Thursday, May 8, 2014

The First Minutes of the Big Bang.

By; Miles Pelton, May 2014
            The purpose of this critique is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the science community when it comes to providing empirical proof of the theories they present as proven science.

            The following is an extract of Wikipedia’s article on Cosmic Background Radiation.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cosmic background radiation is electromagnetic radiation from the sky with no discernible source. The origin of this radiation depends on the region of the spectrum that is observed. One component is the cosmic microwave background radiation.
            The following is a blog given as reference by Wikipedia on their explanation of Cosmic Background Radiation. This blog sums up the thinking of scientists on the matter of the Big Bang.
If we go back in time, getting closer to the big bang, more and more of our familiar ideas about the universe are lost. No galaxies, no stars, and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the Big Bang. From this extremely hot ball of energy, the entire universe originated. Eventually Physicists think they can explain what happened, although the time of the big bang it, to date, remains a mystery. Scared in the first seconds after the Big Bang.
            The following is an excerpt from an article published by the University of Chicago.
Nov 1, 2004
Erik M. Leitch of the University of Chicago explains.
The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, or CMB for short, is a faint glow of light that fills the universe, falling on Earth from every direction with nearly uniform intensity. It is the residual heat of creation--the afterglow of the big bang--streaming through space these last 14 billion years like the heat from a sun-warmed rock, reradiated at night.
The CMB is the oldest light we can see--the farthest back both in time and space that we can look. This light set out on its journey more than 14 billion years ago, long before the Earth or even our galaxy existed. It is a relic of the universe's infancy, a time when it was not the cold dark place it is now, but was instead a firestorm of radiation and elementary particles. The familiar objects that surround us today--stars, planets, galaxies and the like--eventually coalesced from these particles as the universe expanded and cooled.

            The following are extracts from an article published by NASA.      
The crux of the theory advanced as “the big bang” is wrapped up in these two sentences. “No galaxies, no stars and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the big bang.”
Point one: Wikipedia goes to great length to point out that there is a distinction between Cosmic Background Radiation and Cosmic Microwave Radiation, a point that is almost instantly ignored concentrating on justifying the big bang theory. All indication is that Cosmic Background Radiation is a pre-existed the big bang. If so, it could be the source of the energy that powered the creation event. The source that established and sustains the charge on elementary particles that would have precipitated the big bang.
Point Two: No explanation is offered to establish the nature or source of the energy that precipitated the big bang. The cause of the big bang, the source for the energy that produced the intense temperature and pressure, must be explained otherwise the theory is not proven.
Point Three: All of the articles have trouble defining whether the residue of the big bang is heat, light or microwave radiation. Accompanying literature explains that Cosmic Background Radiation was detected as electro-magnetic (radio) radiation. Since neither heat nor light are electro-magnetic radiation it is questioned how it was concluded that Cosmic Background Radiation is heat or light.
Point four: A conclusion was drawn without quantitative measurement that the big bang released extreme heat and pressure which is in the face of an argument that expansion of space could have resulted from non-heat producing processes. All reasoning and evidence supports a conclusion that there was no pressure and absolute zero temperature at the time of the big bang.
Point five: The articles go to great lengths trying to explain how the radiation of light proves the processes theorized as involved in the expansion of the universe. A question comes to mind; recognizing that light radiates radially from its point of origin at the speed of light, how can light from the first stars created be only now reaching us since that light would be long gone?
Point six: There are other disturbing ambiguities dealing with current explanation of light. Since the light of current explanation radiates as photons that phenomenon drives two questions. One: with radiating photons decreasing in density inversely as the distance squared it is doubtful that any discernable quantity of photons from such distances could be detected, especially to provide meaningful data since photons do not interact with electro-magnetic radiation.  Two: with photons radiating from their source it is difficult to understand how that phenomenon is seen as a defined spot in the sky, which means the glow of a star is not radiated light but perception of the glow produced by the processes that release photons. (There is a logical explanation.)

Conclusion: The evidence presented to justify the theories related to the big bang are defective. The theory and justification are accepted by the scientific community because their interest is not to establish the truth but to establish a concept conceived so that the source of the energy and processes involved in creation can be ignored.

Follow on: The concept of elementary energy particles advanced by Fundamental Physics as posted at or, provides a logical explanation in layman’s language for the processes of creation.

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