Thursday, February 27, 2014

Introduction to Creation Physics

Introduction to Creation Physics
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014

            Rational reasoning drives the conclusion that the fundamentals of physics are inherent in the processes involved in the creation of what is known as the Universe where nothing previously existed. Based on evidence that matter now existing is made of quantum energy particles, rational reasoning also drives the conclusion that a source exists from which came the energy to make and sustain all things. On that basis rational reasoning concludes that all knowledge is inherent in and has been learned through observation and study of the processes involved in the creation and the behavior of that which exists.
            The understanding set out by this effort grew from consideration of the results of the observations and conclusions conducted and recorded when approached from a different perspective than has been applied in the development of current beliefs. Current beliefs relating to the processes of creation were developed from the perspective that the energy involved in the creation and sustenance of creation is inherent in the matter that was created but without an explanation for how the matter and inherent energy came to exist. Rational reasoning concludes that a source of energy is a prerequisite to the formation of matter and the energy inherent in matter. With consideration for evidence that matter is assembled quantum particles of energy, rational reasoning concludes that the quantum particles of energy must have existed before there was matter.  In the vernacular of rational reasoning, a case of putting the horse before the cart. Therefore, that conclusion sets the perspective for the conclusions drawn in reconsideration of the results of recorded observations and study as expressed herein.
            Rational reasoning concludes that to achieve order in creating matter the elementary energy particles would need to be absolutely identical in all aspects with precise behavior characteristics capable of producing self-assemble leading to the formation of the various materials capable of achieving variation in creation. Those requisites left only one possibility. Each particle would need to attract other particles but each particle would need to oppose the attraction of other particles so as to create a physical presence. So each elementary particle would need to possess the ability to attract and repel each other but in order to assemble attracting and repelling energy charges in a single particle a third form of energy would be needed. The third form of energy would need to bond the attracting and repelling energy charges to form a composite particle. With that combination of force producing charges, the composite elementary particles would self-assemble.
            Recognizing that the attracting energy component inherent in elementary particles creates in each assembly, a center of gravity that radiates from that point to establish an energy field led to the realization that the intensity of the energy field established by each center of gravity decreases as the distance from the source increases. That results in a reduction in force produced by a center of gravity inversely proportional to the distance over which acting, squared. As it turns out, it is that behavior phenomena that regulates how the assembly of matter is controled and that is the fundamental intelligence that is inherent in the concept of elementary particle creation.
            Given those parameters, rational reasoning concludes that to achieve success in creating matter the charges producing the forces to attract, repel and bond must be sustained. Since the universe encompasses an enormous area, the means of distributing without delay the energy to sustain the charge on elementary particles would be needed. Considering the current belief that matter was distributed throughout the universe by a “big bang” from the perspective of elementary particles drives consideration for an alternative theory. Consider, as recognized with the “big bang” theory that, if all of the energy charges fundamental to making elementary particles existed as a singularity, the instant they were given power they would expand and spread ubiquitously throughout the universe in response to their interacting forces. Then consider that the Cosmic Background Radiation that is spread ubiquitously throughout the universe and thought to be heat residue of the “big bang” is instead the charge that sustains the power of elementary particles.      

            Rational reasoning is not unlike the processes applied by early Physicists such as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and many others and called a priori reasoning. This effort is not intended as “scientific proof” but rather to offer an explanation for observation and conclusions regarding fundamental phyics from a different perspective. Concepts applied in attempting to understand and explain the processes of creation have no effect on the processes of creation. Concepts effect what is believed and therefore understanding of the creation processes and that impacts the effectiveness of the knowledge gained through the attempt to understand. From that regard, the anti-fundamental physics mindset of the current community of physicists is counter-productive to gaining understanding of the processes involved in the physics of creation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Global Warming

By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
                New windows of understanding open with realization that heat is an effect caused by the behavior of a form of fundamental energy that is carried by photons. Photons are released to radiation when the lines of force that bind matter are ruptured as occurs for example in the process of combustion and the reactions that produce sunlight. Radiating photons are ruptured upon impact with pigmented matter where the released energy produces illumination, sometimes hidden from view, and the effect called heat.
Understanding the processes involved in producing heat and the effect heat has especially on water and the “greenhouse gases” associated with global warming exposes the true facts regarding the cause of global warming. When the energy that produces heat is taken-up by matter the atoms of which the matter is made expands. Matter becomes less dense and density determines which elements can exist in the atmosphere. Water and carbon dioxide exist in the atmosphere solely because they can take-up a lot of the energy that produces heat whereby their density allows them to compete for existence in the atmosphere. The theory is that “greenhouse gases” contribute to global warming because they trap heat and they block the radiation (escape) of heat from the earth thereby causing “global warming”.
Neither water nor carbon dioxide, by their actions, produce heat. They will release heat energy they have taken-up but they do not produce heat energy. They exist in the atmosphere solely because they have taken up heat. They may even take up heat from the other elements in the atmosphere and they release heat they have taken up at lower altitudes, to other elements when they rise to the cooler upper air and to the oceans that are nature’s giant “heat sink”. They are an instrument in nature’s global temperature regulating process.
With understanding of heat comes realization that the earth’s magnetic force field is there exists a far more effective container of heat than is “greenhouse gases”. It has been established, as shown by the accompanying illustration, that the earth’s magnetic force field blocks the passage of solar wind which is radiating heat energy particles. Magnetic force fields are also used at a number of test locations around the world to contain the heat and pressure of nuclear reactions. Also, magnetic force fields play a vital role in containing the heat produced by our sun. Blowouts of heat seen as solar flares occur when a retaining magnetic force field fails under extreme pressure. The point being made is that, while magnetic force fields have the capacity to contain heat and the energy that produces heat, that capability has not been recognized when considering the cause of global warming.
By current theory, heat and “greenhouse gasses”, primarily carbon dioxide, released by the behavior of humans is responsible for global warming. First realize that far more heat producing energy is deposited into the earth’s environment by sunlight than all other sources combined. It is only necessary to note the rapid increase and the magnitude of increase in heat after sunrise to recognize that fact. Sunlight passes through the earth’s magnetic force field only to deposit the heat energy carried by the photons that constitute sunlight inside the earth’s magnetic force field where it cannot escape.
The power and processes involved in heat retaining by magnetic fields is illustrated with the help of accompanying illustrations. The Tokamak nuclear reactor containment system is shown by the illustration on the left. The earth’s magnetic force field by the illustration on the right. In both illustrations the area of heat containment is shaded. Note that the earth’s magnetic force field forms to confine “global warming” within about 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south just as the nuclear reactor confines the heat of fusion and sunlight is the primary heat contributor to that are. It is also of interest to note that while the earth’s magnetic field obstructs traverse attraction of heat energy by the earth’s center of gravity, the path along the axis is unobstructed to the core of the earth allowing attraction of heat producing energy from the region at the earth’s poles, which would account for the colder temperature of those regions.
Another factor not taken into consideration by current “global warming” theory is proven by science and firsthand experience. Heat cannot travel through a vacuum. The energy that produces heat can as a component of a photon but very little of the heat released on earth is in that form. Heat requires the existence of matter to move from place to place and the earth is surrounded by a rather matter free vacuum. Even the upper atmosphere is a poor medium for heat transfer but clouds and carbon dioxide are relatively good transmitters of heat. Therefore; “greenhouse gases” are not anyway close to being responsible for the entrapment of heat. It should be apparent that the Earth’s magnetic force field rather than “greenhouse gases” and the vacuum surrounding the earth are the principle factor in the phenomenon called “Global Warming.” In fact, to the contrary, “greenhouse gasses” are instruments in nature’s temperature regulation system. The information presented is hidden by beliefs formed by obedience to the conservation of energy law.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Creation Physics Fundamentals

Creation Physics Fundamentals
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014

            Rational reasoning drives the conclusion that the fundamentals of physics are inherent in the processes involved in the creation of what is known as the Universe where nothing previously existed. Rational reasoning also drives the conclusion that a reason and cause of creation can never be conclusively proven leaving that aspect to be accepted because the universe exists and functions. Therefore; since the Universe was created where nothing existed it must be recognized that a source exists from which came the energy to make and sustain all things and that all knowledge is inherent in, was developed by, and has been learned by study of the processes involved in the creation and the behavior of that which was made to exist.
            The understanding set out by this effort grew from observation and analysis of natural behavior in consideration of known physics principles of behavior and by extrapolating to establish how the observed behavior of yet unproven fundamentals could be produced. This is not unlike the processes applied by early Physicists such as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton,       Einstein and many others. This effort is not intended as “scientific proof” but rather to offer an explanation that accounts for observation driven conclusions drawn over the years.
            There is one specific difference between the reasoning applied by fundamental physics than is applied under current physics processes. Current physics reasoning is based upon a concept driven by the Law of Energy Conservation where it is believed that mass is convertible to energy. Fundamental physics reasoning stems from the concept that all that exists in the universe is made of and is powered through absolutely identical three component energy particles spread ubiquitously throughout the universe when charged with the power to function. With the fundamental physics concept energy particles form matter (not mass) that in the process of assembly acquires a physical presence current physics calls mass. Therefore, when matter is disassembled as in combustion or fission, it is the energy applied to bind assemblies made of energy particles that is released. There is no conversion and no conservation involved.
            Concepts applied in attempting to understand and explain the processes of creation have no effect on the processes of creation. Concepts effect what is believed and therefore understanding of the creation processes and that impacts the effectiveness of the knowledge gained through the attempt to understand. From that regard, the anti-fundamental physics mindset of the current community of physicists is counter-productive to gaining understanding of the processes involved in the physics of creation.

Definitions: (in fundamental physics terms)
            Fundamental Energy: The energy charge that gives power to the elementary particles from which the Universe was created and by which all things created are sustained.
            Creation: The progressive assembly of elementary particles that culminated in creating the universe.
            Elementary Particles: A composite assembly of three quantum size energy particles each with distinct, absolute and sustained behavioral characteristics. One that does nothing more than attract other like attraction energy charges. A second that does nothing accept repel other like repelling energy charges. A third that does nothing but establish an affinity bond between the attraction and the repelling charges. It is the affinity form that binds an attraction and a repelling charge to form an elementary particle and which binds repelling charges to encase photons as well as to encase photons to form the lines of force emitted by protons.
            Matter: Assemblies of elementary energy particles, which driven by their inherent behavior produced a physical presence.
            Mass: A unit of measurement corresponding to the number of elementary particles of an assembly of matter. Mass is the magnitude of the force an object applies in attracting or in being attracted by another assembly of matter. After adjustment to compensate for distance from the center of gravity, mass is proportional to the power intensity of an assembly’s center of gravity.
             Unstable Matter: Assemblies of elementary particles that are in an intermediate state and are not stand alone stable. Quarks and Neutrons are in this category. While capable of being incorporated into assemblies that are stable they “self-destruct” in a standalone situation.
            Gravitational Attraction: One of the three fundamental forces (effects) of creation physics produced by the attraction of one attraction charge for another principally when the attraction charges (of elementary particles) exist as components of assembled matter. (Assemblies of elementary particles that are not bound into matter exert gravitational attraction as do assemblies of matter, thinking dark matter.) The attraction power of each charge is definitive, an absolutely precise value therefore, the gravitational power of an assembly is set by the number of elementary particles involved in the assembly. Each assembly of elementary particles acquires a center of gravity with an intensity equal to the number of elementary particles in the assembly. Being the product of a radiated form of energy, the power intensity of an assembly’s center of gravity decreases inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of gravity.
            Singularity: When freed of being bound to repelling charges, attraction charges constrict to exist at a single point as predicted by the Pauli principle. This is the state achieved in the transformation of neutrons to protons and that makes protons unique. An assembly of protons acquires a singularity center with an intensity equal to the number of protons in the assembly. Singularity points and centers of gravity are separate entities. The mass of all elementary particles in an assembly, whether in protons, neutrons or electrons, adds to the center of gravity intensity but only the intensity the elementary particles involved in making a proton adds to its singularity intensity. It is the intensity of the singularity formed in protons that determines the intensity of the energy of the photons that a proton produces. (Recognize that the power intensity of photons produced by a uranium atom would be significantly greater than that of a photon produced by a hydrogen atom for example.)
            Electrolyte: A compound where the state of ionization of constituent atoms can be readily alter usually by the application of an electrical potential.
            Electricity: The movement of electron charges from atom to atom, usually along an insulated isolated conductor (wire), in response to the application of a difference of electrical potential (voltage).
            Lines of Magnetic Force: Created by protons from the energy charges inherent in the elementary particles of which made and emitted by the singularity centers of protons and assemblies of protons primarily to bind the quarks in neutrons and other protons to form atoms and molecules. Lines of Magnetic Force or Lines of Force (LOF) consist of a line of streaming photons (attraction energy particles encased by repelling energy charges bonded with affinity energy charges assembled by the behavior of protons) that are encased in the process of emission by protons, by repelling energy charges that are bound to the photons by affinity energy charges. Because protons spin in the manner of an electric motor, the encasing repelling energy charges spiral and because LOF are frangible the encased photons are released when LOF are broken. Released photons radiate from the point of release and travel until stopped upon impact with pigmented matter.
            Heat Energy: The fundamental attraction energy charges inherent in photons that are released upon impact with pigmented matter. The released attraction energy is taken-up by the atoms of the material upon which photons impact, producing the effect called heat.
            Light Energy: The fundamental affinity (bonding) energy charges released following photon impact with pigmented matter. Lesser concentrations produce illumination. Greater concentrations produce a glow as with the flame of a candle.
            Electric Energy: The energy, whose intensity is usually designated a voltage, created by the fundamental repelling charges released when isolated from bonding and attraction energy charges. Electric energy is produced for utilitarian purposes using “generators” to forcibly remove fundamental repelling energy charges from LOF and transfer then to a system of insolated-isolated conductors.
            Magnetic Energy:  The forces produced by LOF. The attraction energy component of the photons in LOF causes the contraction force and the repelling energy component that encases LOF produces the repelling force. The spiraling behavior of the encasing repelling charge imparts a comparable reaction on clouds of ionized water vapor inducing a rotation force.
            Standard Model Particles: For the most part, these are particles of matter and energy of various size and energy intensity produced in the course of elementary particle assembly and usually detectable only following destruction of assembled matter. It is conceded that some particles such as neutrinos may in fact be uncharged or discharged elementary particles or even still, not recognized as elementary particles. The same may be said for the attraction, repelling and affinity charges not encase as photons or elementary particles.
Elementary Particles:
            The rational of Fundamental Physics concludes that the “big bang” involved the ubiquitous distribution of absolutely identical composite particles of three forms of energy charge that are the elemental particle of all creation. Each of the three charges have an absolute behavior characteristic. One charge establishes an attraction for like attraction charges. One charge establishes a repelling force with other like repelling charges. One charge establishes an affinity force that bonds the attraction and repelling charges. The charge detected depends upon the detection method being used.
            The affinity charge bonds the attraction and repelling charge to form Elementary Particles (EP). Matter is created when the attraction charge of one EP forms a bond with the attraction charge in a second EP, which force is opposed when the repelling charges of the two EP act to repel each other. The opposing forces create a physical presence recognized as matter and the charges inherent in the EP imparts the power for the created assemblies to function. The fundamental behavior of assemblies of EP (matter) is the power to attract other EP and the force produced by that action is called gravitational attraction (gravity) and the capability of an assembly of EP to produce gravity is referred to as the mass of the assembly. The intensity of the power to produce gravity is additive in proportion to the number of EP involved in the assembly.
            The concept of an EP has been hidden by the conservation of energy concept that was adopted by the peers of the community of scientists as a basic law of Physics. As a consequence, without an understanding of the concept and behavior involved, the means of identifying the existence of EP has not been established. In fact, there is evidence that neutrinos are EP but are not recognized as such because the concept of EP is not recognized. The concept is also hidden by the distorted concept of the term mass.
             Neutrinos fit the EP criteria on every count. First of all neutrinos are essentially electrons without a charge relationship with protons. Based on their masses electrons and therefore neutrinos are 1/1,836 that of a proton and an electron is ejected when neutrons are transformed into protons. Since the charge on electrons is related to protons it is reasonable to conclude that neutrons are an assembly of neutrinos (EP) that do not have a relationship to a proton and proton charged neutrino, an electron, is ejected in the neutron to proton transformation.
            Even more; three types of neutrinos exist classified as electron neutrinos, tau neutrinos and muon neutrinos with their classification set based upon the charge they carry. Electron neutrinos carry an electron charge and react to Electrons. Tau neutrinos carry a Tau (affinity) charge and react to Tau. Muon neutrinos carry an attraction (gravity) charge and react to Muon. Electrons, Tau and Muon are leptons meaning they are fundamental energy charges that obey the Pauli principle and can exists in an instantaneous acting singularity state where there is no physical presence and no distance. Fundamental Physics has concluded that the fundamental charges incorporated to make EP produce attraction between like attraction charges, repelling between like repelling charges and affinity (bonding) between attraction and repelling charges. Therefore; attraction charges that produce the force called gravity can be detected by their response to gravity. Repelling charges that produce the force involved in electricity can be detected by their response to electricity. (This happens.) Affinity charges that produce the effect called illumination (light) can be detected as producing light. (Tau produce light when they impact matter.) Is it just coincidence that the lepton charges produce the same effect and are of the same intensity as Fundamental Physics concluded involved in making EP?

Processes General (as reasoned):
            The processes involved in fundamental creation actions are self-driven. That is to say, it is the behavior characteristics of the energy inherent in elementary particles that determines their behavior. By attracting the attraction energy component in other elementary particles, elementary particles are drawn together (assembled) while the interaction of repelling energy components opposes contraction thereby creating an assembly of energy particles with physical presence. The reduction in power with distance that is a characteristic inherent in fundamental energy, limits the size and controls the manner of assembly but it is through the growth in the size of assemblies that the power intensity of fundamental energy is multiplied.
            The first “matter” to be self-assembled are quarks whose size and composition is set by the behavior characteristics of the energy inherent in the elementary particles. By deduction from known evidence, each quark is made of 960 elementary particles. As a consequence of their assembly each quark acquires a center of gravity (power to attract) of X960 with which to attract and bond with a second quark, which assembly acquires a X1820 center of gravity with which to attract a third quark to produce a X2780 center of gravity. With that the physical size precludes the attraction of a fourth quark. In the process one of the quarks is constricted to the point that the affinity charge of its elementary particles is pulled together to form a singularity. At that stage of development the assembly is called a neutron.
             As contraction action continues to reduce distances the force produced by the several centers of gravity increases. Eventually an elementary particle in a second quark is squeezed out turning the attracting-repelling battle in favor of the attraction forces and the remaining attraction charges of that assembly are drawn into a singularity with a power intensity of X2780. The resulting assembly with an X2779 center of gravity and a X2780 singularity surrounded by the repelling charges is called a proton.
            Consideration of the described processes involved in the assembly of protons gives insight into the forces involved in nuclei assembly, I. E.: the strong forces. In each proton-neutron combination, the neutron’s quark centers of gravity establishes a bond with each elementary particle in each of the proton’s three quarks (8,340 bonds) and the same for the proton’s quark centers of gravity. (16,680 bonds). The center of gravity of the neutron–proton assembly acquires a center of gravity with a X16,680 and it establishes a bond with each elementary particle in the proton-neutron assembly or 16,680 bonds for a total of 33,360 gravity bonds.  The assembly described is a hydrogen atom with one proton and one neutron.
            The complexity and strength of bonds increase with each additional proton. The two proton helium atom has two proton-neutron assemblies (33,360 bonds) that creates a X33,360 intensity center of gravity plus two X2,780 singularities and the assembly acquires a X5,560 singularity. Each X2,780 singularity establishes a bond with the other plus the helium atom assembly X5,560 singularity  forms bonds with all protons to the extent of its power.
            The energy expended to produce the force to maintain each bond is acquired from the elementary particles of which made with the amount of energy expended in each case determined by the intensity of the center of gravity or singularity adjusted for the distance involved in each case. When the LOF that formed a bond breaks the encased photons radiate from that point as long as the bond remains open. In many cases the failure of one bond precipitates the failure of all associated bonds producing a chain reaction called combustion or even a nuclear explosion.
            As is obvious by the fact that no atom exists without a proton and that protons are the determining factor in atom behavior, protons are, following elementary particles, the principle component of creation physics. Further, as explained in their definition, proton behavior controls all subsequent assembly. It is tantamount to saying that using the behavior inherent in the fundamental energy charges in elementary particles, the intelligence that controls subsequent assembly (progressive development or evolution) is imparted to the behavior of protons and their LOF emission.

Process of Heat:
            Upon impact with pigmented matter the attraction energy carried by radiating photons is deposited on the atoms of that material. Responding to the behavior characteristics of fundamental attraction energy the deposited attraction energy is attracted by the center of gravity of the atom projecting the highest attraction intensity. As a consequence the intensity of the acquiring center of gravity is reduced by a comparable amount, which in turn reduces the force available for bonding. As the force of bonds is reduced the involved atom expands and eventually with added photon residue, bonds break. When bonds break photons of energy are released and the amount of residue attraction energy increases causing further heating to the point where combustion, even explosion may occur. The residue attraction energy that produces the effect called heat will move to the most intense attraction, which in a given piece of matter is the centers of gravity whose attraction intensity has not been reduced from taking up the heat producing energy. In other words, the heat producing energy moves from a hotter to a colder atom. The process is the same whether the bonds are broken by combustion, fission or severe physical force as produced by gravity.

Process of Light:
            Upon impact with pigmented matter the energy charges of which photons are made are freed and the affinity component that is visible to media sensitive to its characteristics is spread over the object upon which the photons are impacting. It is the intensity of the affinity component energy that translates to the color produced by affinity energy. Higher intensity is shorter wave length which is perceived to be black. Lower intensity is longer wave length and perceived as red. When the affinity energy is spread over the impacted object it binds to the attraction energy that is powering the bond of the outer orbiting electron to its center of gravity. As a consequence the affinity energy has taken up with and reflects the intensity of energy forming those bonds and thereby the color, the shape and the type of that material.
            When the concentration of the affinity energy is sufficient it is seen as a glow as in the glow of a candle flame or of the plasma of the sun. The intensity of their visibility is in proportion to their concentration. Lesser quantities produce varying degrees of illumination. Each fundamental particle of affinity energy expires with a flash so continued illumination requires a continuing supply of photons. When the affinity energy component is released from photons they bond to the attraction charge radiated by the center of gravity of the atom upon which situated, therefore their intensity is a reflection of the energy that is powering the bonding of the surface atoms. In that manner, the affinity energy signature of the matter they illuminate is reflected in the intensity of the light produced by the affinity energy that is seen by light sensitive material whether the retina of the eye or photograph recording material. The various intensities of the affinity energy cause vision sensing media to record a specific color and as a consequence, the object illuminated.

Electromagnetic energy:
            The repelling component of elementary particles is commonly known as the electron charge. When released from photons the electron charge dissipates in radiation. Some is taken up by the material upon which impacted producing ionization. The primary role of electron charges is to repel the attraction force in the formation of matter. Their “second generation” role is multi-faceted. First they incase the streaming photons in the formation of lines of force (LOF) where they produce the repelling force between LOF. The repelling electron charges are transferred to insulated isolated conductors by the action of electric generators (and electrolytes) to produce electric power. They are the principle mechanism in chemical and biological actions and are the agent that produces the electro-magnetic radiation common to radio and radar systems as well as numerous other phenomena.

The giver of life:
            It is the energy inherent and sustained in the elementary particles that give the power to all things to function and that includes plant and animal life. As the complexity of matter progressively increases so too the behavior of energy. Plant and animal life depends upon the function of organs that are simply complex assemblies of elementary particles first as atoms then molecules until the assemblies needed to produce life sustaining organs are produced. First simple DNA, then simple things like tissue and muscle fiber, then simple cells, then complex cells, then simple organs, the complex organs, then complex assemblies of organs. At the end, even the most sophisticated life with sophisticated intelligence is nothing more than an assembly of elementary particles whose power to function is sustained absolute behavior. In the whole process there are only three uncertainties; where does the fundamental energy incorporated into and supplied through elementary particles come from; where did the intelligence to produce DNA come from; and what is the mechanism involved with extrasensory messaging and miracles.

The soul:
            Made of energy, each assembly and assembly of assemblies creates an energy field that is unique to that assembly, a unique signature that embodies each elementary particle and every charge, even those that create memory. And, unlike matter, energy is never destroyed. Throughout history there are records of the existence of souls and spirits which substantiates belief in “beings” of energy. Just one of the phenomena that may never be believed but never “proven”.

The charge that powers fundamental energy.

            The charge that sustains the power to the three forms of fundamental energy deserves some attempted explanation although doubtful a source can ever be proven. Current physics theory accepts matters such as “the big bang” without attempting to explain where the energy to produce such a big bang came from and they accept the concept of conservation of energy without attempting to explain where the energy to start and grow the process came from. Current physics also believes that Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) is heat residue from the big bang when there would not have been anything to combust to produce an explosion. Further, there is no proof that the CBR is heat especially since current physics does not recognize the existence of a form of energy that produces heat. There is a plausible explanation for CBR especially since it exist ubiquitously throughout the universe. The fundamental energy charges that make the elementary particles need to be sustained and CBR fits the role perfectly. That should be provable with a little effort now that the supporting theory has been developed. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Making a Case For Elementary Particles

Making a Case for Elementary Particles
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014

            The rational of Fundamental Physics concludes that the “big bang” involved the ubiquitous distribution of absolutely identical composite particles of three forms of energy charge that are the elemental particle of all creation. Each of the three charges have an absolute behavior characteristic. One charge establishes an attraction for like attraction charges. One charge establishes a repelling force with other like repelling charges. One charge establishes an affinity force that bonds the attraction and repelling charges. The charge detected depends upon the detection method being used.
            The affinity charge bonds the attraction and repelling charge to form Elementary Particles (EP). Matter is created when the attraction charge of one EP forms a bond with the attraction charge in a second EP, which force is opposed when the repelling charges of the two EP act to repel each other. The opposing forces create a physical presence recognized as matter and the charges inherent in the EP imparts the power for the created assemblies to function. The fundamental behavior of assemblies of EP (matter) is the power to attract other EP and the force produced by that action is called gravitational attraction (gravity) and the capability of an assembly of EP to produce gravity is referred to as the mass of the assembly. The intensity of the power to produce gravity is additive in proportion to the number of EP involved in the assembly.
            The concept of an EP has been hidden by the conservation of energy concept that was adopted by the peers of the community of scientists as a basic law of Physics. As a consequence, without an understanding of the concept and behavior involved, the means of identifying the existence of EP has not been established. In fact, there is evidence that neutrinos are EP but are not recognized as such because the concept of EP is not recognized. The concept is also hidden by the distorted concept of the term mass.
             Neutrinos fit the EP criteria on every count. First of all neutrinos are essentially electrons without a charge relationship with protons. Based on their masses electrons and therefore neutrinos are 1/1,836 that of a proton and an electron is ejected when neutrons are transformed into protons. Since the charge on electrons is related to protons it is reasonable to conclude that neutrons are an assembly of neutrinos (EP) that do not have a relationship to a proton and proton charged neutrino, an electron, is ejected in the neutron to proton transformation.
            Even more; three types of neutrinos exist classified as electron neutrinos, tau neutrinos and muon neutrinos with their classification set based upon the charge they carry. Electron neutrinos carry an electron charge and react to Electrons. Tau neutrinos carry a Tau (affinity) charge and react to Tau. Muon neutrinos carry an attraction (gravity) charge and react to Muon. Electrons, Tau and Muon are leptons meaning they are fundamental energy charges that obey the Pauli principle and can exists in an instantaneous acting singularity state where there is no physical presence and no distance. Fundamental Physics has concluded that the fundamental charges incorporated to make EP produce attraction between like attraction charges, repelling between like repelling charges and affinity (bonding) between attraction and repelling charges. Therefore; attraction charges that produce the force called gravity can be detected by their response to gravity. Repelling charges that produce the force involved in electricity can be detected by their response to electricity. (This happens.) Affinity charges that produce the effect called illumination (light) can be detected as producing light. (Tau produce light when they impact matter.) Is it just coincidence that the lepton charges produce the same effect and are of the same intensity as Fundamental Physics concluded involved in making EP?

            It appears that the concept of elementary particles is precisely the way fundamental creation physics truly works and denial by the community of scientific peers who strive to control beliefs relating to physics doesn’t change the way things work in the real world.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

An unwitting conspiracy or work of Satan?

 The Unwitting Conspiracy
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
          Most concepts, understanding and beliefs relative to Physics have evolved over time except for the conservation of energy concept set as law at the dawn of the modern physics era, which in Physics means it is accepted without question.  Essentially the Law says that in an isolated system, the amount of energy remains constant. Energy can be changed in form or location but can neither be created nor destroyed. Of course the key word in the original Law was “in an isolated system”. The Law failed to clearly define the term “isolated system” and it failed to explain where the energy in an isolated system came from in the first place. One thing is for sure, there is nothing isolated inside the universe. Those pertinent factors were completely ignored. The Law does accept that energy, the power to do work, is “inherent in” matter and available for use directly or through conversion to another form.
          There are several big gapping flaws in the conservation of energy concept. First, energy was expended to produce isolated systems to start with, at which time there was no “matter” to convert to energy and energy has been expended to sustain the behavior of its components over the lifetime of the system. Second, matter is not some unique material that can be converted to make energy. Matter is made of energy particles with behavior characteristics that when assembled produce a physical presence but they are still assembled particles of energy AND: they expend energy to produce the force needed to create and sustain physical presence. There is no magical material to convert to energy. The energy released when “matter” is “converted” (as in combustion) is the energy that was being expended to create the assembly with physical presence AND: once released “as in combustion or other chemical action” the energy is no longer available to build other assemblies. Energy released when “matter” undergoes combustion is expended to create heat and light.
          The concept of conservation of energy became the basis for other subsequent physics principles and laws most notably in the work of Newton and Einstein and the “discovery” of “atomic and nuclear energy”. The original concept stated as applicable to isolated systems is now deliberately ignored and the concept twisted to the point that it is now believed that force and effects are energy without consideration for the fact that energy is expended to produce force and effect. Those beliefs are so strongly and blindly accepted to the point of inclusion in textbooks throughout academia to the point of excluding consideration of alternative concepts. The conservation of energy concept embodied in the infamous E=Mc^ squared equation has unwittingly become a conspiracy to control the mind of man with anti-creation anti-religious connotation.
          The conclusion that motion, or effects, produces force is easily demonstrated and is not argued. However; when such conclusion excludes the obvious fact that energy had to have been expended to produce the motion or effect, the conclusion is defective as is the original conclusion that accepted without question that the energy to do work is inherent in matter. It is precisely that point that is being argued. Energy was expended to create and energy is expended to sustain the power inherent in matter. It is that energy fundamental to creation that conveys to matter the power to produce force and effect AND: to create assemblies of energy particles that have a physical presence prompting their designation as matter.
          There are two glaring examples showing the magnitude of distortion caused by the current beliefs. Foremost; it is now claimed that gravity is a reaction to something called “warped space-time” rather than a force produced by a fundamental energy. A second example that demonstrates the seriousness of this “unwitting conspiracy” occurred recently while trying to interact with a claimed Physicist following a statement that the sun generated the energy it displays. There is no argument that a lot of energy is displayed by a sun but such a statement is glaringly misleading when in fact every single quantum of energy existing on/in the sun is supplied through elementary particles that make the “matter” of which the sun is made. Further, it is obvious that the energy released by the behavior of the sun is radiated away as light, heat, magnetic force, solar wind and a multitude of other forces and effects. Of all things, the sun’s serves as an example of how energy is supplied through the elementary particles of which they are made.

          This unwitting conspiracy may seem as insignificant however, comprehension of gravity, the sun’s behavior or any other behavior, is impossible if the cause of behavior is not identified. Further, we are unwittingly teaching beliefs that can only lead to an inability to understand Physics including the processes by which we and the universe came to exist. Some insight into the damage done can be exacted by consideration of the time, talent and financial cost that has been expended in developing a system of mathematics and in research based upon the unwittingly faulty premise of “Conservation of Energy” and that motion is the energy fundamental to cause.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Misdirected talent and capital.

  Does Fusion Produce Energy?
 By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
            Another article posted on Facebook renews attention to the continuing effort to use fusion reaction to produce energy as a “generator” of energy in the manner of nuclear reactors. These efforts have been ongoing since the first hydrogen bomb produced a more powerful explosion than did atomic (fission) bombs. The current belief, supported by the success of the hydrogen bomb, is that fusion reactions produce energy. In fact, the current belief is that it is a continuing fusion reaction that powers the sun. Calculations based upon data published as the Periodic Table of the Elements have been used to explain the “mechanics” involved. That conclusion defies “common sense” logic.
            The data documented in the Periodic Table of the Elements, recognized as of questionable accuracy, shows that the energy involved in forming the elements increases in proportion to the number of components bonded to form the element’s atom. Clearly, the energy contribution to the formation of atoms increases as the size (number of protons and neutrons) increases because there are more bonds involved as the number of components bonded increases. Therefore, it takes an input of energy to transform hydrogen atoms (one or no low energy bonds) to helium atoms (four high energy bonds) yet the current belief is that energy is “generated” by that reaction.             There are two misconceptions driving that belief that are driven by the belief that mathematics is a better instrument for proving matters of science than is logic.
            Look first at why the hydrogen bomb and the sun’s theorized processes are “successful”. With a hydrogen bomb, a fission bomb is used to subject hydrogen to extreme pressure and temperature producing the fusion of hydrogen atoms (each one proton, some forms with a neutron) into helium atoms that are made of two protons and two neutrons. The helium is then destroyed releasing through fission reaction the energy it took to produce their fusion plus the energy in the bonds of the hydrogen part of the bomb. Logical reasoning leads to the conclusion that the combined action produced a more powerful explosion but not because the fusion reaction released energy.
            The sun’s process is similar. Fission is the principle reaction in the sun with the end product a plasma which is rich in disassociated protons, which as happened in the hydrogen bomb (heated hydrogen is disassociated protons), some are fused into helium. But the helium is then destroyed by fission adding to the energy release. Theoretically, that process could go on forever as long as the required pressure and temperature were maintained within limits.
            Those who subscribe to the belief that fusion “generates” energy use mathematics to manipulate the Periodic Table of the Elements comprising data of questionable accuracy to develop proof. Using the periodic table data, the atomic weight of a helium atom is less than the atomic weight derived by adding the weight of the individual components. Because of the inaccuracies inherent in the claimed atomic weights their claim appears to be supported when the difference in atomic weights is converted to energy units using the E=Mc^ squared  equation whose accuracy is also unproven. It is important to recognize that it is the energy involved in creating atomic bonding that is involved not any conversion of matter (protons and neutrons) to energy.

            In fission as in combustion it is the energy that bonded the components of atoms that is released, not the conversion of protons and neutrons to energy. That is another misconception driven by the distorted definition of mass. Mass by current definition does not equated to matter.

The Beginning

A Message Not a Theory
By: Miles Pelton
October 2013

            Physics is the study of the energy and forces involved in creation, don’t argue. Either creation began with nothing or else there is neither creation nor physics. Creation has been studied since the beginning of intelligence. Even animals studied and learned from studying creation. Knowing what is known today drives the conclusion that creation began with an enormous quantity of absolutely alike elementary particles with which to begin building and that of necessity would require each particle have the power to function and a continuing supply of energy to sustain the power to function. This is a conclusion derived through reasoning, its proof is in the existing universe.

Elementary particles:
            First, it takes an elementary particle with which to build an entire universe and there can be only one type elementary particle. The basic requisite is these particles must be absolutely alike in presence and behavior with their behavior set and sustained by a source of power, a system for power distribution, and behavior likewise absolutely precise, reliable and self-directing (I.E.: intelligent). Modern physics does not recognize or give appropriate credence to these requisites especially to their being a one and only elementary particle, an absolute and especially that they are the carrier and distribution mechanism for the energy that powers the universe. Failure to recognition this absolute is responsible for the development of conclusions and beliefs that are defective and fail to explain the processes involved in creation.
             Massive documented evidence has concluded that virtual elementary particles are involved in creation and that each elementary particle has three energy components but they have not been conclusively explained nor recognized as being the elementary particle. However, since they must self-assemble, it is concluded through reasoning that each elementary particle must possess an attraction component that attracts other attracting energy components, a repelling component that repels other repelling components, and an affinity component interacting between attracting and repelling components.
            Together the three energy components make an elementary particle. The existence of these three components has been concluded through observation of behavior. The means to measure and detect by instruments has not been developed since these forms of energy are elementary with no electrical relationship. Each of these energy components perform specific functions. It is from the energy supply sustained on each elementary particle that energy is supplied to power all functions throughout the universe.
            Foremost is the attraction component that produces the gravitational attraction force needed for binding other elementary particles into more complex building material. The attraction component acts by attracting other like attraction charges deposited on other elementary particles. This component is additive in that assemblies of elementary particles acquire a center of gravity with an attraction energy component intensity equal to the number of particles assembled. It is the intensity of attraction intensity that translates to being the mass of an assembly. After transformation by the behavior of protons, the attraction energy component is also involved with powering light, heat, electric power and vision.
            A second component produces a repelling force that acts on the repelling force charge of other elemental particles. By that action, elementary particles remain independent thereby resulting in their assembly with physical presence. It is that action that results in the formation of particles with physical presence and mass. This absolute requisite is obvious but is not specifically recognized by current physics principles. There is unconfirmed evidence that it is the charge that produces repelling force between particles that is transformed by protons to form the encasement for lines of magnetic force and thereby magnetic force and that it is the charged that encase lines of force that are segregated onto an isolated, insulated system of conductors to produce electrical energy. The significance of this evidence is hidden from the minds of physicists because an anti-creation mindset.
            The third energy component produces an affinity between the attraction charge and the repelling charge. It is this charge that causes the repelling charges to be attracted to and encapsulate attraction charges that is a vital function in fundamental physics. It is this charge that unites the three charges to form elementary particles. It is this charge that binds the repelling charge to encase photons in forming lines of force. There is evidence this charge is the component of elementary energy that is visible and thereby powers vision. There is evidence that it is this charge that when isolated on to a system of insulated conductors powers electricity and electromagnetic functions. It is the anti-creation mindset that is hiding these conclusions from proper consideration.

Gravitational Attraction
            Gravitation is the elementary force of creation therefore physics. It is an absolute produced by the elementary energy that powers elemental particles and thereby, all the universe. It is the absolute force of gravitational attraction that translates to mass, likewise an absolute. This statement pin points two egregious mistaken beliefs. The attraction force produced by each elemental particle is the fundamental force of gravitational attraction and of mass. This is not to say that a body does not acquire additional energy from other causes but mass is mass and must be treated as an absolute and gravitational attraction is an absolute and must be treated as an absolute. Other forces should be considered separately. Failure to recognize these absolutes introduced errors in the conclusions drawn by Newton and Einstein. The specifics of the Newton, Einstein conclusion errors speak for themselves when considered against the absolutes as outlined.

Conservation of Energy:
            This belief was adopted as a fundamental law of physics in the early days of modern physics before the fundamentals as known today were available for consideration, especially the atomic theory of matter. The fundamental belief espoused by the conservation of energy law maintains essentially that the energy released when matter decomposes is produced by the conversion of mass to energy and that the energy that powers the functioning of matter is the product of a kinetic energy produced by the continued motion of particles, atoms and molecules, and the energy to assemble matter is derived by the conversion of mass.. Empirical proof of those beliefs was not provided then and cannot be provided now. They are not valid principles and are continued and supported without questioning. Consideration of other options is not allowed by the community of physicists even to the extent that the subject is banned in the public schools of America and by the physics peers.
            Basically, current theory says that the energy released by the decay and destruction of matter constitutes the conversion of mass when in fact the energy released is the energy that bound the particles that formed the mass.  Real absolute mass, the elementary particles where not destroyed or converted. All that was done was the release of energy that formed the bond. Energy that was/is being supplied through the elementary particles of which the destroyed matter is made. 

            There is nothing to be gained by engaging in point by point bantering. It is up to the physics community to recognize and modify the espoused principles that are responsible for the erroneous application of fundamental physics. This is not a presentation of alternate physics theory, it is a presentation of the facts, many of which are already acknowledged but with the mindset employed in observation and conclusions derived from a flawed basic concept. The mindset employed by the physics community refuses to recognize and acknowledge there is energy input into the universe system through the elementary particles. It is just that simple.


Explaining Light and Vision

Explaining Light and Vision Mechanics
By: Miles Pelton, Jan. 2014

            Photons are a component of the lines of force produced and emitted by protons that provide binding force for the assembly of atoms and molecules. When those bonds are fragmented the released photons radiate in all directions from that point until they impact pigmented matter and produce illumination. As currently explained the radiating photons are called light. When released from a fragmented bond, photons radiate from that point at a constant rate where the rate of expansion is explained by the equation that defines the volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 pi r^3), which has been measured as approximately 186,000 miles per second. While light can be reflected and focused into a beam, it is still radiating photons. As can be seen (literally), radiating light is not visible, which drives the conclusion that it is a component of the energy carried by each photon that produces illumination when that energy is released upon impact with pigmented matter. When radiating photons impact pigmented matter (atoms and molecules) the energy of which photons are made is deposited upon that matter where it not only produces illumination but heat and electro-magnetic radiation as well.
The accompanying photograph will provided help to illustrate that the mechanics involved with light radiation and vision are not the same. By current definition, light involves the radiation of photons of energy from a point in all directions as though to fill a sphere. By current definition vision involves the reception of radiating photons at a point, the eye or a camera.
            It is from this point that the current explanation of light and vision is challenged. Textbooks explains that illuminated objects reflect or emit light (photons) that travels to the eye or camera and produces an image of objects in the range of vision. There are a number of problems with that explanation. First: Radiation, even when focused into a beam, expands as the radius distance increases, which in the case of light transmission means the intensity (density) decreases exponentially to a point where it no longer has the power to produce illumination. Consider that the range of a flashlight to produce illumination is limited by distance while the glow of that flashlight can be seen for a considerably greater distance. Second: photons reflected off or emitted by an object cannot possibly carry an image of the object from which reflected or emitted. Furthermore, if photons could carry an image, the image they carry would, by the time the photons reach the eye or camera, have increased in size to the point any image carried would be a blur. Consider how large the image of an object, even the glow of a star, would be after having radiated millions of light years. Not only would any photon radiating that distance have insufficient power to produce illumination all detail would be lost on any image they carried. The image would be too large to fit in the field of vision. Third: Photons carry energy that if any substantial amount entered the eye or a camera it would cause serious damage.
            The demonstration shown by the accompanying photograph illustrates the mechanisms involved in light radiation and vision. In this photograph the candle is illuminated by sunlight and as expected casts a shadow, except for the flame. The flame is clearly visible but does not block the passage of photons and does not produce a shadow. Radiating photons (light) are blocked by pigmented matter but while clearly exhibiting color the flame does not block the passage of light. There is only one logical conclusion; the flame although seen to have color is not pigmented matter but rather a concentration of the illuminating energy carried by photons released in the course of combustion. The various frequencies (or wavelength) of energy, which relates to the intensity of the energy involved in producing a bond, causes the perception of a different color. Therefore, recognize that vision occurs because the energy that produces illumination is visible and thereby makes the object illuminated visible but, in concentration, illumination energy is itself seen as a glow.
             Further; the photograph shows that the wall beyond the flame cannot be seen through the flame, which demonstrates that photons of light reflected or emitted by the wall are not the mechanism involved in vision. As demonstrated by the sunlight passing unblocked through the candle flame, vision does not penetrate the flame. Clearly, vision involves a different mechanism than light transmission. A priori reasoning drives the conclusion that vision involves detection of the energy field of a form of the energy released by photons and that it is a form of energy other than produces heat and electro-magnetic radiation. (The author of Fundamental Physics recognizes three forms of energy are involved in making Elementary Particles, the particles of which all things are made, from which protons acquire the energy to encapsulate into photons).
            Through the application of a priori reasoning it is recognized there is a significant behavioral difference between energy encapsulated in the form of a photon (a particle) and energy that has been “freed” from containment as when deposited upon matter. The freed illuminating energy does not radiate but forms an energy field. The deposited illuminating energy interacts with the energy field of an object of matter upon which deposited that is unique in each instance and reflects that unique configuration as a signature. The uniqueness of an object of matter is reflected in the frequency or wavelength of the bonding energy that establishes the force that binds its components. Recall that each bonding energy frequency or wavelength, when reflected as illumination energy, is perceived as a unique color, which then makes the viewed object’s signature and thereby the viewed object, visible. Illumination energy, like the energy that powers gravity, is a fundamental singularity form of energy. That is; there is no physical presence, it exists everywhere simultaneously with no time expended in radiation, therefore instantaneous. However, because the intensity of a singularity energy field decreases with radius distance, the intensity of the image, for example the glow of a distant star, diminishes with distance. (This is the same phenomena associated with gravity).

            There are two significant ramifications exposed by this a priori reasoning of the behavior shown by the photographic demonstration of the mechanisms of light radiation and vision. First: the glow of a distant star or galaxy does not entail the transmission of photons by radiation therefore no time delay. Star light is the instantaneous perception of the glow produced by the concentration of illuminating energy released by the photons that are fragmented by the star or galaxy’s behavior. Therefore, it does not take millions of light years for the glow of a distant star or galaxy to reach earth rendering use of the speed of light to establish distance, flawed. Second: photons are made of at least three forms of fundamental energy that exist in a singularity state. One produces heat, one electro-magnetic radiation and one light. These three forms of energy supplied by the elementary particles of which protons are made, are encapsulated into a common photon particle by the behavior of protons and are the instrument in bonding elementary particles to form matter. By this analysis, the current theories relating to the method by which energy is delivered to make and sustain matter is flawed.