Monday, April 7, 2014

The Second Cut

The Second Cut
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014
            This is the second cut at trying to explain the origin of the energy of fundamental creation physics. The energy of which all things are made and the energy that sustains the behavior of all things. The conclusions developed by this effort have grown from the realization that the energy fundamental to creation physics has three components each in discrete units of charge intensity with an absolute unique behavior. One type attracts other like attraction components only. A second type repels other like repelling components only. The third type established an affinity/bonding between the attraction and repelling type components.
            There is growing evidence that in the beginning the universe was filled with repelling component quantum intensity “particles” (they repel each other so fill all space), plus a singularity point of attracting component “particles” and then the introduction of the third component type that joins attraction component type and repelling component type “particles” to form an energy particle that is elementary to all subsequent creation. All are of uniform intensity of one unit. Belief in that concept is supported by recent findings of a phenomenon called Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) that recognizes the existence of a form of electromagnetic radiation with no discernible source as though the electro-magnetic radiation is emanating from an energy field that fills the universe.
            The nature of CBR radiation is distinctly different from usual electro-magnetic radiation causing scientists to believe it was produced by extremely high temperature and pressure such as envisioned was involved in the “big bang”. CBR gives evidence that the radiation of photons, which is the mechanism involved in electromagnetic radiation, is not involved in CBR. First because there is no evidence of radiation. That gives rise to the possibility that CBR is the charge that energizes the fundamental repelling, attraction and affinity energy charges..
            The key to understanding the nature of CBR rests in the mechanism for detecting and measuring electro-magnetic radiation, which is the intensity of electron energy and electrons are fundamental repelling energy. Normal electro-magnetic radiation designated CMR involves the radiation of photons released when the proton generated bonds that bind the components of atoms and molecules are fragmented. Photons, packets of the three forms of fundamental energy supply the power that produces the force that bonds atoms and photons radiate in a straight line at the speed of light from their source. The energy intensity of the photons in the “lines of force” that bind atoms is reflected in the wavelength or frequency of the photon’s energy. The intensity or wavelength varies depending on each bond. That energy is carried intact by radiating photons and is released when photons impact matter. That is the energy detected and measured as electro-magnetic radiation and it reveals a lot about the object from which radiated. Photons could not have existed until atoms had been created.
             CBR on the other hand are not associated with photons and no mention is made of their radiation. In fact, those reporting the finding of CBR reported it existed ubiquitously throughout the universe giving every indication of being a static energy field within which creation has occurred. It is detected as electro-magnetic energy from which it was assumed to have been produced by heat and pressure but that is not necessarily so. The fundamental form of repelling energy that is called an electron when applied in bonding by protons, would register on a detection measuring instrument as electro-magnetic energy assumed to have been radiating but not necessarily so. It would register a wavelength to reveal its intensity strength. Published information reports the intensity as uniformly low throughout the universe giving every indication that GBR exists as a static energy field. The very kind envisioned as existing to maintain the charge on fundamental energy particles.
          Now that the door to understanding has been opened, let those who are truly interested in exposing the processes of fundamental creation physics help in producing a polished diamond.

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