Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fundamental Energy Rationalized.

Fundamental Energy Rationalized
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014
            This is an exercise to demonstrate how rationalizing with logical reasoning produces answers to “scientific” matters. Begin with the challenge to figure out how quantum particles of energy, indicated to be fundamental to creating matter, could unite to produce viable physical matter without a hands on element.
            Then the awakening. If there are attraction charges that attracted only like attraction charges and repelling charges that repelled only like repelling charges then with one each of those two charges in each elementary particle two of such particles would be attracted but prevented from concentrating into one stronger particle by the action of the repelling charges. But how can one particle of energy attract and repel at the same time? Rationalizing provides an answer. Both attraction and repelling force could be realized only by incorporating an attraction and a repelling charge in one particle. Then it becomes clear that the desired behavior would be achieved only if a third energy charge exists to establish an affinity between the attraction and repelling charges so they would assemble into one particle. That also means that the combination of the three charges in one elementary particle cannot be detected as a charge since the combination of charges culminated in a net zero charge. Elementary particles can be detected only by the force or effect they produce.
            Fundamental energy has unique absolute behavior characteristics. Fundamental energy establishes an energy field surrounding a point so it acts instantly. However, since the intensity of such an energy field diminishes as the radius distance increases means that the force produced diminishes with increased radius distance in proportion to the intensity of the energy field. It has been established through demonstration that the rate at which the force produced by fundamental energy diminishes is in proportion to the radial distance squared. Further, because the energy that powers elementary particles is sustained inherent in the elementary particles, an assembly of elementary particles develops energy intensity comparable to the number of elementary particles assembled.
            Responding to the behavior characteristics of each type charge an assembly of elementary particles develops an attraction charge at its center with the repelling charges surrounding the attraction charge center bonded by the affinity charges. It is the attraction center attracting elementary particles that produces the binding force to hold the particles assembled and it is the distance squared phenomenon of fundamental energy that limits the size of assemblies, which means assembly, including establishing the size of an assembly, is a natural reaction. The intensity of an objects center of attraction is instrumental in establishing the intensity of gravitational attraction and thereby the mass of an object. Meanwhile, as demonstrated by Galileo, it is the individual elementary particles of an assembly that are attracted by the gravitational attraction of another assembly, which is the mechanism involved in measuring weight and uniform acceleration in response to gravitational attraction.
            Protons are the first multi elementary particle assembly. They are achieved through several intermediary steps that involves the formation of quarks and neutrons. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 elementary particles so acquire a singularity center of attraction charges that has an intensity of 1,836 units of fundamental energy. With the behavior acquired in the process of formation protons acquire the means to produce photon particles that are an assembly of the three fundamental energy charges each with an intensity 1,836 times fundamental size. Now protons can and do assemble along with neutrons to form atoms and each assembly (atom) acquires an attraction energy singularity with surrounding repelling and affinity charges with an intensity determined by the number of protons assembled. Again, configuration and size of atoms is set by the behavior of the fundamental energy charges.
            The growth in size and intensity of the charges produced by the larger size particles brings to light a new behavioral characteristic for fundamental energy. Fundamental energy exists in very discrete (absolute) size charges even though the intensity of the charge varies. Think of the charge as a discrete length of string where the power is implanted as a sine wave and the intensity of the power is a function of wave length or frequency where the higher the intensity the shorter the sine wave (higher the frequency). However, the same impression is produced by altering the size of particles where smaller diameter particles produce higher intensity. Recognize that photons radiate as a continuous stream so that smaller diameter photons present a shorter sine wave effect. Consider the following illustration:
 oooooooooo and
 QQQQQQQQQQ. Both strings of “particles” consist of 10 units but the smaller project a shorter wave length (higher frequency). Consequently the smaller particles provide more power per volume of space, which can be measured as wave length or frequency.
             It has been established that the wavelength of lines of force are representative of the intensity of energy that produces the line of force. That raises an interesting question: progressively larger assemblies result in progressively more intense photons (lines of force). Example, the lines of force in a uranium atom are considerably more powerful than those binding a hydrogen atom. Therefore, the photons (lines of force) produced by solar systems and galaxies would be extremely high intensity energy. Would those photons be so small that their wave length (frequency) is not detectable by instruments currently available? Is that why lines of force at that level have not been recognized? They do exist as at those levels as evidence by the magnetic force field produced by our sun however, the sun’s magnetic force field has not been recognized as the mechanism that holds the planets in orbit. Why? How low can the wave length go and still be measured or detected?
            Justification of the concept of three fundamental energy charges assembled as elementary particles and subsequently as photons grew when the behavior of proton produced photons was analyzed. It was observed and recognized that the photons were released to radiate when the lines of force that bind atoms were fragmented and that the intensity of the force and therefore energy involved increased as the size (number of protons) increased. Sometime confusing because photons released by high intensity bonds are customarily called gamma rays, not photons. However, regardless of the name the particles involved are a composite assembly of the three forms of fundamental energy. Upon impact with matter the energy released by both photons and gamma rays produces heat, light and ionization.
            It is important to recognize that instrumentation does not exists with which to detect and measure attraction charges (gravity) or affinity charges that had not here-to-fore been recognized as existing. The only detection and measuring equipment developed relies upon the detection of electrical charges and electrical charges released when photons impacted matter are detected, which supports the claim that the repelling form of fundamental energy is what is called the electron charge. Further, as is the case with the three “colors” concept used to explain quark behavior, elementary particles comprising the three fundamental energy charges present a zero charge and are therefore not detectable using charge measuring instruments.
            Now for the rest of the story. Rationalizing that the singularity center developed in protons is the attraction energy charge, it is expected the attraction energy charge released when photons impact matter is attracted to the proton singularity centers of the matter upon which deposited. The singularity center of the protons of matter are the source for the energy that produces photons and lines of force that bind the components of atoms and molecules. The singularity center expends energy intensity to attract the attraction energy deposited by photons resulting in less intensity available to produce photons and binding power. When weakened the atom or molecule is not so tightly bound and expands, the first sign of heating. With continuing deposit of attraction energy the singularity intensity continues to weaken reaching a point where the bond breaks. When the bond breaks its photons are released to intensify the amount of attraction energy producing massif bond failure know as combustion or nuclear reaction. That process is recognized as combustion with the attraction energy released by photons being the energy that produces heat.
            That leaves the matter of the affinity energy and the cause of illumination and vision resulting when photons impact. Through rationalizing it is realized that affinity energy establishes bonding between attraction energy and repelling energy charges wherein the repelling energy charge is recognized as an electron charge, which means as it was rationalized that it is the affinity energy that establishes an attraction between proton singularity centers and the electron charge. In other words, it is the affinity charge that establishes the difference of potential that powers the movement of electrons, I.E: electrical energy. (This was a surprise considering that I had worked a lifetime involved in electric power generation and had just assumed as educated that electricity was powered by something called a difference of potential.)
            A secret surrounding illumination and vision was lifted through a “by chance” observation that has been documented by the burning candle demonstration explained by http://milespelton26.blogspot.com/2014/05/explaining-light-illumination-and-vision.html . That demonstration illustrates that radiating photons do not produce illumination and vision but that illumination and vision are produced by energy carried by photons. Realizing that electron charges and attraction energy charges do not produce illumination and vision left affinity energy, concluded as necessary for the assembly of fundamental energy into particles of matter, as the cause by default. However, it was by analyzing the processes revealed by the burning candle demonstration it is shown that affinity energy is the producer of illumination and vision.

            Recognizing that affinity energy is attracted to attraction energy and that attraction energy is the producer of heat led to the realization that affinity energy released by the process of combustion exists in abundance in the vicinity of the candle wick. Which then attracts the abundance of affinity energy also existing in that area for the same reason. Then rationalizing that smaller quantities of affinity energy deposited on matter by impacting photons is visible and therefore produces illumination, larger concentrations are also visible. However, matter in the visible range does not exist in the area surrounding the candle wick. That leads to the conclusion that concentrations of affinity energy produces the glow that is associated with the flames of combustion or other massive photon destruction such as associated with the action in stars. That leads to the realization that it is not photons radiated by stars that is seen as a point of light in the sky, it is the glow of massive concentrations of affinity energy. This realization also clears up the unexplained mystery of how radiated photons that disperse expanding at a rate proportional to the square of the distance, can be sufficiently concentrated as to produce visible light with the distances involved. Even more mysteriously, how radiated photons could convey details of the object from which radiated.

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