Monday, April 21, 2014

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            Current physics is built upon a quantum elementary energy charge (e’) that has been accepted as 1.602 x 10^-19 joule (or coulomb). So current physics is based upon a mathematical quantity, which is fine provided that value has been accurately quantitatively established. But that is suspect. Allegedly e’ is the energy gained or lost by moving an electron charge through a differential of one volt. Now the suspicions are raised to high volume because the definition of one term is dependent upon the definition of another involved term. The relationship is shown by the equation V = IR. Consider that a volt is the difference of potential developed when one ampere is moved across one ohm of resistance. Therefore, a volt is not quantitatively established by measurement but is dependent upon the weight of I, which is e’, the factor being measured. So it is with the term defined as an ohm (R). The relationship of factors involved with that method of calculation are a merry go round of relativity.
            Then there are other explanations that raise suspicion. The value for e’ is also stated as the charge of a proton but that charge is established as being relative to an electron charge, which is again an electrical calculation based upon the electron charge that is the value for e’. The situation gets more confusing when the electrical value of e’ converted to a mechanical equivalent. The point being made is that current physics calculations and beliefs are based upon data suspect as not being the absolute demanded of an elementary quantity. In other words, current physics is based upon virtuality not reality. That culminates in a situation expressed by the commonly quoted “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” (Marion by Walter Scott).
            Fundamental Physics recognizes that all things are made of elementary energy particles that are a composite assembly of three energy charges each with a specific unique behavior. One of those charges (the affinity charge) establishes a relationship between the other two fundamental charges that are the attraction (gravity) and the repelling (electron) charges. Therefore, when as a consequence of transformation from a neutron, a proton acquires the power to emit an electron charge the relationship to the proton is set by the affinity charge. With each charge identical in intensity a unit of one quantitatively establishes their value. No mathematics involved and no suspect mathematical equations. A solid foundation of absolutes free of any suspect.

            One more thing. Conversion of the force produced by the elementary energy charges to mechanical values can be quantitatively established by direct measurement without the need for suspect equations and mathematical calculations. Each assembly of elemental particles acquires a center of gravity with an intensity equal to the number of elementary particles assembled. A center of gravity establishes force on another object in proportion to the number of elementary particles in that object, adjusted for temperature and the inverse distance squared rule. The total force acting between two objects is the sum of both forces. Conversion then can be accomplished by direct measurement using standards appropriately calibrated. It would be most interesting to see the results of such an easy to demonstrate test.          

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