Sunday, March 23, 2014

Things Physicists Must Consider

Things Physicists Must Consider
By: Miles Pelton, March 2014
1.     Without contrary evidence, acceptance of the “big bang” concept requires recognition that the Universe initially was a sphere formed by the expansion of material in all directions from a point.
2.     Space-time, gravity and the fundamental laws of physics, especially the inverse distance squared rule, are the product of the “big bang” expansion.
3.     Considering the shape and behavior of galaxies and solar systems, the shape of the Universe most probably became a rotationally symmetric ellipsoid where the centrifugal force of rotation modifies density and shape per the inverse distance squared rule.
4.     With the behavior of matter under the control of the inverse distance squared rule and the centrifugal force due to rotation, the net binding force applied by gravity at the Universe equator would be less than is applied axially. Therefore, accelerated expansion would be greatest equatorially.
5.     The energy fundamental to the creation of matter is one dimensional (singularity state). It is not discernible, cannot be detected, with measuring devices currently available, it has no mass and acts instantaneously. The force produced by fundamental energy, such as gravity, is discernible. Elementary Particles consisting of quantum amounts of the attraction, repelling and affinity charges and photons, that are assemblies of multi-quantum amounts of fundamental charges, are in this category. (Photon intensity varies depending upon the number of protons, size of the atom or molecule, responsible for the assembly of the photon. Each proton in an atom or molecule assembly contributes one quantum of intensity to the proton produced by the assembly.)
6.     Mass is created when elementary particles are assembled. It is the forces acting between elementary particles when assembled that creates a physical presence, which forces are detectable.
7.     The distribution of mass in the Universe whether visible or invisible, follows the stated fundamental rules of Physics, which translated means the power of an assembly to attract (gravity) is greatest at the center of gravity. Bear in mind, atoms, solar systems, galaxies, the Universe are assemblies, individually separate systems.
8.     It does not take complicating mathematical equations to derive the stated conclusions. Equations may be needed to calculate the magnitude of force but are not necessary for understanding the fundamental principles.
9.     One of the conclusions that can be taken with the analogy described is that gravity is a force produced by the attraction inherent in matter and is not produced by space-time. Space-time defines distance in terms of time and has no power to produce work. Obviously if, in a specific instance, gravity changes distance (space-time) then the force applied changes in response to the inverse distance squared rule. Translated, gravity does not warp space-time.

10.  Creation is not a non-scientific term. The assembly of energy to produce matter is creation. It is time that science stop fearing the term, which fear is interfering with understanding fundamental physics principles.

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