Friday, March 28, 2014

With Out Gravity

With Out Gravity
By: Miles Pelton, Mar. 2014
Photo courtesy NASA
            The accompanying photograph was presented by NASA to illustrate the effect of zero gravity on the flame of a candle. However, the effect illustrated is not because of gravity’s effect on the candle flame but rather gravity’s effect on the atmosphere in which the candle burns. Obviously the effect is significant so the question is “what happens”.
          Consideration for the fundamental physics involved reveals the cause for the pictured reaction.  Begin by recognizing that the flame of the candle is the energy that produces illumination that when concentrated near the source of released photons, is seen as a glow. Photons are carriers of the energy that produces illumination in addition to the energy forms that produce heat. The energy carried by photons is deposited upon matter that is impacted by radiating photons. The glow of a light (illumination) is produced because we see the fundamental energy that produces illumination. The deposited heat energy causes weakening of the force that binds the molecules and atoms of which matter is made resulting in reduced density, which means reduction in reaction to the force of gravity.
             The photo on the right shows the effect on a candle burning in an atmosphere produced in a pressurized container (the space lab) rather than by gravity. The photo on the left shows the effect when the candle is burning in the oxygen rich atmosphere created by earth’s gravitational attraction where the density varies as the atmospheric pressure varies. Recognize that the combustion responsible for this reaction is releasing photons, some of which impact and release the energy they carry upon the molecules of the surrounding air. The energy that causes the illumination existing in concentration is seen as a glow. The heat producing energy causes expansion of the heated air molecules upon which the energy is deposited. In an atmosphere under the influence of gravity the heated less dense air molecules rise to a less dense atmospheric pressure and the rising heat configures as revealed by the glow of the candle in the left photo. Since the “atmosphere” in the NASA space station is manufactured pressurization and not created by gravity, there is no pressure stratification and the heated atmosphere just “hangs out” around the candle wick.
            The difference in flame color, intensity and size of the space lab photo is because the demonstration was conducted in a low or no oxygen atmosphere. Combustion in the presence of oxygen causes oxygen molecules to fragment, which adds to the energy released as photons as a product of combustion, which adds to the intensity of the combustion reaction and the concentration of the glow, which accounts for the color, intensity and size[MP1]  of the flame produced.
            These photos demonstrate that the glow of a candle or a star DOES NOT react to gravity but rather dispersion of the surrounding atmosphere molecules heated by the energy carried by photons is affected. Further, since the glow of a distant star (or galaxy) is vision and not radiating photons, the fact that vision is warped by gravity means that there is a carrier of vision that is affected by gravity.

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