Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nuclear Energy

Revisiting Nuclear Energy
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014
            The big mystery in nuclear energy is how nuclei assemble into such a powerful bundle of energy when the principle component, protons, strongly repel each other and neutrons seemingly have no attraction power.
            Set the stage: Each proton and each neutron has a center of gravity of 1,836 units that attract each-others 1,836 elementary particles. Their power increases exponentially as distance decreases and their assembly develops a center of gravity where the intensity is the sum of the joined centers of gravity. In addition, the elementary particles assemble to create quarks. A neutron has one up and two down quarks and each proton has two up and one down quark. The up quarks have developed a singularity center meaning the attraction charges have constricted into a point charge, a center of attraction charges. Simultaneously the repelling charges are left out but remain attached to their singularity center by affinity energy charges there by creating a periphery encasement of repelling charges that strongly repel like charges. The singularity centers each produces lines of binding force that bind with other singularity centers. That action is opposed by the repelling charges that surround each singularity center. Protons that develop a 2 X 1,836 singularity center present a powerful repelling force whereas, the magnitude of repelling charge of the neutrons has not increased.
            Act 1: Standing alone, protons and neutrons do not form a strong assembly however, two protons and two neutrons form a strongly bound assembly as a consequence of their interaction that is principally controlled by the behavior of the attraction energy centers. The neutrons help create a more powerful center of gravity (4 X 1,836) that helps to counter the repelling forces thereby reducing intervening distance while increasing exponentially the power of attraction. Meanwhile the binding power of the singularity centers increases with reduced intervening distance. Eventually the attraction power of the singularity center overcomes the repelling force existing between protons and the singularity centers of the two assembled protons generates a more powerful singularity center. It is the power of the singularity center of the assembly in conjunction with the absence of distance that establishes the power of bonds formed. It is the power of the bonds formed by singularity centers that is released in nuclear reactions. Gravity bonds do not fragment as do singularity center bonds so are not involved in nuclear reactions.
            It is the role of affinity energy charges to bond repelling charges to attraction energy that forms singularities without which there could be no nuclei assembly limiting creation to the formation of hydrogen atoms. Affinity energy also contributes to the energy released by nuclear reactions since the bonds they form are fragmented by such reactions. Further, being the energy form that produces illumination, the affinity energy released contributes to the intensity of the light release that accompanies nuclear reactions. Further; since power of attraction energy is reduced by increased temperature, it is reasoned that the formation of atoms takes place at near absolute zero degrees, not at the high heat generated by a “big bang”.
Conclusion: Affinity energy plays a vital role in the forming of atoms and in removing the mystery of how atomic nuclei assemble. Please note that it is the energy that formed the bonds that held the nuclei together that is released when those bonds fragment, IT IS NOT the conversion of mass to energy unless that action defines the expression. Matter is disassembled, not transformed. Therefore, some brilliant mind needs to explain where the energy released comes from.


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