Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Explaining Lightning in Simple Fundamental Physics Language

Explaining Lightning in Simple Fundamental Physics Language (revised)
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014

It is the absorption of heat energy by water molecules (H2O) that is involved in the formation of clouds and the creation of lightning. Unique bonding gives H2O molecules an exceptional capacity to absorb heat energy and a unique ability to transfer heat energy between molecules. Therefore; clouds that are assembled H2O molecules have the ability to absorb unusually large quantities of heat energy in an environment with an unusual ability to transfer heat energy between molecules, which action is significantly influenced by variation in the quantity of heat involved (temperature). As a consequence storm clouds can hold a massif quantity of water.
Heat is an effect imposed upon protons. Protons have a singularity center that is a concentration of attraction energy. It is the singularity center that forms the lines of force that bond atoms and molecules where the intensity of the energy in the singularity center is set by the number of elementary particles in the atom or molecule assembly. Heat energy is the attraction component of fundamental energy that has been released when radiating photons impact matter. It is residue.
The energy fundamental to creation consists of three components that are bonded to form particles that are elementary to the creation of all things. The three elementary particle components are each a quanta, a unit or charge of energy of equal intensity but each with a unique behavior. One component attracts (a bonding force) other like attraction energy components. One component repels (a repelling force) other like repelling energy components (an electron charge). The third component creates an affinity (a mutual attraction force) between attraction and repelling energy charge components and is the energy that produces illumination and vision.
The attraction energy released from photons is attracted to the singularity (attraction energy) center of atoms and molecules because attraction energy attracts the residue attraction component. The singularity center expends energy to attract and hold the residue attraction energy, which leaves less energy intensity with which to bond. Weakened the atoms and molecules expand and if weakened sufficiently, they break releasing the energy employed in producing the bonding force resulting in a chain reaction. It is the residue attraction energy held by protons that produces the effect called temperature. Atom and molecule attraction energy singularity centers with little retained residue heat (cold), attracts residue from the hotter atoms and molecules until equilibrium is reached. The greater the difference in temperature the greater is the attraction potential.

Because of their unique inter-molecule bonding water molecules are capable of moving heat energy efficiently and in massif quantities. Further, once inter-molecule transfer of heat is started the inter-molecule bolds of the affected atoms and molecule are fragmented and they release the energy that had produced the bond that is in the form of photons. The released photons impact adjacent water molecules and they release the energy they carry, which is the three fundamental energy charges, and a chain reaction is initiated. As a consequence the massive transfer of the released fundamental energy is seen as a bolt of lightning. The attraction energy is drawn to a cooler place (a heat sink), the affinity energy from the photons released by the broken bonds is seen as light and the repelling component interacts at the sub-atomic level to modify the state of ionization of the remaining intact molecules. Electrical energy is not a significant part of lightning. (Sorry Ben).

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fundamental Energy Rationalized.

Fundamental Energy Rationalized
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014
            This is an exercise to demonstrate how rationalizing with logical reasoning produces answers to “scientific” matters. Begin with the challenge to figure out how quantum particles of energy, indicated to be fundamental to creating matter, could unite to produce viable physical matter without a hands on element.
            Then the awakening. If there are attraction charges that attracted only like attraction charges and repelling charges that repelled only like repelling charges then with one each of those two charges in each elementary particle two of such particles would be attracted but prevented from concentrating into one stronger particle by the action of the repelling charges. But how can one particle of energy attract and repel at the same time? Rationalizing provides an answer. Both attraction and repelling force could be realized only by incorporating an attraction and a repelling charge in one particle. Then it becomes clear that the desired behavior would be achieved only if a third energy charge exists to establish an affinity between the attraction and repelling charges so they would assemble into one particle. That also means that the combination of the three charges in one elementary particle cannot be detected as a charge since the combination of charges culminated in a net zero charge. Elementary particles can be detected only by the force or effect they produce.
            Fundamental energy has unique absolute behavior characteristics. Fundamental energy establishes an energy field surrounding a point so it acts instantly. However, since the intensity of such an energy field diminishes as the radius distance increases means that the force produced diminishes with increased radius distance in proportion to the intensity of the energy field. It has been established through demonstration that the rate at which the force produced by fundamental energy diminishes is in proportion to the radial distance squared. Further, because the energy that powers elementary particles is sustained inherent in the elementary particles, an assembly of elementary particles develops energy intensity comparable to the number of elementary particles assembled.
            Responding to the behavior characteristics of each type charge an assembly of elementary particles develops an attraction charge at its center with the repelling charges surrounding the attraction charge center bonded by the affinity charges. It is the attraction center attracting elementary particles that produces the binding force to hold the particles assembled and it is the distance squared phenomenon of fundamental energy that limits the size of assemblies, which means assembly, including establishing the size of an assembly, is a natural reaction. The intensity of an objects center of attraction is instrumental in establishing the intensity of gravitational attraction and thereby the mass of an object. Meanwhile, as demonstrated by Galileo, it is the individual elementary particles of an assembly that are attracted by the gravitational attraction of another assembly, which is the mechanism involved in measuring weight and uniform acceleration in response to gravitational attraction.
            Protons are the first multi elementary particle assembly. They are achieved through several intermediary steps that involves the formation of quarks and neutrons. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 elementary particles so acquire a singularity center of attraction charges that has an intensity of 1,836 units of fundamental energy. With the behavior acquired in the process of formation protons acquire the means to produce photon particles that are an assembly of the three fundamental energy charges each with an intensity 1,836 times fundamental size. Now protons can and do assemble along with neutrons to form atoms and each assembly (atom) acquires an attraction energy singularity with surrounding repelling and affinity charges with an intensity determined by the number of protons assembled. Again, configuration and size of atoms is set by the behavior of the fundamental energy charges.
            The growth in size and intensity of the charges produced by the larger size particles brings to light a new behavioral characteristic for fundamental energy. Fundamental energy exists in very discrete (absolute) size charges even though the intensity of the charge varies. Think of the charge as a discrete length of string where the power is implanted as a sine wave and the intensity of the power is a function of wave length or frequency where the higher the intensity the shorter the sine wave (higher the frequency). However, the same impression is produced by altering the size of particles where smaller diameter particles produce higher intensity. Recognize that photons radiate as a continuous stream so that smaller diameter photons present a shorter sine wave effect. Consider the following illustration:
 oooooooooo and
 QQQQQQQQQQ. Both strings of “particles” consist of 10 units but the smaller project a shorter wave length (higher frequency). Consequently the smaller particles provide more power per volume of space, which can be measured as wave length or frequency.
             It has been established that the wavelength of lines of force are representative of the intensity of energy that produces the line of force. That raises an interesting question: progressively larger assemblies result in progressively more intense photons (lines of force). Example, the lines of force in a uranium atom are considerably more powerful than those binding a hydrogen atom. Therefore, the photons (lines of force) produced by solar systems and galaxies would be extremely high intensity energy. Would those photons be so small that their wave length (frequency) is not detectable by instruments currently available? Is that why lines of force at that level have not been recognized? They do exist as at those levels as evidence by the magnetic force field produced by our sun however, the sun’s magnetic force field has not been recognized as the mechanism that holds the planets in orbit. Why? How low can the wave length go and still be measured or detected?
            Justification of the concept of three fundamental energy charges assembled as elementary particles and subsequently as photons grew when the behavior of proton produced photons was analyzed. It was observed and recognized that the photons were released to radiate when the lines of force that bind atoms were fragmented and that the intensity of the force and therefore energy involved increased as the size (number of protons) increased. Sometime confusing because photons released by high intensity bonds are customarily called gamma rays, not photons. However, regardless of the name the particles involved are a composite assembly of the three forms of fundamental energy. Upon impact with matter the energy released by both photons and gamma rays produces heat, light and ionization.
            It is important to recognize that instrumentation does not exists with which to detect and measure attraction charges (gravity) or affinity charges that had not here-to-fore been recognized as existing. The only detection and measuring equipment developed relies upon the detection of electrical charges and electrical charges released when photons impacted matter are detected, which supports the claim that the repelling form of fundamental energy is what is called the electron charge. Further, as is the case with the three “colors” concept used to explain quark behavior, elementary particles comprising the three fundamental energy charges present a zero charge and are therefore not detectable using charge measuring instruments.
            Now for the rest of the story. Rationalizing that the singularity center developed in protons is the attraction energy charge, it is expected the attraction energy charge released when photons impact matter is attracted to the proton singularity centers of the matter upon which deposited. The singularity center of the protons of matter are the source for the energy that produces photons and lines of force that bind the components of atoms and molecules. The singularity center expends energy intensity to attract the attraction energy deposited by photons resulting in less intensity available to produce photons and binding power. When weakened the atom or molecule is not so tightly bound and expands, the first sign of heating. With continuing deposit of attraction energy the singularity intensity continues to weaken reaching a point where the bond breaks. When the bond breaks its photons are released to intensify the amount of attraction energy producing massif bond failure know as combustion or nuclear reaction. That process is recognized as combustion with the attraction energy released by photons being the energy that produces heat.
            That leaves the matter of the affinity energy and the cause of illumination and vision resulting when photons impact. Through rationalizing it is realized that affinity energy establishes bonding between attraction energy and repelling energy charges wherein the repelling energy charge is recognized as an electron charge, which means as it was rationalized that it is the affinity energy that establishes an attraction between proton singularity centers and the electron charge. In other words, it is the affinity charge that establishes the difference of potential that powers the movement of electrons, I.E: electrical energy. (This was a surprise considering that I had worked a lifetime involved in electric power generation and had just assumed as educated that electricity was powered by something called a difference of potential.)
            A secret surrounding illumination and vision was lifted through a “by chance” observation that has been documented by the burning candle demonstration explained by . That demonstration illustrates that radiating photons do not produce illumination and vision but that illumination and vision are produced by energy carried by photons. Realizing that electron charges and attraction energy charges do not produce illumination and vision left affinity energy, concluded as necessary for the assembly of fundamental energy into particles of matter, as the cause by default. However, it was by analyzing the processes revealed by the burning candle demonstration it is shown that affinity energy is the producer of illumination and vision.

            Recognizing that affinity energy is attracted to attraction energy and that attraction energy is the producer of heat led to the realization that affinity energy released by the process of combustion exists in abundance in the vicinity of the candle wick. Which then attracts the abundance of affinity energy also existing in that area for the same reason. Then rationalizing that smaller quantities of affinity energy deposited on matter by impacting photons is visible and therefore produces illumination, larger concentrations are also visible. However, matter in the visible range does not exist in the area surrounding the candle wick. That leads to the conclusion that concentrations of affinity energy produces the glow that is associated with the flames of combustion or other massive photon destruction such as associated with the action in stars. That leads to the realization that it is not photons radiated by stars that is seen as a point of light in the sky, it is the glow of massive concentrations of affinity energy. This realization also clears up the unexplained mystery of how radiated photons that disperse expanding at a rate proportional to the square of the distance, can be sufficiently concentrated as to produce visible light with the distances involved. Even more mysteriously, how radiated photons could convey details of the object from which radiated.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fundamental Physics Looks at Mass

Fundamental Physics Looks at Mass
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014

            There is reason to believe that the term mass as used in modern physics may have no legitimate relevancy with the amount of energy in an object of matter and that calculations used as proof are a sham devised to prove the conservation of energy law imbedded as the foundation of modern physics theory.       

            The term MASS is fundamental to modern physics beliefs therefore it should have an absolute meaning but the term as used in modern physics is anything but definitive let alone absolute. The term is said to define energy that is inherent in the object of concern and nothing more. That is not the case with modern physics.
            First of all modern physics defines intrinsic or rest mass as the energy required to accelerate an object. Big problem; the energy it takes to accelerate an object has no relevance to the energy it took to make the object. Further, the energy it takes to accelerate an object involves overcoming forces not produced by the object. Specifically, gravity is a factor in accelerating an object yet gravity involves two forces, that produced by the object and that produced by the earth. The gravity force the earth exerts on an object is a function of the earth not the object. The intrinsic energy of an object is the energy it took to produce the elementary particles with which an object is made plus the amount of energy it takes to apply force to bind the elementary particles to make the object. The intrinsic energy of an object has no relevance with the speed the object is traveling. It is the intrinsic energy that is released by combustion or nuclear reactions
            The speed of light has been established as a factor in defining the mass and thereby the energy of an object. The speed of light is the rate photons radiate, which is the rate at which fundamental energy applies force to accelerate the radiation of photons. Fundamental energy acts instantaneous, it exists as a field that surrounds a singularity point. The field intensity (strength) decreases as the distance from the singularity point increases. That is determined by the formulae for calculating the volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 pi r^3) because the energy field established by a singularity is a sphere. As a consequence, the force applied to a radiating object decreases with distance from the singularity point.
            Calculated in that manner the rate of energy strength decrease is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Therefore, because the energy available to produce force decreases the rate of speed of an object accelerated by that force decreases with distance from the singularity, which translates to a speed of 186,00 miles per second, the speed of light. That fact has been proven by direct measurements. There is no evidence of a relationship between the speed of light and the energy that it took to make an object. In fact there is no evidence of a relationship between the kinetic energy of an object and the speed of light.
            Those who believe in the theory of relativity and the theory of equivalence contend that the equation E = Mc^ squared has been proven, fail to clarify that proof has not been the result of direct verifiable measurement but rather by mathematical calculations using the very equation whose viability is in question. Further, the equation says E and M are equal when M is multiplied by the speed of light squared but relevance between the speed of light and the intrinsic energy in an object (M) has not been established. Without relevance the proof offered is a sham.
            There are other inconsistencies in the logic applied to the current explanation of mass. Foremost is the belief that kinetic energy is equivalent to fundamental energy. That belief is ensnared with the belief that force is energy. There is no arguing with the fact that force can do work as demonstrated by a wrecking ball or the force of an explosion. Fundamental energy is not the product of force, it produces force. Force does not exist until or unless fundamental energy is expended to create the force.
            Throughout the history of modern physics there has been a concerted effort to establish creation is not/was not the work of an almighty creator. Those efforts have concentrated on the development of theories proving that creation came into existence and has been sustained since being initiated without the aid of a source of energy. The mindset driving the anti-creation belief was set by the conservation of energy law. It is a mindset that has hidden the truth about fundamental physics. Each step along the progression of physics has seen observations and conclusions made to show conformance to the conservation of energy law. The theories propagated by Einstein, including the E = Mc^ squared equation, is a culmination of those efforts.


            The equation E = M c^ squared and the term mass have no relevance. The equivalence theory is flawed. The theories developed in an effort to deny the insertion of energy into the universe system are flawed and have succeeded in hiding understanding critical to the development of viable fundamental principles.   

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fundamental Physics Looks at Atoms and Laser Light.

Fundamental Physics Looks At Atoms and Laser Light.
By; Miles Pelton, May 2014

            Laser light is a product of the energy that binds electrons in atomic orbit. The physics principles involved with those energies is explained with demonstration in the Fundamental Physics paper “Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision” wherein it was disclosed that a heretofore un- identified form of fundamental energy is the producer of light, illumination and vision. Not photons as is currently claimed by science. Fundamental Physics has designated that as “affinity” energy, one of three forms of fundamental energy. The other two are attraction energy that attracts only like attraction energy charges and repelling energy that repels only like repelling energy charges. Affinity energy is defined as establishing attraction between attraction and repelling energy charges.
            In the formation of atoms the core (nucleus) is predominately protons where each proton has a singularity of attraction energy. The proton attraction energy establishes the binding that holds atoms together. Aside from the inter nuclei bonding, atoms are formed with repelling energy charges (currently designated electron charges) held in orbit around the singularity of attraction energy with affinity energy charges.
            A normal atom contains as many repelling and affinity charges as there are attraction energy charge. The intensity of the attraction energy of an atom nucleus is one unit for each proton but the magnitude of the energy applied by the affinity charge to establish repelling energy charge binding is reduced in accordance with the inverse distance squared rule. Therefore the energy applied for binding an inner orbit “electron” charge is greater than is applied for binding an outer orbit “electron” charge. As a consequence an atom normally has a residual of affinity energy that is radiated as a field surrounding the atom looking for other “electron” charges to attract. It is that excess affinity energy that is involved in binding atoms to form molecules and in powering the flow of electrons in electricity. It is the power of electric difference of potential.
            Before proceeding with the explanation of laser light it is important to understand the fundamental phenomenon that explains how fundamental charges are maintained absolutely constant. There is a continuing supply of power to replenish energy expended in doing work. The energy charge of the singularity center of an atom is sustained through elementary particles, therefore upon the number of elementary particles involved. One unit of charge for each elementary particle. The orbiting repelling “electron” charge is sustained through the singularity center to which attached as is the affinity charge that binds the repelling “electron” charges in orbit and the intensity of the sustained charge is established on the basis of the force applied (energy expended). Therefore, the charge intensity of an orbiting “electron” charge will equal the intensity of the singularity adjusted to compensate for the distance squared rule as will the intensity of the affinity charge binding the orbiting “electron” charge. It is through that mechanism that the magnitude of force applied (energy expended) is regulated.
            The preceding explains what happens, this explains how it happens. Protons emit lines of force that are in essence streaming photons. Photons encompass the three fundamental charges so the intensity of the charges that make up the photons emitted by an atom are established by the intensity of the atom’s affinity center. Each of the fundamental charges in a line of force has a job to do. The attraction charge establishes a field of energy that attracts the attraction charge field of other atoms, ergo; gravitational attraction. The repelling “electron” charge establishes an energy field that repels repelling charge of other atoms, the mechanism that establishes spatial dimension. The affinity charges bond the orbiting repelling “electric” charges to the affinity center.
            When a line of force is broken the three energy charges involved are radiated as a photon. However, when energy requirements change such as when an “electron” charge changes from an outer to an inner orbit, the affinity energy that had established the outer orbit is released. That is the energy recognized as laser light. It is visible, it produces illumination. By current explanation, the photon release is called “spontaneous emission” and the affinity release is called “stimulated emission”. Stimulated emission involves quantum size affinity energy charges where the intensity of each quantum is set by the intensity of the force being applied in that instance. The intensity of the energy applied to form an “electron” bond is unique to the particular orbit of the particular atom. The same is true for the intensity of released photons.
            (The remainder of this explanation will concentrate on explaining laser light.)
            Whereas; the degree to which radiating photons can be manipulated (refracted, reflected and intensified) is limited but radiating affinity charges can be manipulated to control direction and even to augment intensity. Technology developed through trial and error procedures exists to produce laser light even though the mechanism involved was not understood. The understanding provided by this explanation should help in the advancement of laser light uses. One potential application would be to build a laser “gun” that could blow up the massive thunderhead storms that produce tornados and hurricanes before they develop to that stage.
            The key to advancing laser light technology is to develop more effective ways to augment intensity. That requires increasing the intensity of the individual quantum energy particles. One way would be to use more powerful sources. For example, affinity charges obtained from the inner orbit of uranium size atoms have a higher intensity than those obtained from the outer orbits of smaller size atoms. Based on current technology, augmenting intensity would also mean finding a way to use more powerful material as “gain medium” material, which is the mechanism employed to add intensity to the laser light quantum particles.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fundamental Physics Looks At Quarks

Fundamental Physics Looks At Quarks
Miles Pelton, May 2014
            This is an explanation of the energies, forces and processes involved in the creation of quarks, neutrons and protons using the concept ascribed by Fundamental Physics.           The basic concept of Fundamental Physics rests on the existence of Elementary Particles of energy consisting of three forms of fundamental energy whose intensity is sustained. The three forms are an attraction charge that attracts only other like attraction charges. A repelling charge that repels only other like repelling charges. An affinity charge that establishes attraction of attracting charges for repelling charges and vice versa. These charges function by establishing an energy field that diminishes in strength as the distance squared, a behavior explained as the distance squared rule. Viewed from outside the assembly the three charges with three equal intensity charges cancel out so that elementary particles are not readily discernible.

            Quarks are an assembly of 612 Elementary Particles that are bound together by the force of the attraction charge in each elementary particle interacting with the attraction charge in another elementary particle. The size of quark assembly is limited to 612 elementary particles by the distance squared rule and the assembly acquires a center of gravity with an intensity of 612 units. The basic quark assembly is categorized as a down quark. When left to stand subjected to the continuing contracting force of the center of gravity, the attraction charges are pulled into a singularity (a single point) leaving the repelling charges at the periphery held there by the affinity charges that bond repelling and attracting charges. When that occurs the quark assembly acquires different behavior characteristics and is designated as an up quark. Quarks exist only as an intermediary step in the process of forming protons. They are not stand alone elementary assemblies.
            The basic behavior of the three fundamental energy charges remains the same in an up quark. The attraction attracts the attraction charges. The repelling repels the repelling charges and the affinity establishes mutual attraction between the attraction charges and the repelling charges except now each quark has acquired a center of gravity with a charge intensity of 612 units. When two quarks assemble in response to their interacting attraction forces the resulting assembly acquires a center of gravity with an intensity if 1,224 units. An assembly of three quarks acquires a center of gravity with an intensity of 1,836 units. The size of quark assemblies is limited to three by the distance squared rule.
            With the development of a singularity center the up quark acquires new behavioral characteristics that are in addition to the basic down quark behavior set by the attraction charges and the center of gravity. Before the attraction charges could concentrate into a singularity the repelling force of one elementary particle had to be overcome leaving 611 repelling charges surrounding a singularity core with 612 units of attraction charges. That difference produces a rotational force causing the repelling charges to rotate around the singularity core in the manner of an electric motor, which causes the emission of an attraction energy field as a streaming line of attraction energy charges from the singularity along the axis of rotation. In the course of emission a spiraling line of repelling charges are attached by bonding provided by the affinity charges. That action causes the emission to be polarized. Responding to the forces of polarization causes the line of emission to loop back and return to the quark at the opposite pole. Recognize that the charges involved in producing the line of emission have an intensity of 612 units. Also recognize the charges in the line of force emitted by the up quark can only interact with like charges of a 612 unit up quark.
            Giving time for contraction of elementary particles in response to attraction energy behavior, eventually a second down quark transforms into an up quark and the two up quarks interact. The two interacting up quarks form an assembly and that assembly acquires a singularity center with an intensity of 1,224 units and the line of force emitted by that assembly binds its components, the two up quarks. An assembly of 2 up quarks and one down quark is called a proton, a stable assembly that is the principle building block of all subsequent creation. An assembly of one up quark and two down quarks, a neutron, is not a stable assembly standing on its own because a second down quark can change transforming the assembly into a proton. However, neutrons do assemble with protons in various combinations to create atoms of matter with varying degrees of stability.
            Protons and neutrons bond to form the nuclei of atoms using the energy alignment in down quarks to produce binding force remembering that each neutron has one and each proton has two down quarks. They interact with bonding established between down quarks. Additionally, the two quark center in protons interact forming bonds at that level. Quarks self-attract in response to the energy inherent in each.
            Protons assemble with neutrons to form the various atoms. Each atom assembly acquires a singularity center with an intensity equal to the sum of proton and neutron singularity centers. For example a uranium 235 atom with 92 protons and 143 neutrons has a singularity center intensity of 92 x 1,224 + 235 x 612 or 256,438 units each representing the energy that could be released by dismantling one U235 atom.

            Applying the Fundamental Physics concepts the processes involved in the creation of quarks, neutrons, protons and atoms of matter produces a concise, definitive and understandable explanation in less than two typewritten pages. It demonstrates the legitimacy of the Fundamental Physics concepts.       

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Strong Force.

Fundamental Physics Looks At Quarks
Miles Pelton, May 2014
Foreword: This is an explanation of the energies and forces involved in the creation of quarks, neutrons and protons using the concept ascribed by Fundamental Physics.
            The basic concept of Fundamental Physics rests on the existence of Elementary Particles of energy consisting of three fundamental energy forms. The three forms are an attraction charge that attracts only other like attraction charges. A repelling charge that repels only other like repelling charges. An affinity charge that establishes attraction of attracting charges for repelling charges and vice versa. These charges function by establishing an energy field that diminishes in strength as the distance squared. A behavior explained as the distance squared rule. Viewed from outside the assembly the three charges with three equal intensity charges cancel out so that elementary particles are not readily discernible.
            Quarks are an assembly of 612 Elementary Particles that are bound together by the force of the attraction charge in each elementary particle interacting with the attraction charge in another elementary particle. The size of quark assembly is limited to 612 elementary particles by the distance squared rule and the assembly acquires a center of gravity with an intensity of 612 units. The basic quark assembly is categorized as a down quark. When left to stand subjected to the continuing contracting force of the center of gravity the attraction charges are pulled into a singularity (a single point) leaving the repelling charges at the periphery held there by the affinity charges that bond repelling and attracting charges. When that occurs the quark assembly acquires different behavior characteristics and is designated as an up quark. Quarks exist only as an intermediary step in the process of forming protons. They are not stand alone assemblies. They are certainly not elementary particles.
            The basic behavior of the three fundamental energy charges remains the same in an up quark. The attraction attracts the attraction charges. The repelling repels the repelling charges and the affinity establishes mutual attraction between the attraction charges and the repelling charges except now each quark has acquired a center of gravity with a charge intensity of 612 units. When two quarks assemble in response to their interacting attraction forces the resulting assembly acquires a center of gravity with an intensity if 1,224 units. An assembly of three quarks acquires a center of gravity with an intensity of 1,836 units. The size of quark assemblies is limited to three by the distance squared rule.
            With the development of a singularity center the up quark acquires new behavioral characteristics that are in addition to the basic down quark behavior set by the attraction charges and the center of gravity. Before the attraction charges could concentrate into a singularity the repelling force of one elementary particle had to be overcome leaving 611 repelling charges surrounding a singularity core with 612 units of attraction charges. That difference produces a rotational force causing the repelling charges to rotate around the singularity core in the manner of an electric motor, which causes the emission of an attraction energy field as a streaming line of attraction energy charges from the singularity along the axis of rotation. In the course of emission a spiraling line of repelling charges are attached by bonding provided by the affinity charges. That action causes the emission to be polarized. Responding to the forces of polarization causes the line of emission to loop back and return to the quark at the opposite pole. Recognize that the charges involved in producing the line of emission have an intensity of 612 units. Also recognize the charges in the line of force emitted by the up quark can only interact with like charges of a 612 unit up quark.
            Giving time for contraction of elementary particles in response to attraction energy behavior, eventually a second down quark transforms into an up quark and the two up quarks interact. The two interacting up quarks form an assembly and that assembly acquires a singularity center with an intensity of 1,224 units and the line of force emitted by that assembly binds its components, the two up quarks. An assembly of 2 up quarks and one down quark is called a proton, a stable assembly that is the principle building block of all subsequent creation. An assembly of one up quark and two down quarks, a neutron, is not a stable assembly standing on its own because a second down quark can change transforming the assembly into a proton. However, neutrons do assemble with protons in various combinations to create atoms of matter with varying degrees of stability.
            Protons and neutrons bond to form the nuclei of atoms using the energy alignment in down quarks to produce binding force remembering that each neutron has one and each proton has two down quarks. They interact with bonding established between down quarks. Additionally, the two quark center in protons interact forming bonds at that level. Quarks self-attract in response to the energy inherent in each.

Afterword: It is rewarding to see how the concepts embodied in Fundamental Physics explains the process of nuclear bonding clearly, concisely, thoroughly in layman’s language without the need for excruciatingly complicated mathematics and on less than two pages typewritten.  


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Confession Time

Confession Time
By: Miles Pelton, May 2014
            Since retiring some 30 years ago, I have devoted my time and talent to try and find a bridge over the abyss that separates religion and physics beliefs concerning creation. How our universe came into being and functions is at the heart of both religion and physics. The understanding that has come from this effort has established credible evidence that many of the current beliefs held as physics principles regarding the fundamentals of physics are flawed while the beliefs held by the religious community are frozen to the level of understanding prevailing at the time the Bible was committed to writing. Both contributed to creating the abyss to the detriment of society.
            The abyss began following advancement of the theist belief concerning the origin of the “world” however, it has not been that concept that developed the abyss as much as the advocated processes by which creation was accomplished. As interest in scientific study progressed it became evident that explanations of the processes involved in a theist creation did not stand up to unbiased scrutiny. It was not that the concept was wrong but that the explanation was poorly defined, which is understandable because the specifics where being presented to people not versed in such technical matters. Even worse, explanations were not refined as knowledge grew. In fact, the theist movement resorted to a “believe by faith” rather than attempt to grow as the level of understanding grew.
            Faced with the obstinate position of the theist movement science was left to interpret the theist beliefs and to develop divergent concepts, which produced absolute anti-creation concepts. Foremost is the law of the conservation of energy that maintains the position that creation proceeded without there being a supply of energy or any pre-established direction. As a consequence the abyss at this time is quite formidable but not necessarily impossible to bridge. It is likely to never happen if the theist movement is unwilling to look beyond the “by faith alone” belief. Creation is an event common to both religion and science and religious people need to become involved in trying to understand and explain the processes by which creation progressed in terms clear of mystics. Belief by faith alone may get a person to the objective of life as defined by theists but it is a selfish way because it contributes to dissention and animosity.
            The evidence needed to explain a concept of creation, a concept of fundamental physics that bridges the abyss, already exists. All that is required is for all biases and preformed beliefs be set aside so that the evidence can speak. When that is done a concept is exposed that explains the processes fundamental to creation and physics but leaves the question of whether or not there is or is not a divine source of energy up to each person to decide. That concept also leaves the question of whether or not the processes and behavior of energy, matter and life are divinely controlled, up to each individual as well. But, it provides support for the concept that the processes of creation are divinely controlled and for the concept of communication between an individual and a divine creator. It even explains the manner in which each living being develops a soul. The amazing thing is, the concept is explainable in layman terms without the need for a sophisticated degree of education or mathematics. The concept bridges the abyss that has grown in the minds of man.
            Science has established that the energy involved in physics exists as precise quantum particles and science has established that those particles elementary to creation have certain precise behavior. Further, science has demonstrated through experiments such as that of Galileo at the leaning tower of Pisa that the energy for matter to behave is inherent in those elementary particles. With that belief established it is easy to recognize that with precisely behaving energy inherent in each elementary particle the particles assemble in a precise manner.
             Further, since assembled elementary particles carry their energy within, assemblies acquire the energy to function from the elementary particle of which made. In that manner the behavior of the assembly is controled by the behavior of the energy inherent in the elementary particle. Then those who so choose can believe that a creator established the behavior of the fundamental energy consequently the supply of energy and the behavior control of all things. Those who choose not to believe the energy is from and behavior controlled by a divine source can believe something else. However, taking the process one step farther; there is evidence that a cosmic background radiation exists that could explain how elementary particles are kept charged.
            Of course the matter of whether or not a creator is responsible for providing the energy to make elementary particles and to keep them charged remains an unproven mystery. However, what is believed in that regard gives no reason to not believe the process revealed through consideration of the evidence. Then, with consideration for the concept outline both parties can work towards bridging the abyss to remove dissention and animosity. After all, that is all that counts for it makes no difference what is believed or the behavior that results from those beliefs, the process of creation will proceed.
             Oh yes, the soul. Recognize that everything is an assembly made with and assembled with precise particles of fundamental energy. Fundamental energy is involved in all aspects of creation including mental activity and memory. Therefore, the unique assembly and behavior of each individual is reflected in the unique energy pattern developed by that life and if the energy fundamental to creation is divine and indestructible, it makes no difference whether or not you believe, there goes your soul. Control of behavior is the only recourse.
            To aid in the reconciliation of science and religious beliefs recognize that many mysteries documented in the scripture can be explained or given clarity when considered in light of the concepts outlined. Mysteries like the command “let there be light”; like the burning bush seen by Moses; the roaring furnace of Babylon; even the warning of the Lord, “blasphemy can be forgiven –except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven.”

            This is the product of my consideration as explained. Comments of agreement or disagreement are welcome. Argument in an attempt to convince error in position will serve no purpose. This is not presented to prove or disprove either science or religious beliefs but is presented solely to show that a means exists that holds promise for bridging the abyss in beliefs relating to creation.  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision
Author: Miles Pelton
               This is an explanation of scientific phenomena reveled through accidental observation in a manner similar to the revelation in which the relationship between electricity and magnetism was revealed to Hans Christian Orsted (1777 – 1851). This demonstration reveals new understanding regarding light, illumination and vision that has the potential to start a new era in technological advancements just as did the Orsted revelation. At the same time it reveals that the current explanation of the behavior of these phenomena is flawed.

            The phenomenon was revealed when a lighted candle bathed in sunlight was observed to cast a shadow on a backdrop as illustrated in this picture. The candle including the wick casts a clear shadow but the flame of the candle does not even though the flame is clearly visible. Puzzled by the apparent contradiction with current explanation of the behavior of light and vision a closer look was given to the observed phenomenon. Clearly the sunlight in the form of photons passed through the flame without being blocked by matter so did not cast a shadow. Yet, the impression of the backdrop, currently explained as radiating photons does not pass through the flame. The backdrop cannot be seen through the flame.

            The observed phenomenon brought realization that radiating photons are not light, they do not produce illumination. Photons carry the energy that produces light (and heat and ionization) but are not themselves light. When the passage of photons is blocked by matter the energy carried by the photons is released and the energy released produces illumination. The candle and the backdrop blocks the radiating photons, they release the energy they carry and the matter upon which impacted, is illuminated. The candle blocks the radiating photons causing a shadow to be cast on the backdrop. The flame does not block the sunlight’s radiating photons so no shadow and the photons proceed to deposit the energy they carry onto the backdrop.
            The observed phenomenon brought further realization. Photons are not the instrument that carries vision as currently explained. If vision involved the radiation of photons then the backdrop image would have passed through the flame as did the sunlight. Clearly, photons are not an instrument in vision. That leaves several open questions; what is it that is seen as the flame? And, since heat is involved, what is the mechanism by which photons produce heat. . Clearly there is another form of energy that drives vision and separate form of energy that drives heat.
            The flame of the candle is a product of the combustion that takes place with a lighted candle. The flame is not matter illuminated by the photons radiated as sunlight. Combustion is a process where the energy bond that bind atoms are fragmented releasing the photons that provided the binding force. Some of the released photons radiate free of the candle atmosphere to illuminate distant matter. Some photons impact molecules in the atmosphere surrounding the candle wick and release the energy they carry. When the molecule is oxygen the heat producing energy component causes the oxygen molecule bonds to break, thereby releasing more photons to impact and produce more heat culminating in a “chain reaction” or otherwise known as combustion.
            Clearly, the phenomenon associated with a burning candle involves two forms of energy not addressed by current explanation. One form produces illumination and vision while the other form produces the effect called heat. (For an explanation of the heat process ) The heat released as a product of combustion is concentrated around the wick and being less dense than the surrounding air, rises. Since it has been established that heat and photons are not visible and that the flame is not matter it must be assumed the flame is the form of energy that produces vision and illumination.
            This adds credence to the concept of elementary particles that are a composite of three forms of fundamental energy that are incorporated into forming photons. One form attracts like attraction energy charges. A second form repels like repelling energy charges and a third form establishes an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. Recognizing that it is the attraction energy charge that produces heat as explained by the referenced blog, and that the repelling energy charge is expended through radiation and ionization that leaves the affinity charge as the producer of illumination and vision. That conclusion is supported with the explanation for the candle flame.
            The combustion reaction of the candle releases a heavy concentration of photons many of which impact surrounding air molecules so that the area surrounding the candle combustion is saturated with affinity energy. With insufficient matter available to be illuminated the freed affinity energy is attracted to the attraction energy existing as heat and is visible as a glow. Being attracted to the rising heat the glow appears to be rising as well but the centration of affinity energy, therefore the glow dissipates as the heat energy dissipates.


            The current explanation for light, illumination and vision is flawed. As demonstrated the radiation of photons is a separate specific function independent of illumination and vision. They are common only from the aspect that photons are carriers of three fundamental forms of energy one of which produces illumination and vision where eyes are the instrument for observing the behavior of that form of fundamental energy that produces illumination and vision.
Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision
Author: Miles Pelton
               This is an explanation of scientific phenomena reveled through accidental observation in a manner similar to the revelation in which the relationship between electricity and magnetism was revealed to Hans Christian Orsted (1777 – 1851). This demonstration reveals new understanding regarding light, illumination and vision that has the potential to start a new era in technological advancements just as did the Orsted revelation. At the same time it reveals that the current explanation of the behavior of these phenomena is flawed.

            The phenomenon was revealed when a lighted candle bathed in sunlight was observed to cast a shadow on a backdrop as illustrated in this picture. The candle including the wick casts a clear shadow but the flame of the candle does not even though the flame is clearly visible. Puzzled by the apparent contradiction with current explanation of the behavior of light and vision a closer look was given to the observed phenomenon. Clearly the sunlight in the form of photons passed through the flame without being blocked by matter so did not cast a shadow. Yet, the impression of the backdrop, currently explained as radiating photons does not pass through the flame. The backdrop cannot be seen through the flame.

            The observed phenomenon brought realization that radiating photons are not light, they do not produce illumination. Photons carry the energy that produces light (and heat and ionization) but are not themselves light. When the passage of photons is blocked by matter the energy carried by the photons is released and the energy released produces illumination. The candle and the backdrop blocks the radiating photons, they release the energy they carry and the matter upon which impacted, is illuminated. The candle blocks the radiating photons causing a shadow to be cast on the backdrop. The flame does not block the sunlight’s radiating photons so no shadow and the photons proceed to deposit the energy they carry onto the backdrop.
            The observed phenomenon brought further realization. Photons are not the instrument that carries vision as currently explained. If vision involved the radiation of photons then the backdrop image would have passed through the flame as did the sunlight. Clearly, photons are not an instrument in vision. That leaves several open questions; what is it that is seen as the flame? And, since heat is involved, what is the mechanism by which photons produce heat. . Clearly there is another form of energy that drives vision and separate form of energy that drives heat.
            The flame of the candle is a product of the combustion that takes place with a lighted candle. The flame is not matter illuminated by the photons radiated as sunlight. Combustion is a process where the energy bond that bind atoms are fragmented releasing the photons that provided the binding force. Some of the released photons radiate free of the candle atmosphere to illuminate distant matter. Some photons impact molecules in the atmosphere surrounding the candle wick and release the energy they carry. When the molecule is oxygen the heat producing energy component causes the oxygen molecule bonds to break, thereby releasing more photons to impact and produce more heat culminating in a “chain reaction” or otherwise known as combustion.
            Clearly, the phenomenon associated with a burning candle involves two forms of energy not addressed by current explanation. One form produces illumination and vision while the other form produces the effect called heat. (For an explanation of the heat process ) The heat released as a product of combustion is concentrated around the wick and being less dense than the surrounding air, rises. Since it has been established that heat and photons are not visible and that the flame is not matter it must be assumed the flame is the form of energy that produces vision and illumination.
            This adds credence to the concept of elementary particles that are a composite of three forms of fundamental energy that are incorporated into forming photons. One form attracts like attraction energy charges. A second form repels like repelling energy charges and a third form establishes an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. Recognizing that it is the attraction energy charge that produces heat as explained by the referenced blog, and that the repelling energy charge is expended through radiation and ionization that leaves the affinity charge as the producer of illumination and vision. That conclusion is supported with the explanation for the candle flame.
            The combustion reaction of the candle releases a heavy concentration of photons many of which impact surrounding air molecules so that the area surrounding the candle combustion is saturated with affinity energy. With insufficient matter available to be illuminated the freed affinity energy is attracted to the attraction energy existing as heat and is visible as a glow. Being attracted to the rising heat the glow appears to be rising as well but the centration of affinity energy, therefore the glow dissipates as the heat energy dissipates.


            The current explanation for light, illumination and vision is flawed. As demonstrated the radiation of photons is a separate specific function independent of illumination and vision. They are common only from the aspect that photons are carriers of three fundamental forms of energy one of which produces illumination and vision where eyes are the instrument for observing the behavior of that form of fundamental energy that produces illumination and vision.

The Problem with Physicist

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The First Minutes of the Big Bang.

By; Miles Pelton, May 2014
            The purpose of this critique is to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the science community when it comes to providing empirical proof of the theories they present as proven science.

            The following is an extract of Wikipedia’s article on Cosmic Background Radiation.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cosmic background radiation is electromagnetic radiation from the sky with no discernible source. The origin of this radiation depends on the region of the spectrum that is observed. One component is the cosmic microwave background radiation.
            The following is a blog given as reference by Wikipedia on their explanation of Cosmic Background Radiation. This blog sums up the thinking of scientists on the matter of the Big Bang.
If we go back in time, getting closer to the big bang, more and more of our familiar ideas about the universe are lost. No galaxies, no stars, and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the Big Bang. From this extremely hot ball of energy, the entire universe originated. Eventually Physicists think they can explain what happened, although the time of the big bang it, to date, remains a mystery. Scared in the first seconds after the Big Bang.
            The following is an excerpt from an article published by the University of Chicago.
Nov 1, 2004
Erik M. Leitch of the University of Chicago explains.
The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, or CMB for short, is a faint glow of light that fills the universe, falling on Earth from every direction with nearly uniform intensity. It is the residual heat of creation--the afterglow of the big bang--streaming through space these last 14 billion years like the heat from a sun-warmed rock, reradiated at night.
The CMB is the oldest light we can see--the farthest back both in time and space that we can look. This light set out on its journey more than 14 billion years ago, long before the Earth or even our galaxy existed. It is a relic of the universe's infancy, a time when it was not the cold dark place it is now, but was instead a firestorm of radiation and elementary particles. The familiar objects that surround us today--stars, planets, galaxies and the like--eventually coalesced from these particles as the universe expanded and cooled.

            The following are extracts from an article published by NASA.      
The crux of the theory advanced as “the big bang” is wrapped up in these two sentences. “No galaxies, no stars and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the big bang.”
Point one: Wikipedia goes to great length to point out that there is a distinction between Cosmic Background Radiation and Cosmic Microwave Radiation, a point that is almost instantly ignored concentrating on justifying the big bang theory. All indication is that Cosmic Background Radiation is a pre-existed the big bang. If so, it could be the source of the energy that powered the creation event. The source that established and sustains the charge on elementary particles that would have precipitated the big bang.
Point Two: No explanation is offered to establish the nature or source of the energy that precipitated the big bang. The cause of the big bang, the source for the energy that produced the intense temperature and pressure, must be explained otherwise the theory is not proven.
Point Three: All of the articles have trouble defining whether the residue of the big bang is heat, light or microwave radiation. Accompanying literature explains that Cosmic Background Radiation was detected as electro-magnetic (radio) radiation. Since neither heat nor light are electro-magnetic radiation it is questioned how it was concluded that Cosmic Background Radiation is heat or light.
Point four: A conclusion was drawn without quantitative measurement that the big bang released extreme heat and pressure which is in the face of an argument that expansion of space could have resulted from non-heat producing processes. All reasoning and evidence supports a conclusion that there was no pressure and absolute zero temperature at the time of the big bang.
Point five: The articles go to great lengths trying to explain how the radiation of light proves the processes theorized as involved in the expansion of the universe. A question comes to mind; recognizing that light radiates radially from its point of origin at the speed of light, how can light from the first stars created be only now reaching us since that light would be long gone?
Point six: There are other disturbing ambiguities dealing with current explanation of light. Since the light of current explanation radiates as photons that phenomenon drives two questions. One: with radiating photons decreasing in density inversely as the distance squared it is doubtful that any discernable quantity of photons from such distances could be detected, especially to provide meaningful data since photons do not interact with electro-magnetic radiation.  Two: with photons radiating from their source it is difficult to understand how that phenomenon is seen as a defined spot in the sky, which means the glow of a star is not radiated light but perception of the glow produced by the processes that release photons. (There is a logical explanation.)

Conclusion: The evidence presented to justify the theories related to the big bang are defective. The theory and justification are accepted by the scientific community because their interest is not to establish the truth but to establish a concept conceived so that the source of the energy and processes involved in creation can be ignored.

Follow on: The concept of elementary energy particles advanced by Fundamental Physics as posted at or, provides a logical explanation in layman’s language for the processes of creation.