Friday, June 13, 2014

Proof of a Supplier of the Energy of Cfreation

Proof of a Supplier of the Energy of Creation
By: Miles Pelton, June 2014

            Great effort has been expended over the years of scientific research not only trying to prove the energy that powers creation is not supplied from a source outside the universe system but to conceal evidence otherwise. Argument is presented that proves energy is continuously supplied to create and sustain creation.
            This argument is based upon defining creation as: bringing something into existence with the means left without definition.

            The inverse distance squared law is a physical constant in physics when dealing with radiated energy. That law is found in Newton’s law of universal gravitation, as well as laws dealing with light and electromagnetic radiation. While not recognized as such by documented physics principles, the energy that powers gravity, light and electromagnetics are the three forms of energy fundamental to all creation. These three forms of energy assembled as elementary particles are fundamental to the creation of matter and all subsequent forms of energy.
            There is an explanation for the inverse distance squared law. Simply, energy radiated from a point into three dimensional space disperses with distance from the point of origin. Think of a point expanding spherically into an unbounded three dimensional space. Now, recognize that something is left out of the inverse distance squared law. The energy will disperse at a constant diminishing intensity only if the intensity (pressure) in the point source is maintained constant. Therein lies the proof that the energy fundamental to creation and the sustenance of creation, the energy inherent in elementary energy particles, has a means of sustaining intensity.


            The argument proves itself, the intensity of the energy supplied from a point source is maintained constant requiring a means to maintain the intensity of the point source.  

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