Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fundamental Physics in Nuclear Science

Fundamental Physics in Nuclear Science
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            This is an effort to explain nuclear science in Fundamental Physics terms. This is not a science paper. The only thing new or different from documented science is the perspective regarding the source of energy involved. Fundamental Physics recognizes that the atoms of which all matter is made are assemblies of protons and neutrons that are assemblies of Elementary Particles, a composite assembly of three quantum energy charges through which the energy that powers creation (matter) is supplied. Current science alleges that the energy of which matter is made is derived from the matter, which is not an explanation. Also, Fundamental Physics recognizes protons have a key role in the formation and behavior of matter. Functions that are left unexplained by current science.
             Simply; Fundamental Physics recognizes and explains that the energy that drives the formation of matter is sustained in and then distributed by absolutely identical Elementary Particles. Also that, the energy carried by Elementary Particles is transformed into photons by the behavior of protons where the energy intensity of photons varies as the number of protons contributing to their assembly varies. A single proton assembly produces photons with an intensity if 1,836 units (quanta) of Elementary Particle strength. A helium atom produces photons with a 2 X 1,836 or 2,672 quanta intensity and a uranium 236 atom produces photons with a 168,912 quanta intensity. (That is the energy center of protons and assemblies of protons has an energy intensity as stated. The energy applied to a specific bond in an atom varies in quantum increments with distance from the center.)
            The accompanying illustrations (courtesy Wikipedia) show what happens to an atom in fusion and fission reactions. In the fission reaction a neutron is forced to penetrate the uranium 235 atom and transforms to a proton changing uranium 235 to 236 which is not a stable assembly and the nucleus assembly slits into two atoms that are stable. As a consequence three neutrons are released along with the energy that formed the bonds that held the U236 nucleus together plus the energy that formed the bonds that held the three neutrons in the U236 nucleus. The energy released is the form of photons whose intensity was set by the intensity of U236 proton energy center adjusted for distance from the center. (Calculating the number of bonds broken in even just one uranium atom requires a little higher math. In a nucleus each proton bonds with every other proton, which bonds break when the atom splits. Bonds formed by gravitational attraction are not involved, they don’t break they just fade away.)
            In the fusion reaction atoms of hydrogen deuterium (one proton and one neutron) and hydrogen tritium (one proton and two neutrons are confined in the core of a heat producing device (a reactor or an atomic bomb). Exposed to extreme heat the hydrogen atoms expand and the bonds between protons and neutrons are broken releasing the bonding energy (photons) that add to the heat. Contained by the pressure inside a reactor or an atom bomb, the protons and neutrons self-assemble to form helium atoms that are extremely stable, they can withstand high temperature. However; with the heat of the failing hydrogen bonds adding to the initiating heat, the helium atoms fail releasing even more high intensity photons that rupture to release heat producing energy. Therefore the heat and consequential expansion of a fusion reaction includes the initiating heat plus the heat energy released by the breakdown of the hydrogen atoms plus the heat energy released by the fission of the helium atoms. If you followed closely it is seen that the act of fusion (the assembly of the protons and neutrons, freed by the initial heating, into helium atoms, did not release heat but that reaction did in fact require the expenditure of energy.
            Now for the rest of the story. Recognize that in the fission reaction bonds broke to release energy to create the heat to begin the reaction. That energy was expended, dissipated, not conserved yet the protons and neutrons remained viable, their energy intensity was sustained. In the fusion reaction the process is more obvious. After their bonds were broken and the energy that formed the bonds released, expended, the protons and neutrons remained viable to the extent they were able to form new high intensity helium bonds. Where did that continuing supply of energy in the form of photons needed to bond, come from? Not from the heat because heat is destructive and is expended to create expansion. Remember? Photons are created by protons using the energy supplied through Elementary Particles.

            Now, and this is why physicists in general are anti-creation, where does the energy come from that keeps Elementary Particles charged?  Since current science fails to explain, that may never be known. However, it is more plausible that energy known as Cosmic Background Radiation is the mechanism that keeps Elementary Particles charged, than to accept it is heat or radiation residue of the “big-bang”.

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