Monday, April 28, 2014

Simply Stated

Making a Case for Neutrinos

Making a Case for Neutrinos
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014
Warning: this is an extremely complex subject so may not be of interest except to those few yearning to help untangle the web of confusion sewn by misdirected science.
            Neutrinos are the new kid on the block such that they were born into the age of Quantum Mechanics. They have been very well studied but from the perspective of Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics Theories. As a consequence there is not much in the way of direct verifiable quantitative measurements with which to work. The little that is available tends to indicate that the basic neutrino may in fact be the energy particle advanced by Fundamental Physics as elementary to all creation.
            As concluded through reasoned analysis, the elementary particle is a composite assembly of three forms of fundamental energy. There is a form of energy that attracts only like attraction charges. There is a form that repels only like repelling charges. Then there is a form that creates an affinity between attraction and repelling charges. In response to the behavior of these energy charges the three fundamental energy charges assemble into a composite energy particle with the attraction charge at the center surrounded by the affinity charge and then the repelling charge. Each charge has one absolute quantum intensity. The attraction charge would give indication of mass, the repelling charge would give indication of an interaction with weak forces, both with extremely low intensity and extremely low range. The absence of an electro-magnetic interaction is understandable since neutrinos do not have a proton relationship as do electrons, which is the basis of electro-magnetic reactions.
            The interesting aspect deals with the relative size of the neutrino and the electron and their association with neutrons and protons. Research records 1,836 quantum attraction charges make up neutrons and that neutrons have no electric charge. Protons have one less attraction charge than a neutron, have no electric charge yet have an attraction for an electron. Documented research records that neutrons self-transform into protons and in the process eject an electron but, since neutrons have no electrons it must be assumed the ejected electron was created by the transformation process and there is no indication that protons have an electron charge. The answer to that “mystery” is provided through consideration of the characteristics of the three forms of fundamental energy incorporated in the elementary particles.
            The attraction charge establishes the mass of both the neutron and the proton and is constricted to give protons a singularity center with power to attract. The affinity charge makes it possible for the singularity center to attract repelling component charges and the loss of one repelling charge gives the proton the power to attract one repelling charge, which establishes a proton-repelling charge relationship. However, without realizing it, someone renamed the repelling charge for which protons had an attraction, an electron charge. Further, repelling charges that are already bonded to an attraction charge by an affinity charge as exists in elementary energy particles (and therefore neutrinos) would not indicated reaction with electro-magnetic energy. Therefore, solution of the electron mystery gives support to the premise that neutrinos and elementary particles may be one and the same and at the same time the “god’s particle” that scientists have been searching for.
            Helping to confuse the issue resides in the fact that the three fundamental charges can and do exist alone or as partial assemblies that would make recognition of the neutrino elementary particle connection difficult. Standing alone the repelling charge is an electron. Standing alone the attraction charge may coalesce to form singularities or react with a center of gravity of an atom to produces heat or may react as lightning. The affinity charge produces illumination and vision while paired with attraction charges establishes the difference of potential that drives electricity. Vast concentrations of attraction charges would tend to form black holes or when less concentrated, dark matter. Also, the intensity of the charge can vary depending upon the intensity of their application. The intensity of charges involved in forming the inner bond of a uranium atom would be greater than those involved in bonding a hydrogen atom.     
             A reasoned conclusion is that neutrinos are the elementary composite energy particles that assemble to make neutrons and protons and that the electron-proton relationship is established when a repelling charge is ejected, which occurred when the attraction charges are constricted into the proton singularity in the process of neutron to proton transformation. In that case the proton is short one repelling energy charge so the affinity charge remaining attached to the proton singularity center, seeks to establish affinity with the ejected repelling (electron) charge and the proton-electron relationship is established. It also shows why neutrinos are released in abundance from fission type reactions. (Explanation: neutrinos are not produced by fission type reactions. Neutrinos being components of matter are released when the bonds that hold involved matter are broken such as in fission type reactions.)
            There is another compelling argument supporting the position that neutrinos are the proposed elementary energy particle. The fact that neutrinos exist in such great numbers whether in the free (unassembled) or as components of everything is a good argument alone that neutrinos are in fact the elementary energy particle that is fundamental to creation.   


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weak Force - Strong Force.

Weak Force – Strong Force
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            According to current physics theory the subject are two of the four fundamental forces in nature. Now, these being forces they must be the product of energy therefore, they are not fundamental. They have been concluded as fundamental because they are used to explain the forces that bind atom nuclei, not because they are fundamental to creation. Never the less, they do exist but there is an explanation. They are produced by the three fundamental forms of energy, the attraction, the repelling and the affinity forms of energy recognized by Fundamental Physics.
            These forces arise as a consequence of the distance squared phenomenon otherwise known as Coulomb’s Law. It applies to the fundamental forms of energy that act that way in response to their inherent behavior. Fundamental forms of energy establish an energy field that surrounds a point where the intensity of the energy charge diminishes as the radius distance (volume) increases. Ergo; the power of the attraction form of fundamental energy when attracting other particles, grows stronger as the other particle is drawn closer. That phenomenon is pronounced with protons because of their unique formation.
            Protons form from neutrons that are an assembly of 1.836 Elementary Particles (EP). The transformation occurs because the attraction energy intensity of an assembly of EP grows in proportion to the number of EP assembled. An assembly’s attraction is concentrated at the center of gravity. As the power of the center of gravity grows the assembled particles are drawn closer and closer together, which means the distance decreases so the force increases. The force producing contraction is acting against the repelling force produced by the repelling energy component in each EP. Remember, the attraction energy of the assembly’s center of gravity is acting on the attraction energy charge in the assembled EP. Eventually the center of gravity is able to pull the attraction energy charge out of the assembled EP into the center of gravity. Being unopposed attraction energy they exist as a point that is called a singularity. Therefore, protons not only have a center of gravity the singularity point radiates attraction energy. When the attraction charges were drawn out of the EP the charge of the repelling energy component were left, held in place by the affinity energy, surrounding the singularity point. That explains the intense repelling behavior between protons.
            Then, neutrons are essentially protons that have not formed a singularity. They are 1,836 EP assembled as three quarks as a result of the progression of EP assembly. Without a singularity neutrons do not radiate an attraction charge and they have not acquired the intense repelling charge like the proton. In essence then, neutrons are electrically neutral, which means their only power is their center of gravity and they cannot be detected by instruments or processes built to respond to electrical charges. However, the interaction of energy charges between objects is a two way phenomenon. The components of the neutron (1,836 EP assembled as 3 quarks) are attracted by a proton and the neutrons attraction power adds to the conjoined proton’s center of gravity. There is also interaction between the quarks in the neutron and those in the proton. The forces resolve in response to the behavior inherent in the fundamental energy charges giving protons the power to overcome the repelling force acting between protons. Then the singularity centers of joining protons unite to form a more powerful singularity.
            Of course the strong force is easily recognized, it is the force produced by the singularities. The week force is less obvious. It is the force overcome when neutrons transform into protons. The last stage in the contraction of neutrons to become protons is the rejection of one repelling energy charge of the last standing EP. With that rejection the attraction energy intensity dominates and the transformation occurs.
            The distance squared rule (Coulomb’s Law) is involved with atom assemblies in the same manner as explained for protons. In the course of assembly atoms grow in physical dimension as their assembly grows.  There is a point where the physical size of an atom reaches a “breaking point”. The atom size where the breaking point is reached is the iron or the nickel atom depending upon the isotope. Because of reduced attraction power the neutrons are not bound so strongly that they transform into protons. The process of weakening is called decay and when a transformation occurs the binding power within the atom is drastically altered and the atoms splits. That process is called fission. The energy released by fission is the energy that had been providing the binding forces that are broken by the fission reaction. (There is no evidence that a factor called eV is involved.)
            The point to be made from this clarification is that the repelling force is a product of the repelling form of fundamental energy, which is also the charge that powers electro-magnetic forces. The attraction force is a product of the attraction form of fundamental energy. Current physics beliefs is that there are two other forces that are fundamental, electro-magnetic and gravity. A problem was just exposed. The fundamental energy repelling charge that powers the weak force also powers electro-magnetic forces and the fundamental energy attraction charge that powers attraction also powers gravity. So clearly the four forces are produced by two energy charges. Clearly the four forces are not fundamental. The confusion comes from looking at the forces produced and not at the energy that produces forces.
            In the course of looking into the claims of current physics theory two other serious flaws are exposed. First there is no accounting for the energy that produces light, illumination and vision. Second, there is no indication that the factor eV used to designate the magnitude of energy in matter is actually a factor. It is energy released by the failure of the bonds not force so where did that energy come from? Clearly force is not fundamental energy and the kinetic energy, a force, calculated as eV does not enter the picture. The energy designated as eV does not contribute to the energy that bonds atoms and matter. Bottom line is, current physics theory is seriously flawed in many aspects. Current physics theory is not playing with real marbles.  


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics, Rev 1

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics, Rev.1
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            Current physics is built upon a quantum elementary energy charge (eV) that has been accepted as 1.602 x 10^-19 joule (or coulomb). It is defined as the energy gained (or lost) when an electron charge is moved through a difference of potential (voltage), which is a kinetic form of energy. Kinetic energy is not a fundamental form of energy but rather a force capable of doing work, like a wrecking ball. So; in addition to not being based upon real absolute fundamental energy charges with their unique absolute behavior, current physics theories are based upon a fabricated theoretical mathematical elementary energy charge.
            The quantity of 1.062 x 10^-19 coulombs as the elementary energy charge was concluded through Millikan’s oil drop experiments as the energy inherent an electron charge and therefore the elementary charge of physics. Millikan’s experiment (1909) employed an electric charge to counter the force of gravity acting on minute droplets of oil. Ergo; it was the force of gravity that was being opposed with the countering electric charge reacting with the electric charges in the oil drops. It is not clear how it was concluded that figure reflected the magnitude of energy in the charge that exists on electrons and protons or that it is the elementary energy particle. Anyway, from there it was concluded that one volt of electric energy equals 1,062 x 10^-19 joules of energy so that if 10,000 volts are applied the electrons being accelerated would possess 10,000 x (1,062 x 10^-19) joules of energy. Current physics theory is built upon a flawed foundation that has developed a virtual unreal “world” that is best explained by a common quote “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” (Marion by Walter Scott) even if the deception was innocent.
             Kinetic “energy” is not and cannot be converted to fundamental energy or used as predicted by E = Mc^2 and could not be the energy fundamental to the creation of matter. The fundamental form of energy radiates from a point to establish an energy charge field that diminishes in intensity (density) as the square of the distance from the source point. As a consequence the force applied in producing work diminishes with distance. This is an absolute behavior characteristic of fundamental energy. Fundamental energy produces forces such as kinetic “energy” and the bonding of atoms and molecules. The electron charge that is carried by the repelling component of fundamental energy is fundamental energy and simply has a charge of one unit.
            Under the Fundamental Physics concept there are three forms of fundamental energy and each form has a unique absolute behavior and a charge quantity of one unit. There is the attraction form whose basic role is to attract like attraction charges. There is the repelling form whose basic role is to repel like repelling charges. There is the affinity form whose basic role is to establish attraction of both attraction and repelling charges. The three fundamental charges self-assemble in response to their unique behavior to form an Elementary Particle that is the building block of creation. The absolute behavior of Elementary Particles and of the three fundamental charges provide the means and the “intelligence” which directs the formation of matter including life.
             In addition to their basic role the three fundamental energy forms have secondary roles either acting alone or in combination with another of the fundamental energy forms. The attraction charge powers gravitational attraction, the contraction force that binds elementary particles to form atoms, molecules and subsequently all matter. The attraction charge also produces the effect called heat. The repelling charge is otherwise known as the electron charge and is involved in a variety of electro-magnetic functions. The affinity charge establishes the difference of potential between electrons and protons that powers electromagnetic functions including those involved with chemical and biological activity and is the charge that produces illumination and vision. These are some of the secondary roles of the three fundamental charges. They are the absolutes upon which fundamental physics based.  

            One more thing. Conversion of the force produced by the elementary energy charges to mechanical values can be quantitatively established by direct measurement without the need for suspect equations and meaningless mathematical calculations. With gravitational attraction each assembly of elemental particles acquires a center of gravity with an intensity equal to the number of elementary particles assembled. A center of gravity establishes force on another object in proportion to the number of elementary particles in that object, adjusted for temperature and the inverse distance squared rule. The total force acting between two objects is the sum of both forces. Conversion then can be accomplished by direct measurement using standards appropriately calibrated. Trigonometry and other higher math are indicated as needed when multiple vector forces are involved. The energy applied to bonding protons, atoms, molecules and subsequent assemblies is produced by protons and assemblies of protons. The force applied is determine by the intensity of the center of power of the source assembly where one unit of intensity exists for each Elementary Particle involved in the assembly adjusted to compensate for the effect of heat and distance. The force produced for the various situations can be measured directly using mockup assemblies without the need for confusing complicated mathematics. It would be most interesting to see the results of such an easy to demonstrate test.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            Current physics is built upon a quantum elementary energy charge (e’) that has been accepted as 1.602 x 10^-19 joule (or coulomb). So current physics is based upon a mathematical quantity, which is fine provided that value has been accurately quantitatively established. But that is suspect. Allegedly e’ is the energy gained or lost by moving an electron charge through a differential of one volt. Now the suspicions are raised to high volume because the definition of one term is dependent upon the definition of another involved term. The relationship is shown by the equation V = IR. Consider that a volt is the difference of potential developed when one ampere is moved across one ohm of resistance. Therefore, a volt is not quantitatively established by measurement but is dependent upon the weight of I, which is e’, the factor being measured. So it is with the term defined as an ohm (R). The relationship of factors involved with that method of calculation are a merry go round of relativity.
            Then there are other explanations that raise suspicion. The value for e’ is also stated as the charge of a proton but that charge is established as being relative to an electron charge, which is again an electrical calculation based upon the electron charge that is the value for e’. The situation gets more confusing when the electrical value of e’ converted to a mechanical equivalent. The point being made is that current physics calculations and beliefs are based upon data suspect as not being the absolute demanded of an elementary quantity. In other words, current physics is based upon virtuality not reality. That culminates in a situation expressed by the commonly quoted “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” (Marion by Walter Scott).
            Fundamental Physics recognizes that all things are made of elementary energy particles that are a composite assembly of three energy charges each with a specific unique behavior. One of those charges (the affinity charge) establishes a relationship between the other two fundamental charges that are the attraction (gravity) and the repelling (electron) charges. Therefore, when as a consequence of transformation from a neutron, a proton acquires the power to emit an electron charge the relationship to the proton is set by the affinity charge. With each charge identical in intensity a unit of one quantitatively establishes their value. No mathematics involved and no suspect mathematical equations. A solid foundation of absolutes free of any suspect.

            One more thing. Conversion of the force produced by the elementary energy charges to mechanical values can be quantitatively established by direct measurement without the need for suspect equations and mathematical calculations. Each assembly of elemental particles acquires a center of gravity with an intensity equal to the number of elementary particles assembled. A center of gravity establishes force on another object in proportion to the number of elementary particles in that object, adjusted for temperature and the inverse distance squared rule. The total force acting between two objects is the sum of both forces. Conversion then can be accomplished by direct measurement using standards appropriately calibrated. It would be most interesting to see the results of such an easy to demonstrate test.          

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision

Explaining Light, Illumination and Vision
By: Miles Pelton, Apr. 2014
(Editing courtesy Herr Don von Kauffmann)

            This demonstration explains how light, illumination and vision work and it illustrates that the current explanation of these phenomena are based upon flawed beliefs regarding fundamental physics principles. This demonstration reveals new understanding regarding light, illumination and vision.
             By current definition, light involves the radiation of photons of energy from a source point, such as the flame of a candle or point in a sun, in all directions as though to fill a sphere. By current definition vision involves the reception of radiating photons at a point, the eye or a camera. By current definition photons produce illumination by flooding objects with their presence but the processes by which that happens are left without explanation.
            A lighted candle illuminated by sunlight light directed to cast a shadow is used in this demonstration. (Diffused light produced by light bulbs does not produce a clean shadow.) The candle casts a shadow on the backdrop because the light (radiating photons) is blocked by the material of which the candle is made and the candle is illuminated. Where the light is not blocked it illuminates the backdrop. There are three points to be made. Point one: the light, the radiating photons, are not visible and produce no illumination until the radiating photons impacts matter. Point two: the mechanism, the process by which light produces illumination is not explained. Point three: the flame does not cast a shadow. (Any carbon residue seen as smoke will produce a shadow.)   
            Responding to points 1 and two: Since the photons show no evidence of light or illumination until after they impact physical matter, it must be assumed that it is not the photons that produce light and illumination but rather that the photons carry a form of energy that produces light and illumination. Also, since heat is delivered in the same process, it must be assumed there is a form of energy carried by photons that produces heat. Responding to point 3: Since the light (photons) passes through the flame without obstruction it must be assumed the candle flame is not made of matter and if not matter it must be made of energy. Current explanations leave those details unexplained.
            Proceeding with observation now from the standpoint of explaining vision. Point one: the candle flame is visible yet not illuminated by the sunlight light that illuminates the candle because the flame does not block the passage of the photons of the illuminating light. This means the photons do not release the energy they carry, therefore; the flame is not made of matter but rather energy released by the candle. This will be addressed in subsequent explanation. Point two: the backdrop cannot be seen through the flame. This contradicts current theory that says we see things like the backdrop because light as photons, are reflected or otherwise re-radiated by the object of concern, which then travels to and enters the eye (or recording medium) so we see the object. However, the flame does not block the passage of photons so if that were the case the backdrop would be visible, yet sight of the backdrop is blocked. Also, the mechanism by which we see the flame, which does not block or reflect the illuminating light yet it is visible, is not explained. Those facts can mean only one thing, the current explanation of the process of vision is flawed.
            An understanding of the phenomena involved with light, illumination and vision must begin by understanding fundamental physics principles. Going with the concept that energy and matter are interchangeable, it is reasonable to assume that all things are created from energy. Several points that are supported by extensive documented research are recognized. Point one: the fundamental energy exists in absolute size particles or quantum. Point two: to produce the variety of behavior needed for the assembly of energy particles into matter, the fundamental energy exists as several different type charges each with an absolute behavior characteristic. Point three: the behavior inherent in these three forms of fundamental energy dictate how matter is created and how matter behaves. There is no super computer or intelligent being that tells these things how to behave. The intelligence that controls the creation of matter is inherent in the behavior of the three forms of fundamental energy.
             Through reasoning it is concluded that the behavior needed to control the creation of matter must exist in three forms of energy each with a unique and absolute behavior. One form of this fundamental energy attracts only a like attraction charge. A second form of the fundamental energy repels only a like repelling charge. The third form of the fundamental energy attracts both a repelling and an attracting form of energy. Each of the three forms of fundamental energy has a common behavior characteristic; the intensity of their strength diminished with the distance over which they act at a rate proportional to the distance squared. Those behaviors control the assembly of matter.
            One unit of each of the three fundamental energy forms self-assembly to create a composite particle elementary to all subsequent assembly. These elementary particles will self-assemble to create successively more and more sophisticated assemblies and so produce matter. The elementary particles assemble because of their inherent behavior characteristics with the attraction charge at the center surrounded by the affinity charge that is surrounded by the repelling charge and since they are fundamental energy they act instantaneously, they radiate when not bound and since the attraction charge is encased in the repelling charge, they present no evidence of mass (gravitational attraction). 
            The first significant assembly of matter created is the proton. Protons are the heart of a second generation level of creation. Protons re-arrange the three fundamental energy charges supplied through the elementary particles to produce a more powerful energy particle called a photon. The basic photon has three forms of fundamental energy each with an intensity of 1,836 units. Further, each assembly of protons, such as the nucleus of an atom, produce photons with energy intensity equal to the sum of protons assembled. (A two unit assembly of protons for example produces photons where each of the three fundamental energy forms has an intensity of 3,672 units.) This process continues as the assembly of matter progresses.
            Protons and assemblies of protons emit a stream of photons in the form of lines of force where in the streaming line of photons is encased in repelling charges bonded in place with affinity charges.  It is the lines of force emitted by protons and assemblies of protons that produce the force that binds the assembly of components to create atoms. Atoms are the next significant assembly created. Actually the first proton assembled was the first atom. Atoms are the building blocks of all subsequent assembly of matter wherein, the creation of matter is controlled by the behavior of atoms that are in turn controlled by the behavior of the energy carried by the photons whose behavior is controlled by the three forms of fundamental energy. Lines of force are frangible and when they break, the streaming photons are released. Being made of fundamental energy, the photons radiate at the speed of light from the point at which a break occurs.
            These things cannot be seen but the effects they produce reveal their behavior and from their behavior, an understanding of their nature and recognition that they exist.
            Examination of the processes involved in combustion as occurs in a burning candle confirms the concept of elementary particles, their composition and their behavior. With that it is possible to understand the processes involved in light, illumination and vision.
            The candle flame is produced by the process called combustion. Combustion entails the breaking of lines of force that are binding the components of atoms and molecules. Lines of force are streaming lines of photons that are second generation energy particles. The process of combustion begins with the application of a match to the wick of the candle. The heat of the match breaks the lines of force bonding the wax (carbon-hydrogen) molecules releasing photons. The released photons impact on the oxygen molecules of the surrounding air releasing the energy they carry, which includes the energy that produces heat. The lines of force binding oxygen molecules is even more powerful (intense) than the wax molecules and the energy (including heat producing energy) adds to the energy released from the wax molecule bonds. The magnitude of the heat producing energy released is sufficient to support a chain reaction called combustion. The heat producing energy is the attraction component of the fundamental energy. The repelling and the affinity components of fundamental energy are also released by that process.
            Combustion releases photons some of which clear the point of combustion to radiate through surrounding space to produce light and heat when they impact matter. Some impact the molecules in the air that surrounds the candle wick causing the bonds holding oxygen molecules to break and the surrounding air is heated. The heated air expands meaning it is less dense than surrounding air. Being less dense the attraction of gravity is less so the heated air rises. The energy that produces heat, the attraction component, is not visible and the repelling energy component, now called an electron charge that produces electro-magnetic force, disperses into the atoms of the surrounding air molecules. So what produces the flame that is visible?
            There is but one conclusion that can be taken. The third form of energy contained in photons, the affinity charge, is visible. It is the energy that coats objects upon which impacting to make the object visible. Further, having an affinity for attraction energy, which exists concentrated around the wick of the candle, the affinity charges are attracted to the attraction charges rising as heat. The affinity charges in concentration are seen as a glow whose shape conforms to the shape of the rising heat.
            This phenomenon is not unique to candles only. It is a factor in all processes including atomic and nuclear reactions. It is the glow produced by the energy released by broken atomic bonds that is seen as the glow of the sun or stars in distant space, IT IS NOT RADIATED LIGHT AS PHOTONS.. We receive photon radiation from our sun, it is called sunlight but it is doubtful any significant amount of light radiated by distant stars ever reaches the earth. Also it is inconceivable that radiating light conveys to our eyes the image of the emitting object. How would radiating photons acquire and radiate an image of the object from which emitted? Then consider the size of an image carried by radiating photons that expand exponentially with distance. There can be only one conclusion, the current theories vis-à-vis light, illumination and vision are flawed.
            The concept of the third or affinity energy responsible for illumination and vision is supported by other conclusions derived by consideration of the understanding revealed by this analysis. The question unanswered by current explanation is how can information pertinent to the composition and appearance of an object be transmitted through vision? Using the concept of elementary particles of three forms of energy the answer is revealed. The molecular bonds of the surface layer of the matter upon which photons impact are formed by affinity energy. The intensity of the energy applied to form each bond is revealed by its wavelength or frequency. Affinity energy is attracted to the attraction energy of the objects inter-molecule bonds with the same intensity as the inter-molecular bonds. Therefore, frequency of the affinity energy that is illuminating an object reveals the nature of the material.Each wavelength (or frequency) in affinity energy produces a different color and therefore reveals the nature of the illuminated matter to the observing medium. This phenomenon is further evidence in support of elementary particles with three forms of energy, one of which is the instrument responsible for producing heat and another illumination and vision.

             It is interesting to note that this explanation of the phenomena of heat, light, illumination and vision also provides explanation of the mystery surrounding events documented by the Scripture pertaining to the alleged command Let There Be Light, the incident involving Moses and the burning bush and the incident involving Meshack, Shadrack and Abednego and the roaring furnace of Babylon. If in each case the energy that produces the glow associated with heat occurred by a means not involving combustion, heat and combustion would not have been a factor in those incidents. Also, since existence of the affinity form of energy is key to the formation of elementary particles and matter, it is possible to conclude that supplying the energy that produces light is relevant to the command Let There be Light. Making those connections is not so conclusive, however; that does not change the fact that the affinity form of fundamental energy that is key to the formation of matter is also key to the production of light.