Thursday, July 3, 2014

Defining Heat

By; Miles Pelton, 3/7/2014
            The convoluted non-explanation explanation of heat is a good example of the damage that has resulted because of the conspiracy that developed in the early days of scientific research in the quest for understanding of the processes involved in creation. The early days of formal scientific study developed the kinetic theory of matter that was set as “the law”. It is explained in Modern College Physics, a college level textbook, that: “according to the kinetic theory of matter the individual atoms of which all substances are made are in a state of rapid motion. As a body is heated to a higher temperature this atomic motion increases and the body expands. As a body cools the atomic motions decrease and the body shrinks. That heat is a form of energy and is due to the kinetic energy of molecular motion was first proposed by Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, in the later part of the 18th century.”  Merriam Webster defines heat as: “to become hot or to make hot.” Webster’s New College Dictionary says: “the quality of becoming hot.”  Wikipedia explains that: “in physics and chemistry, heat is energy transferred from one body to another by thermal interaction.” In essence these references define heat by saying heat is the energy that produces heat and is created because the molecules of which all things are made vibrate when heated.
By studying the results of science research it is evident that heat is produced when the bonds that form matter are fragmented regardless of the cause of bonds being fragmented. In combustion the introduction of heat, as with a match or a spark, causes the bonds of volatile materials to be fragmented. For example, the bonds between carbon and hydrogen in gasoline in the presence of oxygen. Bonds are also fragmented when electric current is force to flow through a conductor of certain elements like tungsten or nichrome.  When bonds are fragmented the energy that produced the bonding force is released in the form of photons. When photons that radiated from the point of rupture impact matter, they rupture releasing the energy they contain.
 Behavior of the energy released by photons gives evidence of three forms of energy.  One form produces heating, one form produces illumination and one form produces changes in the chemical structure of the matter upon which the photon energy is released. From that observation it is concluded that there is a form of energy that produces the effect called heat. Evidence documented from other scientific research concludes two forms of energy fundamental to the creation of matter. One form produces attraction and one form produces attraction. Then a third form produces illumination.
It is recognized that it is the attraction form of energy that imparts the power to attract to protons and that protons and assemblies of protons (atoms) acquire a power center of attraction energy. It is the attraction energy center of protons and atoms that establishes the bonds that form atoms of matter. By the nature of its behavior the proton/atom attraction energy center expends some of its intensity (power) to attract the attraction energy deposited by impacting photons leaving less available to form bonds. With reduced energy intensity the bonded material expands and if the degree of heating is sufficient the bonds break releasing the energy that powered the bond, which then causes more bonds to be broken and more heat released. The reaction described defines combustion and if the involved material is sufficiently volatile, explosion.

The point being made is that there is a form of energy that produces heat so that heat is not the energy that produces heat but that the energy that produces heat is a fundamental form of energy inherent in all matter. That then translates to mean that the energy involved in producing heat is one of the three fundamental forms of energy that forms the composite particles of energy that are fundamental to all matter. 

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