Saturday, May 17, 2014

Confession Time

Confession Time
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014
            Since retiring some 30 years ago, I have devoted my time and talent to try and find a bridge over the abyss that separates religion and physics beliefs concerning creation. How our universe came into being and functions is at the heart of both religion and physics. The understanding that has come from this effort has established credible evidence that many of the current beliefs held as physics principles regarding the fundamentals of physics are flawed while the beliefs held by the religious community are frozen to the level of understanding prevailing at the time the Bible was committed to writing. Both contributed to creating the abyss to the detriment of society.
            The abyss began following advancement of the theist belief concerning the origin of the “world” however, it has not been that concept that developed the abyss as much as the advocated processes by which creation was accomplished. As interest in scientific study progressed it became evident that explanations of the processes involved in a theist creation did not stand up to unbiased scrutiny. It was not that the concept was wrong but that the explanation was poorly defined, which is understandable because the specifics where being presented to people not versed in such technical matters. Even worse, explanations were not refined as knowledge grew. In fact, the theist movement resorted to a “believe by faith” rather than attempt to grow as the level of understanding grew.
            Faced with the obstinate position of the theist movement science was left to interpret the theist beliefs and to develop divergent concepts, which produced absolute anti-creation concepts. Foremost is the law of the conservation of energy that maintains the position that creation proceeded without there being a supply of energy or any pre-established direction. As a consequence the abyss at this time is quite formidable but not necessarily impossible to bridge. It is likely to never happen if the theist movement is unwilling to look beyond the “by faith alone” belief. Creation is an event common to both religion and science and religious people need to become involved in trying to understand and explain the processes by which creation progressed in terms clear of mystics. Belief by faith alone may get a person to the objective of life as defined by theists but it is a selfish way because it contributes to dissention and animosity.
            The evidence needed to explain a concept of creation, a concept of fundamental physics that bridges the abyss, already exists. All that is required is for all biases and preformed beliefs be set aside so that the evidence can speak. When that is done a concept is exposed that explains the processes fundamental to creation and physics but leaves the question of whether or not there is or is not a divine source of energy up to each person to decide. That concept also leaves the question of whether or not the processes and behavior of energy, matter and life are divinely controlled, up to each individual as well. But, it provides support for the concept that the processes of creation are divinely controlled and for the concept of communication between an individual and a divine creator. It even explains the manner in which each living being develops a soul. The amazing thing is, the concept is explainable in layman terms without the need for a sophisticated degree of education or mathematics. The concept bridges the abyss that has grown in the minds of man.
            Science has established that the energy involved in physics exists as precise quantum particles and science has established that those particles elementary to creation have certain precise behavior. Further, science has demonstrated through experiments such as that of Galileo at the leaning tower of Pisa that the energy for matter to behave is inherent in those elementary particles. With that belief established it is easy to recognize that with precisely behaving energy inherent in each elementary particle the particles assemble in a precise manner.
             Further, since assembled elementary particles carry their energy within, assemblies acquire the energy to function from the elementary particle of which made. In that manner the behavior of the assembly is controled by the behavior of the energy inherent in the elementary particle. Then those who so choose can believe that a creator established the behavior of the fundamental energy consequently the supply of energy and the behavior control of all things. Those who choose not to believe the energy is from and behavior controlled by a divine source can believe something else. However, taking the process one step farther; there is evidence that a cosmic background radiation exists that could explain how elementary particles are kept charged.
            Of course the matter of whether or not a creator is responsible for providing the energy to make elementary particles and to keep them charged remains an unproven mystery. However, what is believed in that regard gives no reason to not believe the process revealed through consideration of the evidence. Then, with consideration for the concept outline both parties can work towards bridging the abyss to remove dissention and animosity. After all, that is all that counts for it makes no difference what is believed or the behavior that results from those beliefs, the process of creation will proceed.
             Oh yes, the soul. Recognize that everything is an assembly made with and assembled with precise particles of fundamental energy. Fundamental energy is involved in all aspects of creation including mental activity and memory. Therefore, the unique assembly and behavior of each individual is reflected in the unique energy pattern developed by that life and if the energy fundamental to creation is divine and indestructible, it makes no difference whether or not you believe, there goes your soul. Control of behavior is the only recourse.
            To aid in the reconciliation of science and religious beliefs recognize that many mysteries documented in the scripture can be explained or given clarity when considered in light of the concepts outlined. Mysteries like the command “let there be light”; like the burning bush seen by Moses; the roaring furnace of Babylon; even the warning of the Lord, “blasphemy can be forgiven –except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven.”

            This is the product of my consideration as explained. Comments of agreement or disagreement are welcome. Argument in an attempt to convince error in position will serve no purpose. This is not presented to prove or disprove either science or religious beliefs but is presented solely to show that a means exists that holds promise for bridging the abyss in beliefs relating to creation.  

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