Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fundamental Physics Looks at Atoms and Laser Light.

Fundamental Physics Looks At Atoms and Laser Light.
By; Miles Pelton, May 2014

            Laser light is a product of the energy that binds electrons in atomic orbit. The physics principles involved with those energies is explained with demonstration in the Fundamental Physics paper “Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision” wherein it was disclosed that a heretofore un- identified form of fundamental energy is the producer of light, illumination and vision. Not photons as is currently claimed by science. Fundamental Physics has designated that as “affinity” energy, one of three forms of fundamental energy. The other two are attraction energy that attracts only like attraction energy charges and repelling energy that repels only like repelling energy charges. Affinity energy is defined as establishing attraction between attraction and repelling energy charges.
            In the formation of atoms the core (nucleus) is predominately protons where each proton has a singularity of attraction energy. The proton attraction energy establishes the binding that holds atoms together. Aside from the inter nuclei bonding, atoms are formed with repelling energy charges (currently designated electron charges) held in orbit around the singularity of attraction energy with affinity energy charges.
            A normal atom contains as many repelling and affinity charges as there are attraction energy charge. The intensity of the attraction energy of an atom nucleus is one unit for each proton but the magnitude of the energy applied by the affinity charge to establish repelling energy charge binding is reduced in accordance with the inverse distance squared rule. Therefore the energy applied for binding an inner orbit “electron” charge is greater than is applied for binding an outer orbit “electron” charge. As a consequence an atom normally has a residual of affinity energy that is radiated as a field surrounding the atom looking for other “electron” charges to attract. It is that excess affinity energy that is involved in binding atoms to form molecules and in powering the flow of electrons in electricity. It is the power of electric difference of potential.
            Before proceeding with the explanation of laser light it is important to understand the fundamental phenomenon that explains how fundamental charges are maintained absolutely constant. There is a continuing supply of power to replenish energy expended in doing work. The energy charge of the singularity center of an atom is sustained through elementary particles, therefore upon the number of elementary particles involved. One unit of charge for each elementary particle. The orbiting repelling “electron” charge is sustained through the singularity center to which attached as is the affinity charge that binds the repelling “electron” charges in orbit and the intensity of the sustained charge is established on the basis of the force applied (energy expended). Therefore, the charge intensity of an orbiting “electron” charge will equal the intensity of the singularity adjusted to compensate for the distance squared rule as will the intensity of the affinity charge binding the orbiting “electron” charge. It is through that mechanism that the magnitude of force applied (energy expended) is regulated.
            The preceding explains what happens, this explains how it happens. Protons emit lines of force that are in essence streaming photons. Photons encompass the three fundamental charges so the intensity of the charges that make up the photons emitted by an atom are established by the intensity of the atom’s affinity center. Each of the fundamental charges in a line of force has a job to do. The attraction charge establishes a field of energy that attracts the attraction charge field of other atoms, ergo; gravitational attraction. The repelling “electron” charge establishes an energy field that repels repelling charge of other atoms, the mechanism that establishes spatial dimension. The affinity charges bond the orbiting repelling “electric” charges to the affinity center.
            When a line of force is broken the three energy charges involved are radiated as a photon. However, when energy requirements change such as when an “electron” charge changes from an outer to an inner orbit, the affinity energy that had established the outer orbit is released. That is the energy recognized as laser light. It is visible, it produces illumination. By current explanation, the photon release is called “spontaneous emission” and the affinity release is called “stimulated emission”. Stimulated emission involves quantum size affinity energy charges where the intensity of each quantum is set by the intensity of the force being applied in that instance. The intensity of the energy applied to form an “electron” bond is unique to the particular orbit of the particular atom. The same is true for the intensity of released photons.
            (The remainder of this explanation will concentrate on explaining laser light.)
            Whereas; the degree to which radiating photons can be manipulated (refracted, reflected and intensified) is limited but radiating affinity charges can be manipulated to control direction and even to augment intensity. Technology developed through trial and error procedures exists to produce laser light even though the mechanism involved was not understood. The understanding provided by this explanation should help in the advancement of laser light uses. One potential application would be to build a laser “gun” that could blow up the massive thunderhead storms that produce tornados and hurricanes before they develop to that stage.
            The key to advancing laser light technology is to develop more effective ways to augment intensity. That requires increasing the intensity of the individual quantum energy particles. One way would be to use more powerful sources. For example, affinity charges obtained from the inner orbit of uranium size atoms have a higher intensity than those obtained from the outer orbits of smaller size atoms. Based on current technology, augmenting intensity would also mean finding a way to use more powerful material as “gain medium” material, which is the mechanism employed to add intensity to the laser light quantum particles.


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