milestone26.blogspot.com/2013/09/defining-heat-post-atomic-era.html ) The heat released as a product of combustion is concentrated around the wick and being less dense than the surrounding air, rises. Since it has been established that heat and photons are not visible and that the flame is not matter it must be assumed the flame is the form of energy that produces vision and illumination.
            This adds credence to the concept of elementary particles that are a composite of three forms of fundamental energy that are incorporated into forming photons. One form attracts like attraction energy charges. A second form repels like repelling energy charges and a third form establishes an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. Recognizing that it is the attraction energy charge that produces heat as explained by the referenced blog, and that the repelling energy charge is expended through radiation and ionization that leaves the affinity charge as the producer of illumination and vision. That conclusion is supported with the explanation for the candle flame.
            The combustion reaction of the candle releases a heavy concentration of photons many of which impact surrounding air molecules so that the area surrounding the candle combustion is saturated with affinity energy. With insufficient matter available to be illuminated the freed affinity energy is attracted to the attraction energy existing as heat and is visible as a glow. Being attracted to the rising heat the glow appears to be rising as well but the centration of affinity energy, therefore the glow dissipates as the heat energy dissipates.


            The current explanation for light, illumination and vision is flawed. As demonstrated the radiation of photons is a separate specific function independent of illumination and vision. They are common only from the aspect that photons are carriers of three fundamental forms of energy one of which produces illumination and vision where eyes are the instrument for observing the behavior of that form of fundamental energy that produces illumination and vision.


  1. I suggest to anyone reading this that they should just consider the fact that flames have a lower density than air and transmit light. But in certain low light conditions you can see a shadow cast by a candle. Aside from that, Miles Peltons description of the simple aspects of combustion is wrong.

    Together with this and the lack of evidence, peer review, experiment or theory means that this paper is at best fictitious.

  2. Why does Christopher find it necessary to attempt to belittle me. Does he fear the truth or is he motivated by an ulterior motive. The candle demonstration speaks for itself and Chris's argument is without basis or proof. Even a picture if you could trust him not to doctor it, would be easy to produce. At least the faint smoke shows a shadow in my picture so you know it is not doctored. Hang your head Chris.

  3. Chrisrose... We wouldnt know if it was ficticious or not until we verified and validated all the claims. Pattern recognition does not rely on validation and verification to create value for understanding the universe. Even if miles theorys are false, this is remarkable work.
