Monday, April 28, 2014

Making a Case for Neutrinos

Making a Case for Neutrinos
By: Miles Pelton, April 2014
Warning: this is an extremely complex subject so may not be of interest except to those few yearning to help untangle the web of confusion sewn by misdirected science.
            Neutrinos are the new kid on the block such that they were born into the age of Quantum Mechanics. They have been very well studied but from the perspective of Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics Theories. As a consequence there is not much in the way of direct verifiable quantitative measurements with which to work. The little that is available tends to indicate that the basic neutrino may in fact be the energy particle advanced by Fundamental Physics as elementary to all creation.
            As concluded through reasoned analysis, the elementary particle is a composite assembly of three forms of fundamental energy. There is a form of energy that attracts only like attraction charges. There is a form that repels only like repelling charges. Then there is a form that creates an affinity between attraction and repelling charges. In response to the behavior of these energy charges the three fundamental energy charges assemble into a composite energy particle with the attraction charge at the center surrounded by the affinity charge and then the repelling charge. Each charge has one absolute quantum intensity. The attraction charge would give indication of mass, the repelling charge would give indication of an interaction with weak forces, both with extremely low intensity and extremely low range. The absence of an electro-magnetic interaction is understandable since neutrinos do not have a proton relationship as do electrons, which is the basis of electro-magnetic reactions.
            The interesting aspect deals with the relative size of the neutrino and the electron and their association with neutrons and protons. Research records 1,836 quantum attraction charges make up neutrons and that neutrons have no electric charge. Protons have one less attraction charge than a neutron, have no electric charge yet have an attraction for an electron. Documented research records that neutrons self-transform into protons and in the process eject an electron but, since neutrons have no electrons it must be assumed the ejected electron was created by the transformation process and there is no indication that protons have an electron charge. The answer to that “mystery” is provided through consideration of the characteristics of the three forms of fundamental energy incorporated in the elementary particles.
            The attraction charge establishes the mass of both the neutron and the proton and is constricted to give protons a singularity center with power to attract. The affinity charge makes it possible for the singularity center to attract repelling component charges and the loss of one repelling charge gives the proton the power to attract one repelling charge, which establishes a proton-repelling charge relationship. However, without realizing it, someone renamed the repelling charge for which protons had an attraction, an electron charge. Further, repelling charges that are already bonded to an attraction charge by an affinity charge as exists in elementary energy particles (and therefore neutrinos) would not indicated reaction with electro-magnetic energy. Therefore, solution of the electron mystery gives support to the premise that neutrinos and elementary particles may be one and the same and at the same time the “god’s particle” that scientists have been searching for.
            Helping to confuse the issue resides in the fact that the three fundamental charges can and do exist alone or as partial assemblies that would make recognition of the neutrino elementary particle connection difficult. Standing alone the repelling charge is an electron. Standing alone the attraction charge may coalesce to form singularities or react with a center of gravity of an atom to produces heat or may react as lightning. The affinity charge produces illumination and vision while paired with attraction charges establishes the difference of potential that drives electricity. Vast concentrations of attraction charges would tend to form black holes or when less concentrated, dark matter. Also, the intensity of the charge can vary depending upon the intensity of their application. The intensity of charges involved in forming the inner bond of a uranium atom would be greater than those involved in bonding a hydrogen atom.     
             A reasoned conclusion is that neutrinos are the elementary composite energy particles that assemble to make neutrons and protons and that the electron-proton relationship is established when a repelling charge is ejected, which occurred when the attraction charges are constricted into the proton singularity in the process of neutron to proton transformation. In that case the proton is short one repelling energy charge so the affinity charge remaining attached to the proton singularity center, seeks to establish affinity with the ejected repelling (electron) charge and the proton-electron relationship is established. It also shows why neutrinos are released in abundance from fission type reactions. (Explanation: neutrinos are not produced by fission type reactions. Neutrinos being components of matter are released when the bonds that hold involved matter are broken such as in fission type reactions.)
            There is another compelling argument supporting the position that neutrinos are the proposed elementary energy particle. The fact that neutrinos exist in such great numbers whether in the free (unassembled) or as components of everything is a good argument alone that neutrinos are in fact the elementary energy particle that is fundamental to creation.   


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