Thursday, February 27, 2014

Introduction to Creation Physics

Introduction to Creation Physics
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014

            Rational reasoning drives the conclusion that the fundamentals of physics are inherent in the processes involved in the creation of what is known as the Universe where nothing previously existed. Based on evidence that matter now existing is made of quantum energy particles, rational reasoning also drives the conclusion that a source exists from which came the energy to make and sustain all things. On that basis rational reasoning concludes that all knowledge is inherent in and has been learned through observation and study of the processes involved in the creation and the behavior of that which exists.
            The understanding set out by this effort grew from consideration of the results of the observations and conclusions conducted and recorded when approached from a different perspective than has been applied in the development of current beliefs. Current beliefs relating to the processes of creation were developed from the perspective that the energy involved in the creation and sustenance of creation is inherent in the matter that was created but without an explanation for how the matter and inherent energy came to exist. Rational reasoning concludes that a source of energy is a prerequisite to the formation of matter and the energy inherent in matter. With consideration for evidence that matter is assembled quantum particles of energy, rational reasoning concludes that the quantum particles of energy must have existed before there was matter.  In the vernacular of rational reasoning, a case of putting the horse before the cart. Therefore, that conclusion sets the perspective for the conclusions drawn in reconsideration of the results of recorded observations and study as expressed herein.
            Rational reasoning concludes that to achieve order in creating matter the elementary energy particles would need to be absolutely identical in all aspects with precise behavior characteristics capable of producing self-assemble leading to the formation of the various materials capable of achieving variation in creation. Those requisites left only one possibility. Each particle would need to attract other particles but each particle would need to oppose the attraction of other particles so as to create a physical presence. So each elementary particle would need to possess the ability to attract and repel each other but in order to assemble attracting and repelling energy charges in a single particle a third form of energy would be needed. The third form of energy would need to bond the attracting and repelling energy charges to form a composite particle. With that combination of force producing charges, the composite elementary particles would self-assemble.
            Recognizing that the attracting energy component inherent in elementary particles creates in each assembly, a center of gravity that radiates from that point to establish an energy field led to the realization that the intensity of the energy field established by each center of gravity decreases as the distance from the source increases. That results in a reduction in force produced by a center of gravity inversely proportional to the distance over which acting, squared. As it turns out, it is that behavior phenomena that regulates how the assembly of matter is controled and that is the fundamental intelligence that is inherent in the concept of elementary particle creation.
            Given those parameters, rational reasoning concludes that to achieve success in creating matter the charges producing the forces to attract, repel and bond must be sustained. Since the universe encompasses an enormous area, the means of distributing without delay the energy to sustain the charge on elementary particles would be needed. Considering the current belief that matter was distributed throughout the universe by a “big bang” from the perspective of elementary particles drives consideration for an alternative theory. Consider, as recognized with the “big bang” theory that, if all of the energy charges fundamental to making elementary particles existed as a singularity, the instant they were given power they would expand and spread ubiquitously throughout the universe in response to their interacting forces. Then consider that the Cosmic Background Radiation that is spread ubiquitously throughout the universe and thought to be heat residue of the “big bang” is instead the charge that sustains the power of elementary particles.      

            Rational reasoning is not unlike the processes applied by early Physicists such as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and many others and called a priori reasoning. This effort is not intended as “scientific proof” but rather to offer an explanation for observation and conclusions regarding fundamental phyics from a different perspective. Concepts applied in attempting to understand and explain the processes of creation have no effect on the processes of creation. Concepts effect what is believed and therefore understanding of the creation processes and that impacts the effectiveness of the knowledge gained through the attempt to understand. From that regard, the anti-fundamental physics mindset of the current community of physicists is counter-productive to gaining understanding of the processes involved in the physics of creation.

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