Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The First Minutes of the Big Bang

Posted On 12 Mar 2014
By : admin
If we go back in time, getting closer to the big bang, we become more and more of our familiar ideas about the universe lost. No galaxies, no stars, and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the Big Bang.
From this extremely hot ball of energy, the entire universe originated. Eventually Physicists think they can explain what happened, although the time of the big bang it, to date, remains a mystery. Scared in the first seconds after the Big.
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            The preceding is a blog given as reference by Wikipedia on their explanation of Cosmic Background Radiation. The referenced blog sums up the thinking of scientists on the matter of the Big Bang. I am using it as the platform to illustrate another case of faulty science.
            The crux of the theory advanced as “the big bang” is wrapped up in these two sentences. “No galaxies, no stars and even more closer to the big bang no atoms, no atomic nuclei, electrons, quarks, and not even any elementary particles. Only energy, incredibly high temperature and pressure, is left in the first second after the big bang.”

            In one sentence, there can be no heat or pressure if there are no atoms and matter. The energy that produces heat, the attraction component of fundamental energy, can exist but that is not heat. Heat is produced by the reaction of atoms to the effect of heat energy (fundamental energy) on the structure of atoms. Further; heat (temperature) is counter atom structure. Not only are atomic structure destroyed by heat, it reduces the power of protons to produce binding force. There is a temperature above which protons have no power to produce binding force. And, it is the expansion of matter in response to heat that produces pressure. Even when matter exists there is no pressure at zero degrees temperature and with no matter the temperature at the time of the “big bang” would have been zero. One last point; if nothing existed except energy, what exploded to produce heat and where did the energy then existing come from? Another non-explanation explanation. Something the scientists won’t let me get away with. Go figure How about you?.

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