Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Analyzing the Energy of Creation Physics

Analyzing the Energy of Creation Physics
By: Miles Pelton, 8/7/14

            Max Planck recognized two elements in the energy involved in physics and offered the equation  where E is total energy, h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the energy. Beyond that, Planck’s constant has not been effectively explained and the concept of the energy fundamental to physics and creation is left in limbo. Planck’s constant is explainable in straight forward terms.

            It is understood that the frequency or sine wave length of energy expresses its intensity, meaning the degree of effectiveness. It is a measure of how much of the energy’s power can be effectively applied. With light energy the frequency also is used by the eyes and photographic medium to convey color. Flat-lined (zero wave length/frequency) intensity is one and the color rendered is black. Each increase in frequency produces a unique color so that at maximum frequency (90) there would be a full range of colors and the perceived color would be white. Then Planck’s constant is a measure of a quantum portion of the power magnitude of the energy being applied and the frequency corresponds to how many quantum portions are being applied.
            The magnitude of the energy in a given case is set by the number of particles of fundamental energy (quanta) involved in forming the source. Ergo, one unit of fundamental energy is contributed to an assembly for each elementary particle involved. For example a proton made of 1,836 elementary particles would emit energy with a magnitude or an h factor of 1,836 units, which would increase one quantum for each increase in frequency.
            The point made is that accepting Planck’s constant proves that energy of absolutely precise behavior is an inherent component of each assembly of matter where assemblies are made of elementary particles, which means each elementary particle contributes one quantum of each form of fundamental energy. At this stage in analyzing the behavior of energy there is evidence of three forms of fundamental energy. One produces gravitational attraction. One produces the electron charge. One produces illumination (light).


            Planck’s constant is definable in precise terms and in the process provides confirmation that fundamental energy with absolutely precise behavior and of which all things are made, is supplied in the form of composite elementary particles.

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