Thursday, February 20, 2014

An unwitting conspiracy or work of Satan?

 The Unwitting Conspiracy
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
          Most concepts, understanding and beliefs relative to Physics have evolved over time except for the conservation of energy concept set as law at the dawn of the modern physics era, which in Physics means it is accepted without question.  Essentially the Law says that in an isolated system, the amount of energy remains constant. Energy can be changed in form or location but can neither be created nor destroyed. Of course the key word in the original Law was “in an isolated system”. The Law failed to clearly define the term “isolated system” and it failed to explain where the energy in an isolated system came from in the first place. One thing is for sure, there is nothing isolated inside the universe. Those pertinent factors were completely ignored. The Law does accept that energy, the power to do work, is “inherent in” matter and available for use directly or through conversion to another form.
          There are several big gapping flaws in the conservation of energy concept. First, energy was expended to produce isolated systems to start with, at which time there was no “matter” to convert to energy and energy has been expended to sustain the behavior of its components over the lifetime of the system. Second, matter is not some unique material that can be converted to make energy. Matter is made of energy particles with behavior characteristics that when assembled produce a physical presence but they are still assembled particles of energy AND: they expend energy to produce the force needed to create and sustain physical presence. There is no magical material to convert to energy. The energy released when “matter” is “converted” (as in combustion) is the energy that was being expended to create the assembly with physical presence AND: once released “as in combustion or other chemical action” the energy is no longer available to build other assemblies. Energy released when “matter” undergoes combustion is expended to create heat and light.
          The concept of conservation of energy became the basis for other subsequent physics principles and laws most notably in the work of Newton and Einstein and the “discovery” of “atomic and nuclear energy”. The original concept stated as applicable to isolated systems is now deliberately ignored and the concept twisted to the point that it is now believed that force and effects are energy without consideration for the fact that energy is expended to produce force and effect. Those beliefs are so strongly and blindly accepted to the point of inclusion in textbooks throughout academia to the point of excluding consideration of alternative concepts. The conservation of energy concept embodied in the infamous E=Mc^ squared equation has unwittingly become a conspiracy to control the mind of man with anti-creation anti-religious connotation.
          The conclusion that motion, or effects, produces force is easily demonstrated and is not argued. However; when such conclusion excludes the obvious fact that energy had to have been expended to produce the motion or effect, the conclusion is defective as is the original conclusion that accepted without question that the energy to do work is inherent in matter. It is precisely that point that is being argued. Energy was expended to create and energy is expended to sustain the power inherent in matter. It is that energy fundamental to creation that conveys to matter the power to produce force and effect AND: to create assemblies of energy particles that have a physical presence prompting their designation as matter.
          There are two glaring examples showing the magnitude of distortion caused by the current beliefs. Foremost; it is now claimed that gravity is a reaction to something called “warped space-time” rather than a force produced by a fundamental energy. A second example that demonstrates the seriousness of this “unwitting conspiracy” occurred recently while trying to interact with a claimed Physicist following a statement that the sun generated the energy it displays. There is no argument that a lot of energy is displayed by a sun but such a statement is glaringly misleading when in fact every single quantum of energy existing on/in the sun is supplied through elementary particles that make the “matter” of which the sun is made. Further, it is obvious that the energy released by the behavior of the sun is radiated away as light, heat, magnetic force, solar wind and a multitude of other forces and effects. Of all things, the sun’s serves as an example of how energy is supplied through the elementary particles of which they are made.

          This unwitting conspiracy may seem as insignificant however, comprehension of gravity, the sun’s behavior or any other behavior, is impossible if the cause of behavior is not identified. Further, we are unwittingly teaching beliefs that can only lead to an inability to understand Physics including the processes by which we and the universe came to exist. Some insight into the damage done can be exacted by consideration of the time, talent and financial cost that has been expended in developing a system of mathematics and in research based upon the unwittingly faulty premise of “Conservation of Energy” and that motion is the energy fundamental to cause.

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