Friday, October 10, 2014

Light, Illumination, Vision

.Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision

Author: Miles Pelton


This is an explanation of scientific phenomena reveled through accidental observation in a manner similar to the revelation in which the relationship between electricity and magnetism was revealed to Hans Christian Oersted (1777 – 1851). This demonstration reveals new understanding regarding light, illumination and vision that has the potential to start a new era in technological advancements just as did the Oersted revelation. At the same time it reveals that the current explanation of the behavior of these phenomena is flawed.


The phenomenon was revealed when a lighted candle bathed in sunlight was observed to cast a shadow on a backdrop as illustrated in this picture. The candle including the wick casts a clear shadow but the flame of the candle does not even though the flame is clearly visible. Puzzled by the apparent contradiction with current explanation of the behavior of light and vision a closer look was given to the observed phenomenon. Clearly the sunlight in the form of photons passed through the flame without being blocked by matter so did not cast a shadow. Yet, the impression of the backdrop, currently explained as radiating photons does not pass through the flame. The backdrop cannot be seen through the flame.


The observed phenomenon brought realization that radiating photons are not light, they do not produce illumination. Photons carry the energy that produces light (and heat and ionization) but are not themselves light. When the passage of photons is blocked by matter the energy carried by the photons is released and the energy released produces illumination. The candle and the backdrop blocks the radiating photons, they release the energy they carry and the matter upon which impacted, is illuminated. The candle blocks the radiating photons causing a shadow to be cast on the backdrop. The flame does not block the sunlight’s radiating photons so no shadow and the photons proceed to deposit the energy they carry onto the backdrop.

The observed phenomenon brought further realization. Photons are not the instrument that carries vision as currently explained. If vision involved the radiation of photons then the backdrop image would have passed through the flame as did the sunlight. Clearly, photons are not an instrument in vision. That leaves several open questions; what is it that is seen as the flame? And, since heat is involved, what is the mechanism by which photons produce heat. . Clearly there is another form of energy that drives vision and separate form of energy that drives heat.

The flame of the candle is a product of the combustion that takes place with a lighted candle. The flame is not matter illuminated by the photons radiated as sunlight. Combustion is a process where the energy bond that bind atoms are fragmented releasing the photons that provided the binding force. Some of the released photons radiate free of the candle atmosphere to illuminate distant matter. Some photons impact molecules in the atmosphere surrounding the candle wick and release the energy they carry. When the molecule is oxygen the heat producing energy component causes the oxygen molecule bonds to break, thereby releasing more photons to impact and produce more heat culminating in a “chain reaction” or otherwise known as combustion.

Clearly, the phenomenon associated with a burning candle involves two forms of energy not addressed by current explanation. One form produces illumination and vision while the other form produces the effect called heat. (For an explanation of the heat process ) The heat released as a product of combustion is concentrated around the wick and being less dense than the surrounding air, rises. Since it has been established that heat and photons are not visible and that the flame is not matter it must be assumed the flame is the form of energy that produces vision and illumination.

This adds credence to the concept of elementary particles that are a composite of three forms of fundamental energy that are incorporated into forming photons. One form attracts like attraction energy charges. A second form repels like repelling energy charges and a third form establishes an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. Recognizing that it is the attraction energy charge that produces heat as explained by the referenced blog, and that the repelling energy charge is expended through radiation and ionization that leaves the affinity charge as the producer of illumination and vision. That conclusion is supported with the explanation for the candle flame.

The combustion reaction of the candle releases a heavy concentration of photons many of which impact surrounding air molecules so that the area surrounding the candle combustion is saturated with affinity energy. With insufficient matter available to be illuminated the freed affinity energy is attracted to the attraction energy existing as heat and is visible as a glow. Being attracted to the rising heat the glow appears to be rising as well but the concentration of affinity energy, therefore the glow dissipates as the heat energy dissipates.


The current explanation for light, illumination and vision is flawed. As demonstrated the radiation of photons is a separate specific function independent of illumination and vision. They are common only from the aspect that photons are carriers of three fundamental forms of energy one of which produces illumination and vision where eyes are the instrument for observing the behavior of that form of fundamental energy that produces illumination and vision.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creation Progression

Creation Progression
By: Miles Pelton, 9/14/14

              The basic requisite to analyzing a situation or a system is to start the analysis from the beginning. Physics is the study of creation, which if to produce credible results must follow the progression of events from the beginning and that has not been the case. Early Physicists searched to understand the beginning of creation but following birth of the religious concept of an almighty Devine creator the secular study of the physics of creation adopted the concept of the conservation of energy. Whether or not driven by anti-creator beliefs the law of energy conservation was adopted without proof that another source of energy did not exist and without proof of the conservation of energy theory. As a consequence, substantiating theories were subsequently developed to justify belief of the conservation of energy law.
              Deferring to logic that has grown from centuries of reasoning, it is quite apparent that the power to created preceded creation, which translated means that, if matter is made of energy then creation began with energy and at this point in the argument, the source of the energy is not critical to the progression of consideration. More important is the nature and behavior characteristics of that fundamental energy and the processes by which distributed and sustained.
              Again relying upon logic gained through centuries of experience, the success of creation demands several basic precepts. The energy must be durable, the behavior, including strength, constant.  Following that based upon logic and observed behaviors, the energy must have the ability to attract itself and it must have the ability to repel itself so that assembled energy that has no physical component would produce an assembly with a physical component. Then less obvious is the realization that attraction and repelling actions would require two energy forms and progressive assembly would not proceed beyond the creation of two part assemblies if the process involved interaction between the attraction and repelling forms of energy. (That is where the ancient Chinese concept of yin-yang failed.)
To promote progressive assembly the attraction charges must attract like attraction charges (also produces gravitational attraction) and repelling charges must repel like repelling charges. Further consideration drives the conclusion that the attraction and repelling charges must coexist as an elementary particle of energy for the process to work and that means a third form of energy to mediate interaction between the attraction and repelling charges. Then one final fundamental characteristic established through scientific research, the power of fundamental energy charges exists in precise quantum. With those behavioral characteristics the fundamental energy quantum can self-assemble into energy particles elementary to all subsequent assembly and elementary energy particles can self-assemble into more complex assemblies. One important note. Because the energy of elementary energy particles is sustained, the elementary energy particles are carriers of energy that grows in intensity as assembly progresses.
              With the energy to power behavior an intrinsic part of each elementary particle each subsequent assembly acquires power intensity that is a function of the number of assembled elementary particles. As a consequence the intensity of fundamental energy builds as assembly progresses and there are other fundamental energy characteristics. Having no physical property any quantity of fundamental energy can exist at a single point and with the intensity of the energy at a point sustained fundamental energy expands spherically from a source point as an energy field that decreases in density, therefore intensity, as the distance from the source point increases. The rate of decrease that can be calculated by the equation for finding the volume of a sphere, translates as equal to the distance squared and the speed that energy released from a source point travels has been measured as “the speed of light”.
              Research has established that quarks, an intermediary assembly, are the first step in the assembly of matter. Quarks are limited in size by the inverse distance squared rule determined to be 612 elementary energy particles and because elementary energy particles are composite assemblies of complimentary energy charges, they are not discernible and the quark assemblies are likewise. As a consequence of assembly, the assembly acquires an energy intensity equal to the sum of assembled intensities but the assembly charges stratify in response to their inherent behavior. The attraction charges that self-attract, constrict into a center of gravity: the repelling charges distribute around the periphery of the assembly: the affinity charges maintain contact charge by charge. In this format the assembly is called a down quark.
              The more powerful attraction intensity of the quark draws other elementary energy particles to the vicinity and a second quark and eventually a third quark assemble. However; a new situation develops. The intensity of the three quark assembly is so intense that the third quark ejects a repelling charge and the attraction energy charges are drawn into a singularity. The new type quark is called an up-quark. The resulting assembly is known as a neutron and because the assembly has a center of gravity it has mass
              The singularity of the up-quark is a new phenomenon in the creation process. The singularity is an assembly energy center that is in addition to the assembly center of gravity. The singularity center radiates an energy field in the manner previously described and that energy center attracts other like energy centers. This phenomenon produces the force currently defined as gluon and plays an important role in the formation of protons and the assembly of nuclei. Standing alone neutrons are not stable, the contraction of energy particles continue where with continued contraction the force applied increases because of the inverse distance squared rule as previously explained. Eventually contraction force overpowers repelling force and a second quark is transformed from a down to an up and the resulting assembly is known as a proton and with two singularity centers of 612 units and an assembly singularity center of 1,224 units, the proton has powerful binding power.
              The next step in the progression of creation involves the formation of atom nuclei where protons and neutrons assemble. The principle binding force comes from the power of the singularities.
First the 612 unit singularities in the proton and neutron bond. Then the 1,224 unit proton singularity bonds with each of the 612 unit singularities. Then the 1,836 unit singularity of the proton-neutron assembly binds with the other singularities. This is an example of the progression of energy intensity along with the progression of creation.
              The growth of assembly and progression of energy intensities continues into the assembly of atoms and then molecules. It is this growth in energy intensity, binding force production and the inverse distance squared rule that determines the alignment and configuration of atoms and their orbits.

              The processes involved in the physics associated with creation are vastly different when viewed from the perspective produced by considering them in order of progression. A reassessment of the treatment of fundamental physics is indicated as a serious need. 

Which Einstein

Elementary Energy

Photons As Elementary Particles

Photons Explained

Moon at Night

Light - Illuminagtion _ Vision

Light and Vision

Gravitational Attraction and Mass

Flame Vision


Proton's Role

Protons and Heat

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Photons Radiate

Why Photons Radiate
By: Miles Pelton, 10/8/14
            For centuries physicists have searched unsuccessfully to uncover the mysteries surrounding the origin of the universe. Part of the reason for failure has been rejection of any possible inference of a divine creator, which has succeeded in concealing evidence that would bring clarification.
            The conclusions documented have been drawn from reasoned consideration of the behavior that would be required to produce the observed effects and do not clarify origin and do not attempt to prove except through explanation of processes that would produce the observed behavior.

            After all is said and done it is the form and origin of the energy to produce matter that must be explained if the processes are to be understood. It is reasoned that the energy involved in the creation of matter be supplied with absolutely precisely sustained intensity and behavior and in a form that is elementary to all things. Recognizing the immense distances involved the question arises as to how energy can be reliably distributed throughout the universe. The best response is that the “charge” of energy inherent in matter is sustained by a ubiquitous “charge” that exists throughout the universe as does Cosmic Background Radiation.
            Evidence abounds to establish that repelling and attracting forces exist even in elementary particles of matter. The force of gravitational attraction supports the argument that one form of elementary energy powers the attraction of attraction energy charges by other like attraction energy charges. The repelling force as exists between electrons and between protons argues that a second form of elementary energy powers the repelling of repelling charges by other like repelling charges. The attraction of electrons, with a repelling charge, by protons, with a predominant attraction charge, argues that a third form of elementary energy exists. One that mediates the attraction of repelling energy charges by attraction energy charges as is found producing difference of electrical potential (voltage or electro motive force).
            Considering the behavior of the three forms of elementary energy brings recognition that they would join to form composite energy particles with one unit of each form of energy in each particle followed by recognition that such an energy particle, photons, do in fact exist with a wide range of energy intensities. With one unit of each form of energy the resulting particle matches the description of elementary or quantum particles.
Except for elementary particles that self-assemble, photons are assembled by protons or assemblies of protons as in the nucleus of an atom. The charge intensity of a photon is set by the number of charge units involved in producing the photon. For example; one proton, such as a hydrogen atom, is made of 1,836 elementary particles. Therefore, photons produced by a hydrogen atom have an intensity of 1,836 units while a photon produced by a helium atom with two protons have an intensity of 3,672 units. Photons are released to radiate when the bond of which a part is fractured as occurs when electrons pass from atom to atom of a tungsten wire light bulb filament. That raises the question, why?
            Photons are unique. They are fundamental energy, not force, not potential or kinetic energy, not acceleration, not matter, not mass, just fundamental energy. Each is a point source of the three forms of energy. A point source is a singularity where the unlimited supply of energy acts instantaneously unlike non-singularity energy acts at the speed of light. Therefore, fundamental energy exists in singularity form. Each photon is a singularity point source of fundamental energy. That is why upon impact with matter, radiating photons rupture and the energies of which made radiate an energy field from the point of rupture.
            The term radiate needs explanation. When a photon is released from a ruptured atomic bond the energy that was being expended to form the bond is released and sets up an energy field that decreases in intensity as the square of the distance from the point of release. The intact photons that are released are carried by the energy field. Because the field strength decreases at a regular rate the photons travel at that rate, the speed of light. The radiating photons remain intact until they impact pigmented material and their intensity is sustained by the ubiquitous charge field through which they travel. Intact photons do not produce illumination.
            When radiating photons impact pigmented matter the energy of which made is deposited upon the object. The attraction energy is taken up (absorbed) by the atom upon which they impacted producing the effect called heat. The affinity charge of the impacting photons establish a connection between the released repelling charges and the attraction charge of the outer orbit of the surface atoms of the host object and energy fields are established. The energy fields thus established expand to the limits set by the inverse distance squared rule to make the object visible or until they impact matter. When the expanding energy field impacts matter a new connection is established with the new host and that energy field expands to convey the image of that object. The process described constitutes the process currently explained as light reflection and continues until the available intensity is exhausted.  
            There is an explanation for the behavior of photons and when explained clearly demonstrates that there is a difference between radiating photons and the radiating energy fields that produce illumination and vision.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Elementary (God"s) Particle

The Elementary (God’s) Particle
By: Miles Pelton, 7/6/14


It has been acceptably established by Planck and Einstein that the energy elementary to the creation of matter exists in packets or particles of specific fundamental forms of energy with a quantum or single unit intensity. It has also been acceptably established that the quantum energy particles produce attraction and repelling forces plus other fundamental effects including heat, light and electro-magnetic effects and are inherent in the most fundamental forms of matter. The existence of an elementary particle has not been confirmed.


            Scientific research has established that in the process of transformation of a neutron to a proton, an electron is ejected and that the ejected electron has a mass that is 1,836th that of a proton. Several points are made obvious in translation. There is a particle elementary to a proton that is 1,836th the size of a proton. It has also been established that electrons have one unit (a quantum unit) of an electrical charge causing electrons to repel other electrons and to be attracted by protons.

              Protons are the smallest assembly of matter that is stable, they are the building block of all more complex assemblies of matter and while their attraction of electrons is the force that binds the assembly of atoms, protons repel strongly other protons. As a consequence of this behavior it was concluded that the energy charge on electrons is opposite the energy charge of protons. However, consideration of other factors supports the argument that those conclusions were flawed.
              The term “charge” has been accepted by the scientific community without definition and must be recognizes as energy with the power to do work. Also, the conclusion regarding protons attract electrons because they are opposite “charge” was accepted without consideration for the fact that if in fact opposite charge, the charges would be annihilated without inter mediating mechanism. Those who derived the conclusions regarding the charges inherent in basic physics also failed to explain gravitational attraction where matter attracts matter or to recognize there is a plausible concept that fully explains the behavior fundamental to the creation of matter.
              In this counter explanation “charge” is recognized as energy where quantum attraction energy attracts attraction energy, quantum repelling energy repels repelling energy and a here-to-fore unrecognized form of energy mediates/interacts to establish an attraction (affinity) between the attraction and repelling energy charges. Recognize that it is the attraction for attraction that produces gravitational attraction. That the repelling energy charge is the quantum electromagnetic charge. That it is the affinity energy charge that produces the attraction of electrons by protons.  (Each of these energy forms are instruments in producing other forces and effects as well.) It should be noted that the here-to-fore unrecognized affinity energy is not something new. It is the energy that powers what is now accepted and called “difference” of electrical potential”. This counter explanation is proven by the same scientific research that supported current beliefs but provides explanation for processes not now explained.
              Failure to establish the existence of elementary particles is also explainable. Recognize that the three fundamental energy charges exist as a composite particle whose charges balance out in the same manner as color confinement make quarks undetectable. There is reason to believe that elementary particle are in fact quantum photons.

              This counter explanation not only provides a complete explanation for fundamental physics principles but makes known processes and principles here-to-fore hidden by flawed conclusions.             

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gravity by Fundamental Physics

Gravity by Fundamental Physics
By: Miles Pelton, 15/7/14

            Perhaps the most torturous explanations of physics phenomena deals with gravitational attraction, gravity for short. Newton described gravity as the force between two bodies of mass is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Yet when put into equation form it turned out that the force of gravity between two bodies is F1 = F2 = G m1 x m2/d2 with no explanation why G was necessary or why F1and F2 are equal or why the masses were multiplied.
            The encyclopedia explain gravitational attraction as a natural phenomenon where physical bodies attract each other with a force of attraction that acts between and on all physical bodies with matter (mass) or energy. The term energy was not explained and nowhere is energy stated as a cause.

            As a fundamental “natural phenomenon” all aspects need (and can be) defined in absolute terms including the cause, which is not now the case. First is to define the term mass and to identify the absolute quantum component of mass that fulfills the observations of Galileo with the leaning tower of Pizza demonstration, which concluded the need for a particle elementary to all matter must exist. That particle was never identified. However, since the electron is the smallest elementary charge the elementary particle must be the size of an electron.
            Since matter (mass) attracts matter a form of energy that attracts itself is indicated as necessary to achieve that behavior. Also, to obtain a physical presence elementary particles need a repelling charge that repels itself. Then a form of energy that will establish affinity between the attraction and repelling charges beginning with their assembly into elementary particles must have a form of energy that attracts itself.
            With that reasoning the conclusion is drawn that one quantum charge of each of the three forms of fundamental energy exist with sustained intensity as a composite elementary particle, of which all things are made. It is the attraction charge that attracts another like attraction charge that is of interest in gravitational attraction.
            With one attraction charge inherent in each elementary particle an assembly of elementary particles acquires a an attraction charge intensity equal to the number of elementary particles, which corresponds to the mass of the assembly. The attraction charge of an assembly acts from the vector center of the assembly, the center of gravity, to attract the attraction charges of another assembly .For example, an assembly of 1,000 elementary particles has a center of gravity with 1,000 units of intensity. Such an assembly would attract another assembly say with 100 elementary particles with 100 lines of 1,000 units of intensity applied to each line. Then the 100 elementary particle assembly with a 100 unit intensity would attract the 1,000 elementary particle assembly with 1,000 lines of 100 unit attraction intensity.
            The intensity applied by a fundamental form of energy decreases as the distance from the point of action squared. This behavior has a big influence on the intensity of the force applied. For example; the intensity of the earth’s center of gravity that is applied on a person on the surface decreases as the earths radius squared and the intensity of the force applied by the person on the earth’s surface on the earth is reduced to near zero. Being distributed over all the elementary particles in the earth the intensity per line is small and the distances involved very large the force of the person on the earth would be negligible.
            The mass, that is the number of elementary particles, of an object of known composition, for example carbon, can be established by multiplying the number of nuclei by 1,836. With an object of known elementary particles the mass of a multi element composition, for example the earth, can be degtermined by measuring the force of attraction exerted on the known mass object and by knowing the radius distance. Also, the unit of force determination can be converted to conventional force terms by measuring the force per unit of force.
            Therefore, the force acting between two bodies is equal to mass 1 X mass 2 divided by the distance squared plus mass2 X mass 1 divided by the distance squared or F = 2 x (m1 +  m2 / d^2)  X PF where PF is the proportionality factor for converting units of  force to a conventional force term. It is not understood why it was found necessary to develop and apply a Gravitational Constant but possibly because elementary particles were not recognized.

            The calculation of gravitational force is rather straight forward with recognition that matter is made of absolutely identical sustained intensity elementary particles and recognition of elementary particles also shows that the Newton conclusions were defective.


Bedroom Vision

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Analyzing the Energy of Creation Physics

Analyzing the Energy of Creation Physics
By: Miles Pelton, 8/7/14

            Max Planck recognized two elements in the energy involved in physics and offered the equation  where E is total energy, h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the energy. Beyond that, Planck’s constant has not been effectively explained and the concept of the energy fundamental to physics and creation is left in limbo. Planck’s constant is explainable in straight forward terms.

            It is understood that the frequency or sine wave length of energy expresses its intensity, meaning the degree of effectiveness. It is a measure of how much of the energy’s power can be effectively applied. With light energy the frequency also is used by the eyes and photographic medium to convey color. Flat-lined (zero wave length/frequency) intensity is one and the color rendered is black. Each increase in frequency produces a unique color so that at maximum frequency (90) there would be a full range of colors and the perceived color would be white. Then Planck’s constant is a measure of a quantum portion of the power magnitude of the energy being applied and the frequency corresponds to how many quantum portions are being applied.
            The magnitude of the energy in a given case is set by the number of particles of fundamental energy (quanta) involved in forming the source. Ergo, one unit of fundamental energy is contributed to an assembly for each elementary particle involved. For example a proton made of 1,836 elementary particles would emit energy with a magnitude or an h factor of 1,836 units, which would increase one quantum for each increase in frequency.
            The point made is that accepting Planck’s constant proves that energy of absolutely precise behavior is an inherent component of each assembly of matter where assemblies are made of elementary particles, which means each elementary particle contributes one quantum of each form of fundamental energy. At this stage in analyzing the behavior of energy there is evidence of three forms of fundamental energy. One produces gravitational attraction. One produces the electron charge. One produces illumination (light).


            Planck’s constant is definable in precise terms and in the process provides confirmation that fundamental energy with absolutely precise behavior and of which all things are made, is supplied in the form of composite elementary particles.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Explaining Constant Speed of light

Explaining Constant Speed of Light
By: Miles Pelton, 7/7/14

            Albert Einstein and others concluded that the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference and that the speed of light is the only such constant but was unable to explain why. In this paper the phenomenon will be explained as well as to identify two other constants.

            First it is necessary to recognize that photons do not produce light but are rather the carrier of the energy that produces illumination, which is light. This is demonstrated by the paper entitled Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision (Pelton,, 2014).
            Photons are a composite particle of three forms of fundamental energy as explained by the paper A Here-to-fore Unidentified Fundamental Energy (Pelton,, 2014). Photons are assembled by protons using the energy supplied by elementary particles. The affinity form of fundamental energy is visible to the eye and to media used to photograph images. Because it is visible it makes objects visible that are awash in its energy that is released from impacting photons.
            Fundamental energy consists of quantum charges of a precise sustained intensity existing as a singularity point meaning: energy charges free of any physical component exist at a single point. When released from their composite assembly as when photons impact pigmented matter, each singularity point establishes an energy field by expanding from its singularity state in a manner analogous to filling a sphere. In the course of expanding the quantum particles disperse thereby reducing the illumination intensity. The rate of dispersion follows the change in volume, which change for a sphere is expressed by the equation V=4/3 pi r^3 (where V = volume and r = radius) and that translates to a rate of intensity change inversely proportional to the radius distance squared. The effect of that rate of change with radius distance translates to a constant speed determined to be the speed of light.
            As a consequence, light producing energy expands from a point at a rate that is constant in all frames of reference. This is true for the fundamental energy forms that produce gravity and electromagnetic radiation as well. The process involved in producing gravitational attraction and heat is explained in Defining Heat (Pelton,, 2014).

            With recognition that the energy that produces light exists in a singularity state comes understanding of the phenomenon that light travels in space at the “speed of light”, 300,000 kilometers per sec, in all frames of reference. With that recognition comes realization that there exists a here to fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy called affinity and that a form of fundamental energy exists that powers gravitational attraction and another that powers repelling electromagnetic charges as well.

Pelton, M. (2014, June ). Retrieved from
Pelton, M. (2014, May 13). Retrieved from
Pelton, M. (2014, July 7). Retrieved from

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Analyzing Weather Systems

Analyzing the Weather Systems
By: Miles Pelton, 5/7/2014

            Weather systems can and do develop to such an extent that they are dangerous and destructive. A burden upon individuals and our society. Understanding the energies, forces and processes involved in the development of weather systems could lead to the development of methods to mitigate the severity and destructiveness of weather systems. Identifying the energy, forces and processes involved in weather systems is the objective of this report.

            Clouds are an assembly of water molecules. Every assembly of matter develops a center of gravitational attraction that forms one of the energy/force systems involved in the formation and behavior of clouds. Also, the molecules involved in clouds bond because of the interaction between protons and electrons mistakenly called electromagnetic forces.
            Water molecules are the matter principally involved in the formation of clouds and weather systems and the energy that produces the effect call heat or heating is the principal energy that drives their formation. Further, but extremely important is the manner in which water molecule bond to form water and water vapor assemblies. The interaction between molecules of water or water vapor is unique conveying to assemblies of water molecules the capability to take up relatively vast quantities of heat energy. The details are not important to this discussion except to clarify that it is the bonds between protons and electrons that are involved in giving this unique behavior. Fundamental Physics has concluded that a form of fundamental energy exists that produces the interaction between protons and electrons and uses the name affinity energy.
            In the liquid form water is a powerful attractor of the energy that produces heat. That is because the bonding between molecules produces a very dense assembly that in turn produces powerful center of gravitational attraction. Gravitational attraction is powered by the fundamental energy that powers attraction between attraction energy charges. The attraction between protons (powerful attraction charges) and electrons (the repelling energy charge) is the affinity charge.
            When heat energy is taken up by the attraction energy center (center of gravitational attraction). Center of gravitational attraction energy intensity is expended in attracting the energy that produces heat. As a consequence, less intensity is available to power proton-electron bonding. Weakened bonding means expansion, which means a reduction in density, which means a cloud can hold a greater quantity of water molecules in suspension in the atmosphere and the unique bonding between water molecules is capable of extensive expansion without breaking. In fact, expansion is essentially infinite. No other molecule possesses the behavior characteristics of water and an assembly of water vapor can hold near limitless amounts of heat producing energy.
            That is why even a single cloud assembly can involve extremely destructive power when the assembly progresses to a tornado stage. However, a thunderhead cloud assembly is an assembly of matter and assemblies of matter have gravitational attraction for each other. (Attraction charges attract attraction charges.) Thunderhead assemblies can and do attract each other to form more complex assemblies and each subsequent assembly acquires a center of gravitational attraction whose intensity is the sum of all the intensity of all assembled centers of gravitational attraction. Such an assembly, now called a hurricane or a typhoon has a powerful center of gravitation attraction and that applies more force on the constituent components that the earth’s center of gravitational attraction. At that hurricane/typhoon stage, the individual components are freed from control of the earth’s gravitational center and it is the storm assembly, the multitude of individual storm cells that is tethered to the earth’s center of gravitational attraction. (It should be noted that individual storm cells also become isolated assemblies.)
            Recognize that the powerful center of gravitational attraction of storm systems attracts the energy that produces heat from any heated point but mainly from the earth’s surface, especially the oceans that store massive quantities of heat. That is why the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere drops in the vicinity of a storm cell. Storm cells grow and remain active as long as the supply of heat energy is sustained.  
            Storm cells and hurricane/typhoon systems are an assembly of charged particles existing in the earth’s magnetic force field where the individual lines of force that exhibit magnetic force, spiral. As a consequence the storm cells and the storm system acquire a spiraling reaction. The spiral of magnetic lines of force are such that they impart a counterclockwise rotation for systems in the northern hemisphere and clockwise for systems in the southern hemisphere. (North or south of the earth’s magnetic equator.) It is that rotation motion that produces the damaging winds.

            Considering the forces and cause of forces involved it is evident that either of two, or both simultaneously, storm mitigating actions are conceivable. Develop a means to extract heat from the individual storm cells, preferable during the formative stage or a means of fragmenting (tearing apart) the inter-molecule bonds. The energy that produces heat can be extracted by inducing lightning discharge. (Lightning is the movement of heat producing energy.) With it now known that affinity energy, which is the energy that produces illumination as well as the proton-electron bonds, it is conceivable that a means can be developed to weaken those affinity bonds to the point they fragment. Possibly with laser technology or the injection of positrons into the cloud formation.



Photoelectron Emission

The Photoelectron Effect in Fundamental Physics Terms
By: Miles Pelton, 5/7/2014

            Atoms are the building material of matter. The components of which atoms are made, principally protons and electrons, are bound by force produced by a fundamental form of energy that Fundamental Physics calls affinity energy. Each type atom acquires a singularity center (analogous to center of gravity) where the intensity (power) is in proportion to the number of protons in the atom. Therefore, each type atom has a different number of protons so the intensity of their singularity center is unique and the bond intensities are likewise unique to each type atom. In some materials the outer orbit bonds are weaker than others.
            Photons are composite energy particles made of one quantum of each of the three forms of fundamental energy, one of which Fundamental Physics calls affinity energy. Affinity energy provides the interaction between protons and electrons. The intensity (power) of each quantum of energy in a photon is set by the strength of the energy that was applied in forming that unique bond that fractured to release the photon in question. The intensity of energy is reflected by its frequency or wavelength with a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) translating to a higher intensity and a lower frequency (longer wavelength) a lower intensity. The reason being that a greater number of the smaller high frequency particles traveling at the speed of light can impact and act on a point in a given period of time than can the larger low frequency particles.

            When radiated photons impact matter the energy carried is deposited on the object. When the intensity (frequency) of the affinity energy particles matches the intensity of a bond in an atom of the impacted material the energy forming the bond is canceled (neutralized) and the bonded electron charge is freed. That is photoelectron emission. In plant life it produces the effect called photosynthesis. (It should be understood that deposited affinity energy is visible so produces illumination as well). 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Defining Heat

By; Miles Pelton, 3/7/2014
            The convoluted non-explanation explanation of heat is a good example of the damage that has resulted because of the conspiracy that developed in the early days of scientific research in the quest for understanding of the processes involved in creation. The early days of formal scientific study developed the kinetic theory of matter that was set as “the law”. It is explained in Modern College Physics, a college level textbook, that: “according to the kinetic theory of matter the individual atoms of which all substances are made are in a state of rapid motion. As a body is heated to a higher temperature this atomic motion increases and the body expands. As a body cools the atomic motions decrease and the body shrinks. That heat is a form of energy and is due to the kinetic energy of molecular motion was first proposed by Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, in the later part of the 18th century.”  Merriam Webster defines heat as: “to become hot or to make hot.” Webster’s New College Dictionary says: “the quality of becoming hot.”  Wikipedia explains that: “in physics and chemistry, heat is energy transferred from one body to another by thermal interaction.” In essence these references define heat by saying heat is the energy that produces heat and is created because the molecules of which all things are made vibrate when heated.
By studying the results of science research it is evident that heat is produced when the bonds that form matter are fragmented regardless of the cause of bonds being fragmented. In combustion the introduction of heat, as with a match or a spark, causes the bonds of volatile materials to be fragmented. For example, the bonds between carbon and hydrogen in gasoline in the presence of oxygen. Bonds are also fragmented when electric current is force to flow through a conductor of certain elements like tungsten or nichrome.  When bonds are fragmented the energy that produced the bonding force is released in the form of photons. When photons that radiated from the point of rupture impact matter, they rupture releasing the energy they contain.
 Behavior of the energy released by photons gives evidence of three forms of energy.  One form produces heating, one form produces illumination and one form produces changes in the chemical structure of the matter upon which the photon energy is released. From that observation it is concluded that there is a form of energy that produces the effect called heat. Evidence documented from other scientific research concludes two forms of energy fundamental to the creation of matter. One form produces attraction and one form produces attraction. Then a third form produces illumination.
It is recognized that it is the attraction form of energy that imparts the power to attract to protons and that protons and assemblies of protons (atoms) acquire a power center of attraction energy. It is the attraction energy center of protons and atoms that establishes the bonds that form atoms of matter. By the nature of its behavior the proton/atom attraction energy center expends some of its intensity (power) to attract the attraction energy deposited by impacting photons leaving less available to form bonds. With reduced energy intensity the bonded material expands and if the degree of heating is sufficient the bonds break releasing the energy that powered the bond, which then causes more bonds to be broken and more heat released. The reaction described defines combustion and if the involved material is sufficiently volatile, explosion.

The point being made is that there is a form of energy that produces heat so that heat is not the energy that produces heat but that the energy that produces heat is a fundamental form of energy inherent in all matter. That then translates to mean that the energy involved in producing heat is one of the three fundamental forms of energy that forms the composite particles of energy that are fundamental to all matter. 

Learn From Analyzing Explosions

Learn From Analyzing Explosions
By: Miles Pelton, 3/7/2014

            Much can be learned from analyzing the cause of explosions. There are essentially only two causes. Gas under high pressure will produce an explosive reaction when the container of the pressurized gas bursts. Otherwise explosions generally involve the sudden generation of heat that then causes expansion of the elements heated, usually air where the element most subject to rapid expansion is oxygen. That is all quite common knowledge that is accepted without question but when analyzed points out flaws in the physics theories.
            The principle involved is heat and this is where it gets sticky, current physics theory considers heat as something that exists not something produced as by a form of energy. Essentially, what that says is the heat involved in an explosion exists as heat in the material that explodes and expansion results when that heat is transferred to a medium containing less heat. The concept of heat as explained by physics is extremely convoluted and the inadequacies come to light when analyzed in this manner.
            Think of it this way; physics says the heat released by a match or a stick of dynamite exists as heat in the match and dynamite. Is that what you believe? Just common sense logic says that can’t be true. The point is; heat and heating are effects that are the product of a form of energy and in this case, the energy is a component of the bonds that bind the explosive material. Further, by reasoning, a form of energy that is fundamental to the creation of matter, a constituent of elementary particles that are components of all matter.
            The process producing heat is explained by Fundamental Physics at . As explained, heat is an effect produced when expended attraction energy it taken up by and weakens the intensity of proton singularity centers. Where upon, the weakened singularity center intensity weakens the bonds holding atoms and molecules together and the atoms/molecules expand and if the heating is sufficient, the bonds break. When atom/molecule bonds break the energy producing the broken bonds is released to produce more heat. The result is combustion and depending upon the nature of the material combusting, even explosion. A similar effect is involved with nuclear fission.
            Without going into boring detail, try to imagine explaining that process with physics theory. Can you imagine how a gallon of gasoline or a pound of nuclear material can contain the amount of heat they produce if heat is not the product of a form of energy?
            If as shown heat is the product of the energy that produces attraction and is inherent in the components elementary to the first stage of creation (protons) then it stands that the energy that produces heat is a fundamental form of energy that is a component of elementary particles. Does it make sense that so clearly evident justification should be discarded in favor of the current convoluted non-explanation explanation just because there is no known way to experimentally demonstrate the process? Actually, the concept explained by the Fundamental Physics is demonstrated with every stroke of each automotive engine, each time a match is struck, each time a stove burner is turned on. The energy that produces heat is a component of each elementary particle, each photon.
            Why is the physics theory for heat still supported? Do you see the signs of a cult mentality induced conspiracy? I’ll tell you why. Recognition that heat is the product of energy fundamental to the formation of matter instantly blows modern physics concepts that are based upon the conservation of energy and the kinetic theory of matter. Concepts adopted as fundamental physics laws. Concepts that deny the universe was created and is sustained by a source of energy. Concepts that form the foundation of a cult mentality driven conspiracy. It means a complete rewrite of all text material used to teach physics and related science subjects.
            There is another revealing phenomenon. There is no central governing or controlling venue with physics. The whole enchilada is run under peer management where individuals take on the fight to disparage concepts that threaten the status quo and where no conflicting concepts are accepted without approving peer review, which in analogous to a snowballs chance in hell.  The status quo provides a lucrative atmosphere supporting professor tenure in colleges and universities where monetary grants are the significant governing factor.