Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics, Rev 1

Reconciling Fundamental Physics with Current Physics, Rev.1
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            Current physics is built upon a quantum elementary energy charge (eV) that has been accepted as 1.602 x 10^-19 joule (or coulomb). It is defined as the energy gained (or lost) when an electron charge is moved through a difference of potential (voltage), which is a kinetic form of energy. Kinetic energy is not a fundamental form of energy but rather a force capable of doing work, like a wrecking ball. So; in addition to not being based upon real absolute fundamental energy charges with their unique absolute behavior, current physics theories are based upon a fabricated theoretical mathematical elementary energy charge.
            The quantity of 1.062 x 10^-19 coulombs as the elementary energy charge was concluded through Millikan’s oil drop experiments as the energy inherent an electron charge and therefore the elementary charge of physics. Millikan’s experiment (1909) employed an electric charge to counter the force of gravity acting on minute droplets of oil. Ergo; it was the force of gravity that was being opposed with the countering electric charge reacting with the electric charges in the oil drops. It is not clear how it was concluded that figure reflected the magnitude of energy in the charge that exists on electrons and protons or that it is the elementary energy particle. Anyway, from there it was concluded that one volt of electric energy equals 1,062 x 10^-19 joules of energy so that if 10,000 volts are applied the electrons being accelerated would possess 10,000 x (1,062 x 10^-19) joules of energy. Current physics theory is built upon a flawed foundation that has developed a virtual unreal “world” that is best explained by a common quote “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” (Marion by Walter Scott) even if the deception was innocent.
             Kinetic “energy” is not and cannot be converted to fundamental energy or used as predicted by E = Mc^2 and could not be the energy fundamental to the creation of matter. The fundamental form of energy radiates from a point to establish an energy charge field that diminishes in intensity (density) as the square of the distance from the source point. As a consequence the force applied in producing work diminishes with distance. This is an absolute behavior characteristic of fundamental energy. Fundamental energy produces forces such as kinetic “energy” and the bonding of atoms and molecules. The electron charge that is carried by the repelling component of fundamental energy is fundamental energy and simply has a charge of one unit.
            Under the Fundamental Physics concept there are three forms of fundamental energy and each form has a unique absolute behavior and a charge quantity of one unit. There is the attraction form whose basic role is to attract like attraction charges. There is the repelling form whose basic role is to repel like repelling charges. There is the affinity form whose basic role is to establish attraction of both attraction and repelling charges. The three fundamental charges self-assemble in response to their unique behavior to form an Elementary Particle that is the building block of creation. The absolute behavior of Elementary Particles and of the three fundamental charges provide the means and the “intelligence” which directs the formation of matter including life.
             In addition to their basic role the three fundamental energy forms have secondary roles either acting alone or in combination with another of the fundamental energy forms. The attraction charge powers gravitational attraction, the contraction force that binds elementary particles to form atoms, molecules and subsequently all matter. The attraction charge also produces the effect called heat. The repelling charge is otherwise known as the electron charge and is involved in a variety of electro-magnetic functions. The affinity charge establishes the difference of potential between electrons and protons that powers electromagnetic functions including those involved with chemical and biological activity and is the charge that produces illumination and vision. These are some of the secondary roles of the three fundamental charges. They are the absolutes upon which fundamental physics based.  

            One more thing. Conversion of the force produced by the elementary energy charges to mechanical values can be quantitatively established by direct measurement without the need for suspect equations and meaningless mathematical calculations. With gravitational attraction each assembly of elemental particles acquires a center of gravity with an intensity equal to the number of elementary particles assembled. A center of gravity establishes force on another object in proportion to the number of elementary particles in that object, adjusted for temperature and the inverse distance squared rule. The total force acting between two objects is the sum of both forces. Conversion then can be accomplished by direct measurement using standards appropriately calibrated. Trigonometry and other higher math are indicated as needed when multiple vector forces are involved. The energy applied to bonding protons, atoms, molecules and subsequent assemblies is produced by protons and assemblies of protons. The force applied is determine by the intensity of the center of power of the source assembly where one unit of intensity exists for each Elementary Particle involved in the assembly adjusted to compensate for the effect of heat and distance. The force produced for the various situations can be measured directly using mockup assemblies without the need for confusing complicated mathematics. It would be most interesting to see the results of such an easy to demonstrate test.

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