Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Explaining van de Graff and Electric Generators

Explaining van de Graff and Electric Generators
By: Miles Pelton, March 2014

             Van de Graff and conventional electric generators both deal with electric charges however, there is a world of difference between the two types of electric energy generated. The van de Graff generator pictured at the left generates a “static” charge that produces the effect shown in the center picture. Electric generators as in the picture on the right, generate an electric charge that produces electrical energy to power lighting and electric driven equipment and may produce the effect shown in the center picture but with serious consequences. Why the difference?
            The answer to that question demonstrates a point made by Fundamental Physics that the fundamental energy that powers the creation of matter is supplied as a composite Elementary Particle made of three forms of fundamental energy that normally act in concert with each other but, when separated and isolated act independently to produce a distinctly different effect than that produced in concert. As conceived by Fundamental Physics there are three forms of fundamental energy each with one distinct fundamental behavior. One does nothing except attract a like charge. One does nothing except repel a like charge. One does nothing except to bond (establish an affinity) between attraction and repelling charges. It is the affinity charge that bonds one attraction charge and one repelling charge to form an Elementary Particle. The attraction and the repelling charges could not function and there would have been no creation without the affinity charge as though having come into existence in response to the command, let there be light.
            Acting in concert in the form of elementary particles the forces produced by the fundamental charges create assemblies that have a physical presence and which assemblies have the power to produce more sophisticated assemblies that include the ability for the individual fundamental charges to interact in different manners including isolated to act independently. With the forces produced by the fundamental charges existing as Elementary particles, protons are assembled and protons acquire the ability to reconfigure, to transform, the energy charges in Elementary Particles into forms that provide the variety of options and configurations with the means of continuing the progressive development of matter and energy forms. The principle assembly produced by protons is the photon.
            Photons are an assembly of the fundamental energy charges configured to serve a variety of purposes. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 fundamental attraction energy charges produced by proton behavior set by the way protons are assembled. On being emitted by protons, photons are encased in fundamental repelling energy charges that are bound to the streaming photons by the fundamental affinity charges to produce the lines of force used to bond atoms and assemblies of atoms. In that form the protons that are assemblies of attraction energy, provide constriction force; the repelling charges produce repelling between lines of force; the lines of force are what is known as magnetic lines of force. But, the lines of force that bind atoms and assemblies of atoms are frangible and fragment. Also, lines of magnetic energy can be applied to doing work.
            It is the energy in lines of magnetic force that is transformed by the forces created in an electric generator to produce electric power. As an electric generator rotates, insulated and isolated conductors (coils of wires in the generator) are forced to traverse lines of magnetic force, which means the lines of force are cut open and the repelling charges are impressed upon the conductors in the generator. The continuing action forces the charges in one direction thereby creating a difference of charge potential along the length of the exposed conductors that shows at the generator terminals. (The attraction charges, protons, produce heating in the generator and the affinity charges produce illumination that cannot be seen.) The difference of charge potential (voltage) is maintained as long as the generator rotates. When a conductor is connected across the generator terminals the difference of charge potential uses those conductors to equalize the difference. However, in the process of moving along the “return path conductor” a difference of charge potential is caused to be established on each atom along the way. That means that each charge moves by charging and then discharging from each atom along the way. That reaction is called resistance, which is more for some type atoms than others (Copper and aluminum atoms offer less resistance than other types of atoms.) and the movement of electric charges is called electricity.
            With a van de Graff generator an excess of fundamental electric charges are supplied to and then removed from a medium (a travelling endless belt) and then deposited upon an insulated and isolated charge collector (a hollow sphere of metal) capable of holding fundamental repelling energy charges until the insulating/isolating medium breaks down. The collection of fundamental repelling charges produces a difference of potential in proportion to the number of charges collected on the hollow sphere. However, the difference between a van de Graff and an electric generator stems from the fact that with the van de Graff electric charges are supplied to and then transferred to a collector in a process with limited capacity to drive a continuing flow of charges, as is involved in producing electric power. If or when a low resistance discharge path is established the collection of charges is rapidly depleted with a charge flow of very short duration. With even a small amount of added insulation the resistance through a person’s body inhibits discharge of the collector and a person’s body becomes an extension of the collector where the charge produces effects like those shown by the middle photograph.

            The analogy as explained supports the concept of Elementary Particles with a composite of three fundamental energy charges through and by which matter is created and sustained and it illustrates the behavior of fundamental energy charges. These are behaviors that exist for observation over and over again and again when the conscious is receptive to recognition.   

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