Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Photons Radiate

Why Photons Radiate
By: Miles Pelton, 10/8/14
            For centuries physicists have searched unsuccessfully to uncover the mysteries surrounding the origin of the universe. Part of the reason for failure has been rejection of any possible inference of a divine creator, which has succeeded in concealing evidence that would bring clarification.
            The conclusions documented have been drawn from reasoned consideration of the behavior that would be required to produce the observed effects and do not clarify origin and do not attempt to prove except through explanation of processes that would produce the observed behavior.

            After all is said and done it is the form and origin of the energy to produce matter that must be explained if the processes are to be understood. It is reasoned that the energy involved in the creation of matter be supplied with absolutely precisely sustained intensity and behavior and in a form that is elementary to all things. Recognizing the immense distances involved the question arises as to how energy can be reliably distributed throughout the universe. The best response is that the “charge” of energy inherent in matter is sustained by a ubiquitous “charge” that exists throughout the universe as does Cosmic Background Radiation.
            Evidence abounds to establish that repelling and attracting forces exist even in elementary particles of matter. The force of gravitational attraction supports the argument that one form of elementary energy powers the attraction of attraction energy charges by other like attraction energy charges. The repelling force as exists between electrons and between protons argues that a second form of elementary energy powers the repelling of repelling charges by other like repelling charges. The attraction of electrons, with a repelling charge, by protons, with a predominant attraction charge, argues that a third form of elementary energy exists. One that mediates the attraction of repelling energy charges by attraction energy charges as is found producing difference of electrical potential (voltage or electro motive force).
            Considering the behavior of the three forms of elementary energy brings recognition that they would join to form composite energy particles with one unit of each form of energy in each particle followed by recognition that such an energy particle, photons, do in fact exist with a wide range of energy intensities. With one unit of each form of energy the resulting particle matches the description of elementary or quantum particles.
Except for elementary particles that self-assemble, photons are assembled by protons or assemblies of protons as in the nucleus of an atom. The charge intensity of a photon is set by the number of charge units involved in producing the photon. For example; one proton, such as a hydrogen atom, is made of 1,836 elementary particles. Therefore, photons produced by a hydrogen atom have an intensity of 1,836 units while a photon produced by a helium atom with two protons have an intensity of 3,672 units. Photons are released to radiate when the bond of which a part is fractured as occurs when electrons pass from atom to atom of a tungsten wire light bulb filament. That raises the question, why?
            Photons are unique. They are fundamental energy, not force, not potential or kinetic energy, not acceleration, not matter, not mass, just fundamental energy. Each is a point source of the three forms of energy. A point source is a singularity where the unlimited supply of energy acts instantaneously unlike non-singularity energy acts at the speed of light. Therefore, fundamental energy exists in singularity form. Each photon is a singularity point source of fundamental energy. That is why upon impact with matter, radiating photons rupture and the energies of which made radiate an energy field from the point of rupture.
            The term radiate needs explanation. When a photon is released from a ruptured atomic bond the energy that was being expended to form the bond is released and sets up an energy field that decreases in intensity as the square of the distance from the point of release. The intact photons that are released are carried by the energy field. Because the field strength decreases at a regular rate the photons travel at that rate, the speed of light. The radiating photons remain intact until they impact pigmented material and their intensity is sustained by the ubiquitous charge field through which they travel. Intact photons do not produce illumination.
            When radiating photons impact pigmented matter the energy of which made is deposited upon the object. The attraction energy is taken up (absorbed) by the atom upon which they impacted producing the effect called heat. The affinity charge of the impacting photons establish a connection between the released repelling charges and the attraction charge of the outer orbit of the surface atoms of the host object and energy fields are established. The energy fields thus established expand to the limits set by the inverse distance squared rule to make the object visible or until they impact matter. When the expanding energy field impacts matter a new connection is established with the new host and that energy field expands to convey the image of that object. The process described constitutes the process currently explained as light reflection and continues until the available intensity is exhausted.  
            There is an explanation for the behavior of photons and when explained clearly demonstrates that there is a difference between radiating photons and the radiating energy fields that produce illumination and vision.


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