Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Global Warming

By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
                New windows of understanding open with realization that heat is an effect caused by the behavior of a form of fundamental energy that is carried by photons. Photons are released to radiation when the lines of force that bind matter are ruptured as occurs for example in the process of combustion and the reactions that produce sunlight. Radiating photons are ruptured upon impact with pigmented matter where the released energy produces illumination, sometimes hidden from view, and the effect called heat.
Understanding the processes involved in producing heat and the effect heat has especially on water and the “greenhouse gases” associated with global warming exposes the true facts regarding the cause of global warming. When the energy that produces heat is taken-up by matter the atoms of which the matter is made expands. Matter becomes less dense and density determines which elements can exist in the atmosphere. Water and carbon dioxide exist in the atmosphere solely because they can take-up a lot of the energy that produces heat whereby their density allows them to compete for existence in the atmosphere. The theory is that “greenhouse gases” contribute to global warming because they trap heat and they block the radiation (escape) of heat from the earth thereby causing “global warming”.
Neither water nor carbon dioxide, by their actions, produce heat. They will release heat energy they have taken-up but they do not produce heat energy. They exist in the atmosphere solely because they have taken up heat. They may even take up heat from the other elements in the atmosphere and they release heat they have taken up at lower altitudes, to other elements when they rise to the cooler upper air and to the oceans that are nature’s giant “heat sink”. They are an instrument in nature’s global temperature regulating process.
With understanding of heat comes realization that the earth’s magnetic force field is there exists a far more effective container of heat than is “greenhouse gases”. It has been established, as shown by the accompanying illustration, that the earth’s magnetic force field blocks the passage of solar wind which is radiating heat energy particles. Magnetic force fields are also used at a number of test locations around the world to contain the heat and pressure of nuclear reactions. Also, magnetic force fields play a vital role in containing the heat produced by our sun. Blowouts of heat seen as solar flares occur when a retaining magnetic force field fails under extreme pressure. The point being made is that, while magnetic force fields have the capacity to contain heat and the energy that produces heat, that capability has not been recognized when considering the cause of global warming.
By current theory, heat and “greenhouse gasses”, primarily carbon dioxide, released by the behavior of humans is responsible for global warming. First realize that far more heat producing energy is deposited into the earth’s environment by sunlight than all other sources combined. It is only necessary to note the rapid increase and the magnitude of increase in heat after sunrise to recognize that fact. Sunlight passes through the earth’s magnetic force field only to deposit the heat energy carried by the photons that constitute sunlight inside the earth’s magnetic force field where it cannot escape.
The power and processes involved in heat retaining by magnetic fields is illustrated with the help of accompanying illustrations. The Tokamak nuclear reactor containment system is shown by the illustration on the left. The earth’s magnetic force field by the illustration on the right. In both illustrations the area of heat containment is shaded. Note that the earth’s magnetic force field forms to confine “global warming” within about 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south just as the nuclear reactor confines the heat of fusion and sunlight is the primary heat contributor to that are. It is also of interest to note that while the earth’s magnetic field obstructs traverse attraction of heat energy by the earth’s center of gravity, the path along the axis is unobstructed to the core of the earth allowing attraction of heat producing energy from the region at the earth’s poles, which would account for the colder temperature of those regions.
Another factor not taken into consideration by current “global warming” theory is proven by science and firsthand experience. Heat cannot travel through a vacuum. The energy that produces heat can as a component of a photon but very little of the heat released on earth is in that form. Heat requires the existence of matter to move from place to place and the earth is surrounded by a rather matter free vacuum. Even the upper atmosphere is a poor medium for heat transfer but clouds and carbon dioxide are relatively good transmitters of heat. Therefore; “greenhouse gases” are not anyway close to being responsible for the entrapment of heat. It should be apparent that the Earth’s magnetic force field rather than “greenhouse gases” and the vacuum surrounding the earth are the principle factor in the phenomenon called “Global Warming.” In fact, to the contrary, “greenhouse gasses” are instruments in nature’s temperature regulation system. The information presented is hidden by beliefs formed by obedience to the conservation of energy law.  

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