Friday, April 28, 2017

Energy Forms Fundamental to Creation

Energy Forms Fundamental to Creation
by: Miles Pelton
            Articles on energy in Physic text and reference libraries provided extensive explanation of what energy does, which includes kinetic, potential, chemical, electrical, mechanical, solar, nuclear, heat, light and other functions and effects, but ignore (make no effort to explain) the fundamental energy that causes those functions and effects. There are inferences that such energies exist, but without definition. Merriam Webster with elaborate detail, fails to specifically identify a fundamental cause.
             Regardless of belief, what is said to have been created exists where otherwise it would not have been, which requires recognition that there was a cause. It is not necessary to know the origin or details concerning who, how or why, only that there was a cause. Examination of the processes and principles associated with a fundamental behavior of created matter, carried out by Isaac Newton (and others), documented a cause for a behavior, fundamental to creation. It was called attraction. Newton’s research documented the fact the cause of attraction was inherent in, a component fundamental to, the assembly as matter but did not recognize the cause to be a form of fundamental energy.
 Meanwhile, research by Maxwell, Planck, Einstein and others, documented that certain other particles of energy repel other like charges and that the responsible charges were a component inherent in matter. In this case, the cause was recognized as a form of energy but not as component fundamental to the assembly of matter. Rather, the responsible energy charge was considered a “natural behavior, a natural phenomenon” to be accepted without recognition.
It does not matter that the cause of attraction and repelling forces have not been recognized, they exist and they cause behaviors that are recognized and science’s failure to recognize and explain does not preclude continuation of the caused behaviors.

            Until Physics recognizes the energy fundamental to creation, science (Physics) will continue to spend precious talent and capital chasing mysterious (relativistic) figments of imagination.   

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