Thursday, June 19, 2014

Demonstrating Affinity Energy
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            A theory has been developed claiming the existence of a here to fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy. The theory recognizes one form of fundamental energy that produces attraction force and a second that produces a repelling force between elementary particles and then claims evidence supports the existence of a third form of energy that powers an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. The challenge is to demonstrate proof that the affinity form of energy exists. The accompanying photographs provides visual evidence that this presentation explains.
            The fundamental force in physics and otherwise throughout the sciences, involves the attraction of energy charges to produce binding of component, which forces are recognized as involving opposing or positive and negative charges. In the realm of electrical energy the power to produce electricity involves establishing a “difference of potential” by creating a separation between positive and negative, otherwise known as attraction and repelling, charges. In other situations it is the attraction of a proton for an electron, where the proton carries a charge produced by attraction energy charges and the electron charge is produced by the repelling energy charge. What has never been explained is what powers the “difference of potential” to produce the attraction of electron charges across the “difference of potential.
            The Van der Graaff generator pictured (courtesy the Boston museum of science) generates a separation of positive and negative charges that are attraction and repelling charges and otherwise proton and electron charges. Electron charges are isolated and deposited on the collector, a hollow metal sphere that is insulated from the earth potential, the attraction or positive charges. The differential grows with each electron charge added to the collector. The electron charge repels other like charges and has no attraction power. The positive charge otherwise known as protons also repel like charges yet somehow the proton charge is able to attract the electron charge. There is no question that it exists but the cause has never been explained and why are the electron charges not annihilated by the attraction charges.
            Each electron is a single charge of the fundamental repelling energy. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 elementary particles that are a composite assembly of attraction and repelling charges plus as theorized a third affinity charge. It is the repelling charges of the 1,836 contributing elementary particles that produces the repelling force between protons while the attraction charges produces attraction with other attraction charges. The question never asked: why the attraction and repelling charges do not annihilate each other? The answer is because they are not opposite charges but interact because of a third energy charge that establishes an affinity between attraction and repelling charges, which charge is exposed as the difference of potential created when attraction and repelling, positive and negative, proton and electron charges are separated as with the Van de Graaff generator..
            When electrons flow over or through matter they are forced to move from atom to atom. It makes no difference if the movement is through an electrical conductor, the air or flesh. Electrons move because they are forced to move. It takes force to remove an electron from an atom and the process breaks atoms. That is why, when electricity flows through flesh it causes damage. The work done moving electrons from atom to atom in electricity is called resistance. In chemistry and biology the movement of electrons changes the composition of atoms and molecules. The movement of electrons changes atoms and molecules.
            With static charge as generated by a Van de Graaff generator electrons are not caused to flow, rather the energy charge that powers the difference of potential is exposed. It can be seen as causing the frizzy hair because the boy in this case is included as an adjunct of the charge collector so that each length of hair is charged with the same charge as the adjacent length of hair. The like charges repel producing the fussy hair. No damage is done because electrons did not flow. Similarly when of sufficient intensity, the charge can arc in the act of discharging the difference of potential but electrons are not moved. The “spark” seen is the affinity energy charge that when concentrations are exposed the concentration is visible as a glow. (That phenomena was demonstrated by .)
            This explanation is offered as evidence that a here to fore unrecognized charge of fundamental energy that establishes an affinity between the fundamental attraction and repelling charges exists and is the energy that powers the “difference of potential” in electric, chemical and biological phenomena..    


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