Sunday, March 23, 2014

More Flawed Science

More Flawed Science
By: Miles Pelton, March 2014

            Do you see anything wrong with the statement on this declaration attributed to Carl Sagan and reposted by Physics Page?  It asserts that these and all the elements of which we are made required collapsing stars for their creation. If so, where were the elements of the collapsing stars made? This kind of stuff passes without question as proven science.
            The argument supporting this assertion claims that only in collapsing stars is there sufficient heat and pressure to create elements. Again not only unproven by easily explained to be absolutely wrong. The two things demonstrated repeatedly before our eyes is that heat and force destroy matter. Explained in technical terms, protons produce the lines of force by which atoms and assemblies of atoms are bound to produce the various atoms and consequently all matter. The acquisition of heat by protons reduces their power to bind so that heated elements expand even to the point of failure as seen in combustion and explosion. Similarly, elements and assembled matter are destroyed when subject to high pressure.
            As might be derived from the explained phenomena, the strongest bonds are realized in the absence of heat. Therefore, the most likely atmosphere for the formation of elements would be absolute zero temperature and minimal external pressure. Again, open space would be a more suitable atmosphere for the creation of matter. Oh, and that conclusion does not leave unanswered the question of how the matter in the collapsing star got created in the first place if it could be created only in a collapsing star.

            Statements of this type are made and accepted as scientific fact because gobbledygook used to explain fundamental physics principles is hiding the truth in order to preserve belief in the unproven conservation of energy theory. All those things are made clear by the concepts embraced by Fundamental Physics.

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