Friday, March 21, 2014

Understanding Time and Space.

Understanding Time and Space
By: Miles Pelton, March 2014

            In the absence of time there is instantaneity wherein, without time everything occurs instantly. Then from any point of instantaneity time is an ever expanding sphere where the rate of expansion, the speed of time, follows the rate at which the volume of the created sphere increases. The volume of a sphere is calculated by the equation V = 4/3 pi radius cubed, which establishes that the rate of volume increase is inversely proportional to the square of the radius distance. That rate translates to the speed at which instantaneity expands, which has been verified by actual measurement as 186,000 mile per second, the speed of light (or any form of energy expanding from a point of instantaneity). Therefore, the speed of time is 186,000 mile per second. This is the first, the fundamental law of physics. Simple from that one aspect but complicating from other aspects.
            Consider other aspects. For example; gravity or gravitational attraction is a force that acts from the center of gravity of every object of matter beginning with the elementary particles of which all things are made meaning that the energy that produces the force exists at that point. There is no time delay waiting for the energy to come from some distant point. However, because the energy that produces gravitational attraction force radiates from the center of gravity of an object and diminishes with radial distance, the power of the force to produce acceleration diminishes accordingly.  A similar reaction helps explain the nature and behavior of light. Photons radiate at the speed of light and carry the singularity (instantaneous) forms of energy that produces illumination and vision. The photons are forced to radiate by a singularity form of energy that acts instantaneously but whose intensity (power) diminishes with radial distance. The delay in the propagation of light is due to the rate at which photons are moved by the energy that diminishes in strength over distance.
            The “big bang concept of universe creation” is big in the news again. Expansion of the universe from a point in a span of macro seconds to fill what was a void where nothing existed is advocated. In fact, as expressed by the first law of physics, if expansion was dependent upon energy radiated from a point, it would have taken millions of light years just to distribute the “big bang”. A question remains as to how such an event could have occurred since physics recognizes the first law where no material thing can travel faster than the speed of light.
            There is a logical explanation. For that much matter to exist at a point and expand instantly to fill the universe ubiquitously it would have to exist as quantum size energy particles in singularity form and the individual particles would need precise behavior characteristics not only to control distribution but to control their assembly to form matter. Then, when given the power to function with a charge of energy, the then like charged particles would instantly expand to establish ubiquitous universal distribution of quantum size singularity form particles of energy and established space (distance) and time. However; the individual quantum size particles would of necessity need specific behavior qualities to control the extent of expansion and assembly to for matter.
            A means to detect and quantify the behavior characteristics of the quantum particles of energy does not currently exist. However; using physics principles established through scientific observations, the behavior qualities needed can be established. First is the necessity for the particle elementary to all subsequent development to possess specific and absolutely identical behavior characteristics. Each elementary particle must have the power to attract as well as the power to repel other like particles by which to achieve assembly with a physical presence, which translates to a charge to power the attraction of other particles and a charge to power the repelling of other particles. Then, reasoning with logic establishes that each elementary particle must include a charge to bind the attracting and repelling charges necessary to establish elementary particles. Further; each energy type existed in singularity form at the time the “big bang” was initialized with the fundamental charges assembled to produce elementary particles in the course of expansion. Distribution of the “big bang” and elementary particle assembly would be controled with the cited behavior characteristics, which are requisites of the “big bang” concept.
            Consequently; the behavior characteristics outlined would result in the establishment by each particle or assembly of particles, of an attraction charge field that would diminish in intensity at distinct increments with radial distance. It is the attraction charge field that powers gravitational attraction. With the strength of the gravitational attraction energy charge field existing in quantum size increments the charge field presents a wave pattern. Is this an explanation for the predicted and recently identified gravitational wave? While the gravitational attraction charge field does not travel, it produces acceleration that would appear as a wave to anything responding to the energy field as predicted by the first law of physics.  


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