Friday, April 28, 2017

Flawed Equivalency Principle

by: Miles Pelton
                  The equivalency principle developed by Einstein is the heart of the theory of relativity and the beliefs and principles of modern Physics. As expressed by Einstein, IF the concepts presented in explaining the equivalence of gravitational attraction acceleration and inertial acceleration are correct then the door will be opened to the acceptance of his theories on relativity.
·       Einstein’s conclusions assumed that space is a vacuum free of all interfering forces, which it is not. Space, the area surrounding heavenly bodies (planets, solar systems, galaxies and assemblies of galaxies – the universe) is filled with complex, intricate and infinite gravitational attraction energy fields that interact with all things traversing those energy fields, whose composition includes attraction energy.
·       The energy that produces gravitational attraction is a component of the particles of energy elementary to the formation of all massive materials, including most energy forms. Gravitational attraction is a behavior inherent in all things, it is the quantifier of mass, there is no escaping its influence.
·       A body in “free fall” is not free of the influence of gravitational attraction. “Free fall” is a state where an object is being accelerated by gravitational attraction without interference. When “free fall” is obstructed, as by the structure of the earth, the body becomes a component of the causing body (earth) and its mass is transferred to the causing body’s center of attraction.

The stated gravitational attraction behaviors do not apply to inertial accelerated bodies. In fact, the stated assumption that the equivalency of gravitational acceleration and inertial acceleration depends upon space free of other influences renders the equivalency principle flawed, which determination extends to using inertial acceleration as a means of establishing mass, in-appropriate. If the mass of an object is to be determined by acceleration, acceleration must be provided by gravitational attraction. Inertia and momentum are legitimate concerns but mass has the very specific purpose of quantifying the energy applied in forming matter.
                  The equivalency principle is a flawed excursion into an assumed unreal state.


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