Saturday, July 5, 2014

Analyzing Weather Systems

Analyzing the Weather Systems
By: Miles Pelton, 5/7/2014

            Weather systems can and do develop to such an extent that they are dangerous and destructive. A burden upon individuals and our society. Understanding the energies, forces and processes involved in the development of weather systems could lead to the development of methods to mitigate the severity and destructiveness of weather systems. Identifying the energy, forces and processes involved in weather systems is the objective of this report.

            Clouds are an assembly of water molecules. Every assembly of matter develops a center of gravitational attraction that forms one of the energy/force systems involved in the formation and behavior of clouds. Also, the molecules involved in clouds bond because of the interaction between protons and electrons mistakenly called electromagnetic forces.
            Water molecules are the matter principally involved in the formation of clouds and weather systems and the energy that produces the effect call heat or heating is the principal energy that drives their formation. Further, but extremely important is the manner in which water molecule bond to form water and water vapor assemblies. The interaction between molecules of water or water vapor is unique conveying to assemblies of water molecules the capability to take up relatively vast quantities of heat energy. The details are not important to this discussion except to clarify that it is the bonds between protons and electrons that are involved in giving this unique behavior. Fundamental Physics has concluded that a form of fundamental energy exists that produces the interaction between protons and electrons and uses the name affinity energy.
            In the liquid form water is a powerful attractor of the energy that produces heat. That is because the bonding between molecules produces a very dense assembly that in turn produces powerful center of gravitational attraction. Gravitational attraction is powered by the fundamental energy that powers attraction between attraction energy charges. The attraction between protons (powerful attraction charges) and electrons (the repelling energy charge) is the affinity charge.
            When heat energy is taken up by the attraction energy center (center of gravitational attraction). Center of gravitational attraction energy intensity is expended in attracting the energy that produces heat. As a consequence, less intensity is available to power proton-electron bonding. Weakened bonding means expansion, which means a reduction in density, which means a cloud can hold a greater quantity of water molecules in suspension in the atmosphere and the unique bonding between water molecules is capable of extensive expansion without breaking. In fact, expansion is essentially infinite. No other molecule possesses the behavior characteristics of water and an assembly of water vapor can hold near limitless amounts of heat producing energy.
            That is why even a single cloud assembly can involve extremely destructive power when the assembly progresses to a tornado stage. However, a thunderhead cloud assembly is an assembly of matter and assemblies of matter have gravitational attraction for each other. (Attraction charges attract attraction charges.) Thunderhead assemblies can and do attract each other to form more complex assemblies and each subsequent assembly acquires a center of gravitational attraction whose intensity is the sum of all the intensity of all assembled centers of gravitational attraction. Such an assembly, now called a hurricane or a typhoon has a powerful center of gravitation attraction and that applies more force on the constituent components that the earth’s center of gravitational attraction. At that hurricane/typhoon stage, the individual components are freed from control of the earth’s gravitational center and it is the storm assembly, the multitude of individual storm cells that is tethered to the earth’s center of gravitational attraction. (It should be noted that individual storm cells also become isolated assemblies.)
            Recognize that the powerful center of gravitational attraction of storm systems attracts the energy that produces heat from any heated point but mainly from the earth’s surface, especially the oceans that store massive quantities of heat. That is why the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere drops in the vicinity of a storm cell. Storm cells grow and remain active as long as the supply of heat energy is sustained.  
            Storm cells and hurricane/typhoon systems are an assembly of charged particles existing in the earth’s magnetic force field where the individual lines of force that exhibit magnetic force, spiral. As a consequence the storm cells and the storm system acquire a spiraling reaction. The spiral of magnetic lines of force are such that they impart a counterclockwise rotation for systems in the northern hemisphere and clockwise for systems in the southern hemisphere. (North or south of the earth’s magnetic equator.) It is that rotation motion that produces the damaging winds.

            Considering the forces and cause of forces involved it is evident that either of two, or both simultaneously, storm mitigating actions are conceivable. Develop a means to extract heat from the individual storm cells, preferable during the formative stage or a means of fragmenting (tearing apart) the inter-molecule bonds. The energy that produces heat can be extracted by inducing lightning discharge. (Lightning is the movement of heat producing energy.) With it now known that affinity energy, which is the energy that produces illumination as well as the proton-electron bonds, it is conceivable that a means can be developed to weaken those affinity bonds to the point they fragment. Possibly with laser technology or the injection of positrons into the cloud formation.



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