Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weak Force - Strong Force.

Weak Force – Strong Force
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            According to current physics theory the subject are two of the four fundamental forces in nature. Now, these being forces they must be the product of energy therefore, they are not fundamental. They have been concluded as fundamental because they are used to explain the forces that bind atom nuclei, not because they are fundamental to creation. Never the less, they do exist but there is an explanation. They are produced by the three fundamental forms of energy, the attraction, the repelling and the affinity forms of energy recognized by Fundamental Physics.
            These forces arise as a consequence of the distance squared phenomenon otherwise known as Coulomb’s Law. It applies to the fundamental forms of energy that act that way in response to their inherent behavior. Fundamental forms of energy establish an energy field that surrounds a point where the intensity of the energy charge diminishes as the radius distance (volume) increases. Ergo; the power of the attraction form of fundamental energy when attracting other particles, grows stronger as the other particle is drawn closer. That phenomenon is pronounced with protons because of their unique formation.
            Protons form from neutrons that are an assembly of 1.836 Elementary Particles (EP). The transformation occurs because the attraction energy intensity of an assembly of EP grows in proportion to the number of EP assembled. An assembly’s attraction is concentrated at the center of gravity. As the power of the center of gravity grows the assembled particles are drawn closer and closer together, which means the distance decreases so the force increases. The force producing contraction is acting against the repelling force produced by the repelling energy component in each EP. Remember, the attraction energy of the assembly’s center of gravity is acting on the attraction energy charge in the assembled EP. Eventually the center of gravity is able to pull the attraction energy charge out of the assembled EP into the center of gravity. Being unopposed attraction energy they exist as a point that is called a singularity. Therefore, protons not only have a center of gravity the singularity point radiates attraction energy. When the attraction charges were drawn out of the EP the charge of the repelling energy component were left, held in place by the affinity energy, surrounding the singularity point. That explains the intense repelling behavior between protons.
            Then, neutrons are essentially protons that have not formed a singularity. They are 1,836 EP assembled as three quarks as a result of the progression of EP assembly. Without a singularity neutrons do not radiate an attraction charge and they have not acquired the intense repelling charge like the proton. In essence then, neutrons are electrically neutral, which means their only power is their center of gravity and they cannot be detected by instruments or processes built to respond to electrical charges. However, the interaction of energy charges between objects is a two way phenomenon. The components of the neutron (1,836 EP assembled as 3 quarks) are attracted by a proton and the neutrons attraction power adds to the conjoined proton’s center of gravity. There is also interaction between the quarks in the neutron and those in the proton. The forces resolve in response to the behavior inherent in the fundamental energy charges giving protons the power to overcome the repelling force acting between protons. Then the singularity centers of joining protons unite to form a more powerful singularity.
            Of course the strong force is easily recognized, it is the force produced by the singularities. The week force is less obvious. It is the force overcome when neutrons transform into protons. The last stage in the contraction of neutrons to become protons is the rejection of one repelling energy charge of the last standing EP. With that rejection the attraction energy intensity dominates and the transformation occurs.
            The distance squared rule (Coulomb’s Law) is involved with atom assemblies in the same manner as explained for protons. In the course of assembly atoms grow in physical dimension as their assembly grows.  There is a point where the physical size of an atom reaches a “breaking point”. The atom size where the breaking point is reached is the iron or the nickel atom depending upon the isotope. Because of reduced attraction power the neutrons are not bound so strongly that they transform into protons. The process of weakening is called decay and when a transformation occurs the binding power within the atom is drastically altered and the atoms splits. That process is called fission. The energy released by fission is the energy that had been providing the binding forces that are broken by the fission reaction. (There is no evidence that a factor called eV is involved.)
            The point to be made from this clarification is that the repelling force is a product of the repelling form of fundamental energy, which is also the charge that powers electro-magnetic forces. The attraction force is a product of the attraction form of fundamental energy. Current physics beliefs is that there are two other forces that are fundamental, electro-magnetic and gravity. A problem was just exposed. The fundamental energy repelling charge that powers the weak force also powers electro-magnetic forces and the fundamental energy attraction charge that powers attraction also powers gravity. So clearly the four forces are produced by two energy charges. Clearly the four forces are not fundamental. The confusion comes from looking at the forces produced and not at the energy that produces forces.
            In the course of looking into the claims of current physics theory two other serious flaws are exposed. First there is no accounting for the energy that produces light, illumination and vision. Second, there is no indication that the factor eV used to designate the magnitude of energy in matter is actually a factor. It is energy released by the failure of the bonds not force so where did that energy come from? Clearly force is not fundamental energy and the kinetic energy, a force, calculated as eV does not enter the picture. The energy designated as eV does not contribute to the energy that bonds atoms and matter. Bottom line is, current physics theory is seriously flawed in many aspects. Current physics theory is not playing with real marbles.  


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