Friday, April 28, 2017

Space and Space-time

Space and Space-time
by: Miles Pelton
            The theory of relativity is predicated upon two defective assumptions. One: that gravitational force can be discarded in favor of a concept called space-time. Two: that space is a vacuum where-in the speed of light is an absolute constant.
            The scientists who champion relativity have themselves derived and accepted conclusions that proves the assumption regarding gravitational attraction and the speed of light to be defective.
            First: space, the area that encompasses the universe, is not without forces. It is not a “vacuum”. It is filled with gravitational attraction energy fields that interact with massive objects and charged particles, in extremely complex ways. Science recognizes that the energy used to form matter, exists initially as quantum charges (particles). The fundamental force of creation demonstrated by Newton is the attraction between like charges, which draws the conclusion that one such charge is inherent in each elementary particle (EP), which attraction charges are the foundation for quantifying gravitational attraction and mass. Because of their fundamental behavior, assembled attraction charges impose a constricting force on each other and attraction for other like assemblies is behavior inherent in each assembly of EP. Recognize that planets and their satellites, solar systems, galaxies and assemblies of galaxies (the universe) are assemblies of EP. Each projects a gravitational attraction energy field.
The intensity of the attraction charge of an assembly is in proportion to the number of attraction charges. It is a point charge (a singularity) that acts from the vector center of the contributing charges. Attraction charge singularities act by producing an energy field as shown by the accompanying photo, which decreases in intensity (charge density) inversely as the radial distance squared. Gravitational attraction never dies, it just fades away
            Second: Light is particles of energy charge and they interact with gravitational energy fields. The path of traversing light particles can be diverted (bent, changed direction), and their speed can be altered. What is more, the intensity (strength) of light particles (and all electro-magnetic radiation) changes with a change in frequency. The speed (and therefore intensity of light travelling towards a strong gravitational attraction singularity will be increased. The effect, which is in proportion to the intensity of the energy field at the point of travel, is reversed when traveling away from a singularity.

            The forces acting between bodies are extremely complex and must be considered, however; not by applying defective principles.    

Energy Forms Fundamental to Creation

Energy Forms Fundamental to Creation
by: Miles Pelton
            Articles on energy in Physic text and reference libraries provided extensive explanation of what energy does, which includes kinetic, potential, chemical, electrical, mechanical, solar, nuclear, heat, light and other functions and effects, but ignore (make no effort to explain) the fundamental energy that causes those functions and effects. There are inferences that such energies exist, but without definition. Merriam Webster with elaborate detail, fails to specifically identify a fundamental cause.
             Regardless of belief, what is said to have been created exists where otherwise it would not have been, which requires recognition that there was a cause. It is not necessary to know the origin or details concerning who, how or why, only that there was a cause. Examination of the processes and principles associated with a fundamental behavior of created matter, carried out by Isaac Newton (and others), documented a cause for a behavior, fundamental to creation. It was called attraction. Newton’s research documented the fact the cause of attraction was inherent in, a component fundamental to, the assembly as matter but did not recognize the cause to be a form of fundamental energy.
 Meanwhile, research by Maxwell, Planck, Einstein and others, documented that certain other particles of energy repel other like charges and that the responsible charges were a component inherent in matter. In this case, the cause was recognized as a form of energy but not as component fundamental to the assembly of matter. Rather, the responsible energy charge was considered a “natural behavior, a natural phenomenon” to be accepted without recognition.
It does not matter that the cause of attraction and repelling forces have not been recognized, they exist and they cause behaviors that are recognized and science’s failure to recognize and explain does not preclude continuation of the caused behaviors.

            Until Physics recognizes the energy fundamental to creation, science (Physics) will continue to spend precious talent and capital chasing mysterious (relativistic) figments of imagination.   

Mass Defect

Mass Defect
by: Miles Pelton
            Scientific explanations do not make what is explained, work. What is more, explanations of how relativity works, frequently leaves major factors unexplained.
            Example: Relativity explains that the nuclear energy used to make electricity or nuclear weapons, comes from a difference between the mass of assembled and unassembled components (protons and neutron) of atom nuclei.  Unassembled, the mass of components is perceived as more than the assembled nucleus mass because the process involved is not correctly explained.
The mass of the assembled components forms a center of attraction (a singularity) at the vector center of the assembly. The power (intensity) of the assembly’s center of attraction is equal to the sum of the assembled masses. However; the assembly’s intensity exists only at a point at the vector center of the assembled masses and is reduced at a rate proportional to the distance from the center point squared. Consequently, less energy is applied to bond assembled components than was deposited by the components. Energy remaining after binding the assembly’s components is available to bind with other atoms to form molecules.
The perceived “mass defect energy” is not available to power electricity and nuclear weapons. That energy comes when the binding of assembled nucleons is fragmented, as with fission and fusion, releasing the energy that created the binding force as heat and light that is accompanied by expansion(explosion). (To quiet dissenters, fission powers fusion.)
The explanation of mass defect is flawed and a distortion of reality that obfuscates and conceals that science has no viable explanation for the cause of behaviors associated with creation. More specifically; quantum particles of energy that attract other like attraction energy charges; repelling energy charges that repel other like repelling energy charges; and a neutral energy particle that mediates interaction of attraction and repelling charges. This is typical of the conclusions produced by the concepts of relativity.