Monday, June 16, 2014

Quarks Revisited

Quarks Revisited
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014
            The current explanation of quarks is fraught with questionable claims, theories and non-explanation explanations. Most of the claims are based upon interpretation of observations of reactions produced in particle accelerators or beliefs derived by unproven theories. Clearly the current explanation has discounted the concept of elementary particles as recognized by Galileo and Newton.

            Paramount is the acceptance of quarks as particles elementary to the formation of matter. By admission a real quark has never been observed as existing except for fleeting microseconds following release in particle accelerators when their presence is marked as a trail shown in a “cloud chamber”. By admission quarks are not stable and change quantitative values spontaneously. Further, other than their existence in conjunction with the formation of neutrons and protons there is no evidence they fulfill an elementary function. As described quarks are not likely material with which to build the universe.
            Theories intended to explain the behavior of quarks rely upon unproven conjecture most notably the theory of quantum chromo dynamics. The concept used in an attempt to explain quark behavior can be explained equally well if not better based upon the assembly of elementary particles made of three forms of absolute behavior fundamental energy charges. One charge attracts a like attraction charge only; a second charge repels a like repelling charge only; a third establishes an affinity between the charges that attract and the charges that repel with a quantum intensity of each in each elementary particle
             In the context of a composite particle the three charges present a zero charge but each has a very specific task, which is to self-assemble in this instance to form quarks. Following the fundamental physics law of force inversely proportional to the distance squared, 960 elemental particles assemble to make a quark eventually to be united with two other such assemblies. As the three quarks assemble the assembly develops both a center of gravity and a singularity center when the 960 attraction charges constrict into a point charge. The force exerted on constricting the individual quarks as well as their assembly increases as the distances involved are reduced. First one quark develops a singularity center changing the nature of that quark. Then called an up quark and the assembly a neutron. Quarks without a singularity are down quarks. Eventually without interference a second quark develops a singularity center giving the assembly a powerful singularity center and the assembly with two up and one down quarks transforms into a proton.
            In transforming the proton emits an electron charge. It is unclear but is theorized the third quark develops a singularity center at that time. In which case, the proton has acquired three 960 unit singularity centers plus a powerful singularity center of 1,836 units of attraction charge that is encased by the 1,836 repelling energy charges. It is worthy to note that attraction charges produce gravitational force which is the equivalent of rest mass therefore, the quarks and the proton assembly present a mass considerably greater than 1,836 standalone elementary particles. This agrees with the position that it is the attraction charge that powers gravity.
            It should be noted that the up quark in a neutron has developed a singularity center but since it interacts with a like charge only, that singularity center, which is an attraction charge does not register as giving the neutron a charge. However, the neutron up quark plays a role in the assembly of nuclei since it interacts with the singularity centers of the proton’s up quarks. It is the energy of the bonds formed between quarks and between the singularity centers of protons that is released in nuclear reactions. Assemblies of protons as in atom nuclei, produces a singularity center for each level of assembly. Therefore, the singularity center of a uranium atom is considerably more powerful (intense) than is the singularity center of a hydrogen atom. At the singularity point the intensity equals the number up protons in the assembly.
            When viewed from this perspective there is every reason to believe that quarks are only formations of elementary particles that exist only as long as the neutron or proton remain intact. Failure of even one quark bond results in the disassociation of the assembly. They certainly do not qualify as elementary particles


            The community of Physicists need to seriously rethink their approach to the study of Physics. Fundamental Physics is not a religious concept.

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