Saturday, February 22, 2014

Making a Case For Elementary Particles

Making a Case for Elementary Particles
By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014

            The rational of Fundamental Physics concludes that the “big bang” involved the ubiquitous distribution of absolutely identical composite particles of three forms of energy charge that are the elemental particle of all creation. Each of the three charges have an absolute behavior characteristic. One charge establishes an attraction for like attraction charges. One charge establishes a repelling force with other like repelling charges. One charge establishes an affinity force that bonds the attraction and repelling charges. The charge detected depends upon the detection method being used.
            The affinity charge bonds the attraction and repelling charge to form Elementary Particles (EP). Matter is created when the attraction charge of one EP forms a bond with the attraction charge in a second EP, which force is opposed when the repelling charges of the two EP act to repel each other. The opposing forces create a physical presence recognized as matter and the charges inherent in the EP imparts the power for the created assemblies to function. The fundamental behavior of assemblies of EP (matter) is the power to attract other EP and the force produced by that action is called gravitational attraction (gravity) and the capability of an assembly of EP to produce gravity is referred to as the mass of the assembly. The intensity of the power to produce gravity is additive in proportion to the number of EP involved in the assembly.
            The concept of an EP has been hidden by the conservation of energy concept that was adopted by the peers of the community of scientists as a basic law of Physics. As a consequence, without an understanding of the concept and behavior involved, the means of identifying the existence of EP has not been established. In fact, there is evidence that neutrinos are EP but are not recognized as such because the concept of EP is not recognized. The concept is also hidden by the distorted concept of the term mass.
             Neutrinos fit the EP criteria on every count. First of all neutrinos are essentially electrons without a charge relationship with protons. Based on their masses electrons and therefore neutrinos are 1/1,836 that of a proton and an electron is ejected when neutrons are transformed into protons. Since the charge on electrons is related to protons it is reasonable to conclude that neutrons are an assembly of neutrinos (EP) that do not have a relationship to a proton and proton charged neutrino, an electron, is ejected in the neutron to proton transformation.
            Even more; three types of neutrinos exist classified as electron neutrinos, tau neutrinos and muon neutrinos with their classification set based upon the charge they carry. Electron neutrinos carry an electron charge and react to Electrons. Tau neutrinos carry a Tau (affinity) charge and react to Tau. Muon neutrinos carry an attraction (gravity) charge and react to Muon. Electrons, Tau and Muon are leptons meaning they are fundamental energy charges that obey the Pauli principle and can exists in an instantaneous acting singularity state where there is no physical presence and no distance. Fundamental Physics has concluded that the fundamental charges incorporated to make EP produce attraction between like attraction charges, repelling between like repelling charges and affinity (bonding) between attraction and repelling charges. Therefore; attraction charges that produce the force called gravity can be detected by their response to gravity. Repelling charges that produce the force involved in electricity can be detected by their response to electricity. (This happens.) Affinity charges that produce the effect called illumination (light) can be detected as producing light. (Tau produce light when they impact matter.) Is it just coincidence that the lepton charges produce the same effect and are of the same intensity as Fundamental Physics concluded involved in making EP?

            It appears that the concept of elementary particles is precisely the way fundamental creation physics truly works and denial by the community of scientific peers who strive to control beliefs relating to physics doesn’t change the way things work in the real world.

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