Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Misdirected talent and capital.

  Does Fusion Produce Energy?
 By: Miles Pelton, Feb. 2014
            Another article posted on Facebook renews attention to the continuing effort to use fusion reaction to produce energy as a “generator” of energy in the manner of nuclear reactors. These efforts have been ongoing since the first hydrogen bomb produced a more powerful explosion than did atomic (fission) bombs. The current belief, supported by the success of the hydrogen bomb, is that fusion reactions produce energy. In fact, the current belief is that it is a continuing fusion reaction that powers the sun. Calculations based upon data published as the Periodic Table of the Elements have been used to explain the “mechanics” involved. That conclusion defies “common sense” logic.
            The data documented in the Periodic Table of the Elements, recognized as of questionable accuracy, shows that the energy involved in forming the elements increases in proportion to the number of components bonded to form the element’s atom. Clearly, the energy contribution to the formation of atoms increases as the size (number of protons and neutrons) increases because there are more bonds involved as the number of components bonded increases. Therefore, it takes an input of energy to transform hydrogen atoms (one or no low energy bonds) to helium atoms (four high energy bonds) yet the current belief is that energy is “generated” by that reaction.             There are two misconceptions driving that belief that are driven by the belief that mathematics is a better instrument for proving matters of science than is logic.
            Look first at why the hydrogen bomb and the sun’s theorized processes are “successful”. With a hydrogen bomb, a fission bomb is used to subject hydrogen to extreme pressure and temperature producing the fusion of hydrogen atoms (each one proton, some forms with a neutron) into helium atoms that are made of two protons and two neutrons. The helium is then destroyed releasing through fission reaction the energy it took to produce their fusion plus the energy in the bonds of the hydrogen part of the bomb. Logical reasoning leads to the conclusion that the combined action produced a more powerful explosion but not because the fusion reaction released energy.
            The sun’s process is similar. Fission is the principle reaction in the sun with the end product a plasma which is rich in disassociated protons, which as happened in the hydrogen bomb (heated hydrogen is disassociated protons), some are fused into helium. But the helium is then destroyed by fission adding to the energy release. Theoretically, that process could go on forever as long as the required pressure and temperature were maintained within limits.
            Those who subscribe to the belief that fusion “generates” energy use mathematics to manipulate the Periodic Table of the Elements comprising data of questionable accuracy to develop proof. Using the periodic table data, the atomic weight of a helium atom is less than the atomic weight derived by adding the weight of the individual components. Because of the inaccuracies inherent in the claimed atomic weights their claim appears to be supported when the difference in atomic weights is converted to energy units using the E=Mc^ squared  equation whose accuracy is also unproven. It is important to recognize that it is the energy involved in creating atomic bonding that is involved not any conversion of matter (protons and neutrons) to energy.

            In fission as in combustion it is the energy that bonded the components of atoms that is released, not the conversion of protons and neutrons to energy. That is another misconception driven by the distorted definition of mass. Mass by current definition does not equated to matter.

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