Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Elementary (God"s) Particle

The Elementary (God’s) Particle
By: Miles Pelton, 7/6/14


It has been acceptably established by Planck and Einstein that the energy elementary to the creation of matter exists in packets or particles of specific fundamental forms of energy with a quantum or single unit intensity. It has also been acceptably established that the quantum energy particles produce attraction and repelling forces plus other fundamental effects including heat, light and electro-magnetic effects and are inherent in the most fundamental forms of matter. The existence of an elementary particle has not been confirmed.


            Scientific research has established that in the process of transformation of a neutron to a proton, an electron is ejected and that the ejected electron has a mass that is 1,836th that of a proton. Several points are made obvious in translation. There is a particle elementary to a proton that is 1,836th the size of a proton. It has also been established that electrons have one unit (a quantum unit) of an electrical charge causing electrons to repel other electrons and to be attracted by protons.

              Protons are the smallest assembly of matter that is stable, they are the building block of all more complex assemblies of matter and while their attraction of electrons is the force that binds the assembly of atoms, protons repel strongly other protons. As a consequence of this behavior it was concluded that the energy charge on electrons is opposite the energy charge of protons. However, consideration of other factors supports the argument that those conclusions were flawed.
              The term “charge” has been accepted by the scientific community without definition and must be recognizes as energy with the power to do work. Also, the conclusion regarding protons attract electrons because they are opposite “charge” was accepted without consideration for the fact that if in fact opposite charge, the charges would be annihilated without inter mediating mechanism. Those who derived the conclusions regarding the charges inherent in basic physics also failed to explain gravitational attraction where matter attracts matter or to recognize there is a plausible concept that fully explains the behavior fundamental to the creation of matter.
              In this counter explanation “charge” is recognized as energy where quantum attraction energy attracts attraction energy, quantum repelling energy repels repelling energy and a here-to-fore unrecognized form of energy mediates/interacts to establish an attraction (affinity) between the attraction and repelling energy charges. Recognize that it is the attraction for attraction that produces gravitational attraction. That the repelling energy charge is the quantum electromagnetic charge. That it is the affinity energy charge that produces the attraction of electrons by protons.  (Each of these energy forms are instruments in producing other forces and effects as well.) It should be noted that the here-to-fore unrecognized affinity energy is not something new. It is the energy that powers what is now accepted and called “difference” of electrical potential”. This counter explanation is proven by the same scientific research that supported current beliefs but provides explanation for processes not now explained.
              Failure to establish the existence of elementary particles is also explainable. Recognize that the three fundamental energy charges exist as a composite particle whose charges balance out in the same manner as color confinement make quarks undetectable. There is reason to believe that elementary particle are in fact quantum photons.

              This counter explanation not only provides a complete explanation for fundamental physics principles but makes known processes and principles here-to-fore hidden by flawed conclusions.             

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