Monday, April 7, 2014

The First Cut

The First Cut
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014

            Like the first cut of a diamond, the full brilliance is not revealed. This is the first cut at trying to explain the origin of the energy of fundamental creation physics. The energy of which all things are made and the energy that sustains the behavior of all things. The conclusions developed by this effort have grown from the realization that the energy fundamental to creation physics has three components each in discrete units of charge intensity with an absolute unique behavior. One type attracts other like attraction components only. A second type repels other like repelling components only. The third type established an affinity/bonding between the attraction and repelling type components.
            This first cut envisions a universe filled with repelling component quantum intensity “particles” (they repel each other so fill all space), and a singularity point of attracting component “particles” and then the introduction of the third component type that binds an attraction component type and a repelling component type to form an energy particle that is elementary to all subsequent creation. This concept is driven through consideration of the phenomenon called Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) that recognizes two forms of electromagnetic radiation. One form has no discernible source as though emanating from an energy field. A second form involves radiation in the form of photons where intensity strength varies depending upon the origin, therefore a variety of names have been given to this type CBR most specifically Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
            First off, Fundamental Physics recognizes that photons are created by protons and exist as components of the lines of force produced by protons therefore, photons did not come into existence until protons existed. Consequently, CMB that involves the radiation of photons at the speed of light are not fundamental to creation. CBR on the other hand are not associated with photons and no mention is made of the speed of their radiation. In fact, those reporting the finding of CBR reported it existed ubiquitously throughout the universe giving every indication of being a static energy field within which creation has occurred. There are other significant indicators. CBR was concluded to have originated from an atmosphere of extremely high pressure and temperature while CMB is reported to produce heating, light, infrared, x-rays, and electro-magnetic radiation, all of which involve different forms of fundamental energy.
            Existing as a charge of energy, the repelling component fits the criteria believed necessary for the universal source of energy envisioned as the means by which the charge of fundamental energy particles is maintained and being the component of fundamental energy that powers radiation it would be detected as radiation using equipment “tuned” to recognize radiation. Further, with the absence of comments to indicate otherwise, CBR has only one intensity (frequency) which would be expected for a fundamental charge.

            For a first cut this diamond holds great promise for shining the light of understanding on a most significant phenomenon.

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