Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fundamental Energy

Fundamental Energy Powers the Universe
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            The accompanying illustrations provide visualization of a concept of how energy works that most people are familiar with. The processes by which batteries generate electric power were set as an inherent behavior of the fundamental energy that powered creation. We have been educated to believe that a chemical reaction of the medium in a battery produces electricity. There is a chemical reaction in batteries and batteries are “charged” but those actions are made to set up the conditions needed for the behavior inherent in fundamental energy to work
            The energy that powers creation is supplied as discreet particles of three fundamental forms of energy each absolute in charge intensity and behavior. One form has an attraction for like attraction charges. One form repels like repelling charges. The third establishes an attraction between attraction charges and repelling charges. The three charges assemble into a composite particle in response to the behavior of the three fundamental energy particles that is elementary to the formation of all matter and subsequent energy forms.
            The electric charge involved in the functioning of a battery is the fundamental repelling charge after transforming action by a proton. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 elementary particles. By their behavior protons reassemble the fundamental charges inherent in elementary particles to produce photons that are 1,836 units of fundamental attraction charges surrounded by 1,836 units of fundamental repelling charges that are bound to the attraction charges by 1,836 units of affinity charge. Photons are emitted by protons as “lines of force” that by convention are mistaken to be believed to be orbiting electrons. It is the “lines of force” emitted by protons that bind protons and neutrons to create atoms.
            Proton creation involves transformation of a neutron. The transformation results in the constriction of the 1,836 fundamental attraction charges carried by the elementary particles of which made, into a singularity point at the proton’s center. That point is surrounded by 1,835 fundamental repelling charges bound by the fundamental affinity charges acquired from the elementary particles of which made. The energy of the extra repelling charge drives the emission of the “line of force”. (It is the 1,836 attraction center surrounded by 1,835 repelling charges that is involved in creating the strong nuclear force.) As a consequence the affinity between attraction charges and repelling charges driven by the affinity charge, is maintained. It is the affinity charge driven affinity between attraction and repelling charges that drives batteries and all other “generators” of electricity in the production of electric power. (Recognize that the intensity of assemblies of protons increases as the number of protons in the assembly increases. Therefore, the charge on electrons emitted by an assembly of protons varies as the number of protons varies. It is that phenomenon that establishes the orbit of electron charges and the energy applied to the bond formed. For example: electrons emitted by the photons of a tungsten atom will have a greater intensity than an electron emitted by a copper atom. Also note that an electron is still one unit of fundamental energy so only the charge intensity changes, its mass does not change.)
            Batteries employ a quantity of a medium (electrolyte) where electron charges that are part of the atoms of which the medium is made, are easily displaced when subject to an external electric charge. That process called charging causes electron charges of the atoms of which the electrolyte is made to be driven to another material that is receptive to accommodating excess electron charges. In that manner a situation is created where one material has an excess of electron charges and another material is deficient in electron charges. Meanwhile, the fundamental affinity charge is at play trying to get the excess electric charges back to restore the balance between attraction and repelling charges. Recognize that energy was expended to segregate attracting and repelling charges in the battery’s electrolyte material but no explanation is given to explain where the energy came from to move the charges back and in the process perform work. Then recognize that it is the affinity charge that moves the electron charges to restore balance and energy is expended in the process.

            What’s the point you ask. We have been brainwashed into accepting statements by the scientific community concerning the origin and functioning of certain things like energy that fail to provide a definitive explanation. As a consequence the scientific community has become accepting of the practice of issuing non-explanatory explanations especially when it comes to identifying where energy that is clearly expended comes from. A practice that has progressed to the point that often elaborate mathematical equations are developed in an effort to hide the absence of meaningful explanation. The bottom line is that not only are fundamentals physics principles being hidden but understanding with significant potential for advancing technology as well. Our textbooks are filled with non-explanatory explanations and explanations based on virtual un-real simulations.    

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