Thursday, July 3, 2014

Learn From Analyzing Explosions

Learn From Analyzing Explosions
By: Miles Pelton, 3/7/2014

            Much can be learned from analyzing the cause of explosions. There are essentially only two causes. Gas under high pressure will produce an explosive reaction when the container of the pressurized gas bursts. Otherwise explosions generally involve the sudden generation of heat that then causes expansion of the elements heated, usually air where the element most subject to rapid expansion is oxygen. That is all quite common knowledge that is accepted without question but when analyzed points out flaws in the physics theories.
            The principle involved is heat and this is where it gets sticky, current physics theory considers heat as something that exists not something produced as by a form of energy. Essentially, what that says is the heat involved in an explosion exists as heat in the material that explodes and expansion results when that heat is transferred to a medium containing less heat. The concept of heat as explained by physics is extremely convoluted and the inadequacies come to light when analyzed in this manner.
            Think of it this way; physics says the heat released by a match or a stick of dynamite exists as heat in the match and dynamite. Is that what you believe? Just common sense logic says that can’t be true. The point is; heat and heating are effects that are the product of a form of energy and in this case, the energy is a component of the bonds that bind the explosive material. Further, by reasoning, a form of energy that is fundamental to the creation of matter, a constituent of elementary particles that are components of all matter.
            The process producing heat is explained by Fundamental Physics at . As explained, heat is an effect produced when expended attraction energy it taken up by and weakens the intensity of proton singularity centers. Where upon, the weakened singularity center intensity weakens the bonds holding atoms and molecules together and the atoms/molecules expand and if the heating is sufficient, the bonds break. When atom/molecule bonds break the energy producing the broken bonds is released to produce more heat. The result is combustion and depending upon the nature of the material combusting, even explosion. A similar effect is involved with nuclear fission.
            Without going into boring detail, try to imagine explaining that process with physics theory. Can you imagine how a gallon of gasoline or a pound of nuclear material can contain the amount of heat they produce if heat is not the product of a form of energy?
            If as shown heat is the product of the energy that produces attraction and is inherent in the components elementary to the first stage of creation (protons) then it stands that the energy that produces heat is a fundamental form of energy that is a component of elementary particles. Does it make sense that so clearly evident justification should be discarded in favor of the current convoluted non-explanation explanation just because there is no known way to experimentally demonstrate the process? Actually, the concept explained by the Fundamental Physics is demonstrated with every stroke of each automotive engine, each time a match is struck, each time a stove burner is turned on. The energy that produces heat is a component of each elementary particle, each photon.
            Why is the physics theory for heat still supported? Do you see the signs of a cult mentality induced conspiracy? I’ll tell you why. Recognition that heat is the product of energy fundamental to the formation of matter instantly blows modern physics concepts that are based upon the conservation of energy and the kinetic theory of matter. Concepts adopted as fundamental physics laws. Concepts that deny the universe was created and is sustained by a source of energy. Concepts that form the foundation of a cult mentality driven conspiracy. It means a complete rewrite of all text material used to teach physics and related science subjects.
            There is another revealing phenomenon. There is no central governing or controlling venue with physics. The whole enchilada is run under peer management where individuals take on the fight to disparage concepts that threaten the status quo and where no conflicting concepts are accepted without approving peer review, which in analogous to a snowballs chance in hell.  The status quo provides a lucrative atmosphere supporting professor tenure in colleges and universities where monetary grants are the significant governing factor.  

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