Monday, June 9, 2014

Identifying a Here-to-fore Unidentified

Identifying a Here-to-fore Unidentified Fundamental Energy Form
By: Miles Pelton, June, 2014

            There are a number of forces in fundamental physics that have been accepted without the cause specifically identified. These instances are seen as the cause of illumination and vision; the cause for the “difference of potential” that is involved in electrical energy; the cause for the binding of electrons in chemical and atomic reactions; a cause to explain how attracting and repelling forces work together to form matter. Consideration of those phenomena leads to recognition that there is a here-to-fore unrecognized fundamental energy form that is in addition to the energy that produces attraction and the energy that produces repelling forces.

            In order to explain the phenomena involved with fundamental physics the cause must be understood. To say that energy particles are bound together to form matter does not explain what is bound or how binding is achieved. To explain what light or vision or gravity does is not an explanation of the cause of that behavior. To pass off electricity as caused by a difference of potential does not explain what gives a difference of potential the power to produce electricity nor does it explain what makes electrons do what they do. Those phenomena are now being explained by non-explanation explanations.
            It is generally acknowledged that fundamental energy acts from a point to establish an energy field that diminishes in intensity as the radial distance increases from that point. That is the behavior evident with the fundamental forms of energy that powers gravity, illumination and radiation. That characteristic must be present to qualify as fundamental energy.
            It is also generally recognized that particles of energy with the power to cause attraction by other like particles powers the attraction force seen in the assembly of particles of energy to form quarks, neutrons and protons and that the energy that powers that behavior comes in packets or particles of discrete quantum intensity. That behavior leads to the generally accepted conclusion that the agent responsible for powering that behavior is inherent in the particles that are assembled to make quarks, neutrons and protons. Those characteristics define the energy particles fundamental to the formation of matter. They have been derived through studying the recorded observations of a variety of demonstrations conducted over years of scientific research but are never the less conclusions.
            It is also generally recognized that a repelling force is involved in the assembly of elementary particles to form quarks, neutrons and protons. It is recognized that without a repelling force the attraction energy would contract into a point without establishing a physical presence. In order to create an assembly with physical presence, there is need for an energy component to produce repelling force and that it exist inherent in the particles that are assembled to make quarks, neutrons and protons in other words an elementary particle.
            There lies a problem that prevents the development of understanding regarding how matter is created from energy. In order for elementary energy particles to self-assemble each elementary particle must have an intrinsic attraction charge and an opposing repelling charge but there is no known way to obtain that behavior with a single energy charge. That means each elementary particle must contain both an attraction and a repelling charge but if these were opposing energy charges they would annihilate rather than coexist inherent in an elementary particle. Obviously a third component is needed to prevent annihilation. Now a new problem. If the attraction charge in one particle attracted the repelling charge in a second particle and the same reaction by the charges in the second particle, there would never be anything except two particle assemblies.
            Since self-assembly of elementary particles has produced quarks, neutrons and protons, there is a way. Consider the following: If attraction charges attract only like attraction charges and repelling charges repel only like repelling charges they could coexist without annihilation and they could produce “chain reaction” assembly but without help they would not assemble to form an elementary particle. However, with a third form of energy that produces an affinity between attraction charges and repelling charges they could assembly into a common elementary particle and each charge would constitute a quantum particle of their respective charge type and the three quanta would be an inherent component of each elementary particle.
            The trio of charges forming each elementary particle present a zero charge effect making detection of elementary particles difficult. A means to detect “electric charge” has been developed however; the “electric charge” in this instance is the “difference of potential” between attraction and repelling charges, which is the here-to-fore unrecognized affinity charge. It is not the electric charge. The electric charge is the repelling charge. The repelling charge can be identified as the cause of the repelling force produced by magnetic forces.
            Each of the three fundamental energy charges produces a variety of effects in addition to their basic job. The attraction energy charge also is: the fundamental unit of mass; the singularity center of protons and assemblies of protons (nuclei); and the producer of the effect called heat;
            The repelling energy charge also is: what is currently called an electron charge: producer of the repelling component of magnetic force: producer of the weak force in atomic nuclei.
            The affinity energy charge also: produces illumination and vision: it is the difference of potential that powers electricity and the binding force for proton-electron interactions. It is the keystone of creation.


            With recognition that a third form of fundamental energy, here to fore unrecognized, exists and along with attraction and repelling energy forms elementary particles, the process of creating matter with a physical presence from energy is readily explained and understood and with that, all fundamental physics principles. 

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