Monday, July 7, 2014

Explaining Constant Speed of light

Explaining Constant Speed of Light
By: Miles Pelton, 7/7/14

            Albert Einstein and others concluded that the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference and that the speed of light is the only such constant but was unable to explain why. In this paper the phenomenon will be explained as well as to identify two other constants.

            First it is necessary to recognize that photons do not produce light but are rather the carrier of the energy that produces illumination, which is light. This is demonstrated by the paper entitled Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision (Pelton,, 2014).
            Photons are a composite particle of three forms of fundamental energy as explained by the paper A Here-to-fore Unidentified Fundamental Energy (Pelton,, 2014). Photons are assembled by protons using the energy supplied by elementary particles. The affinity form of fundamental energy is visible to the eye and to media used to photograph images. Because it is visible it makes objects visible that are awash in its energy that is released from impacting photons.
            Fundamental energy consists of quantum charges of a precise sustained intensity existing as a singularity point meaning: energy charges free of any physical component exist at a single point. When released from their composite assembly as when photons impact pigmented matter, each singularity point establishes an energy field by expanding from its singularity state in a manner analogous to filling a sphere. In the course of expanding the quantum particles disperse thereby reducing the illumination intensity. The rate of dispersion follows the change in volume, which change for a sphere is expressed by the equation V=4/3 pi r^3 (where V = volume and r = radius) and that translates to a rate of intensity change inversely proportional to the radius distance squared. The effect of that rate of change with radius distance translates to a constant speed determined to be the speed of light.
            As a consequence, light producing energy expands from a point at a rate that is constant in all frames of reference. This is true for the fundamental energy forms that produce gravity and electromagnetic radiation as well. The process involved in producing gravitational attraction and heat is explained in Defining Heat (Pelton,, 2014).

            With recognition that the energy that produces light exists in a singularity state comes understanding of the phenomenon that light travels in space at the “speed of light”, 300,000 kilometers per sec, in all frames of reference. With that recognition comes realization that there exists a here to fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy called affinity and that a form of fundamental energy exists that powers gravitational attraction and another that powers repelling electromagnetic charges as well.

Pelton, M. (2014, June ). Retrieved from
Pelton, M. (2014, May 13). Retrieved from
Pelton, M. (2014, July 7). Retrieved from

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