Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Positive and Negative Charges, the Rest of the Story

Positive and Negative Charges, the Rest of the Story
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            Electricity is one of the first physics phenomenon studied. As early as 600 BC demonstrations were being conducted showing what subsequently became known as static electricity was created by rubbing fur with a piece of amber. The demonstrations showed a force of attraction between charged particles and the discharge of a visible spark. That is the way things stood for 2,000 years.
            In the 1,600’s AD researchers concluded that the rubbing action transferred electron energy charges from the fur to the amber to create a “difference of potential”. That is, a place with an excess and a place with a deficit of charges. The breakthrough came when it was realized electron charges flowed through a conductor connecting two “difference of potential” points to equalize the “difference of potential”. From then until now it is accepted without further consideration that the “difference of potential” is the cause of electricity and the two points of differential were called positive and negative. (Positive being the point with an excess of electron charges and negative the point with a deficit.)
            That theory has been accepted without question for all these years even though there is no explanation for how it works or what gives the “differencel of potential” the power to drive electrons through a return circuit that can produce work in the process. That is one of the physics theories that caused me great concern personally through 60 plus years engaged in radio and electric power generation. Concern that prompted these 20 plus years of research to find an explanation.
            Difference of potential is analogous to the apple falling from the tree that allegedly opened Newton’s mind. With gravity, the “difference of potential” is created when an object exists or is elevated to a higher elevation, such as water in a dam or above a water fall. Then, the force of gravity that pulls the water, and the apple, to a lower elevation is used to do work. But even that proven concept has been discarded by modern physicists who have been inventing other convoluted explanations for gravity such as warping space-time and the equivalence principle that equates gravity and acceleration as the same. That distortion of truth may also be caused by failure of science to recognize their beliefs regarding “difference of potential” is wrong.
            For many this may seem like a “so what” situation since many believe that what will be will be regardless of what scientists believe. That is true, but in the meantime great harm is being done. The ramifications are analogous to slavery and ethnic and racial discrimination that was accepted for centuries until the general population came to realize the great harm being done. It is indifference for the fundamentals of physics that we and our children are not only not being taught the truths needed to live but give science carte blanch freedom and the classrooms of our schools to ridicule religious beliefs. That is counterproductive to a healthy society. Further, with the aid of institutions of higher learning and civil government, huge amounts of talent and fortune are expended or misdirected research and study of things of questionable value and events where nothing can be done to change what goes on. Meanwhile, our children are being force fed defective information and our world suffers from our lack of consideration in areas that are within our power to correct.
            The answer to what powers difference of potential is affinity energy, a here-to-fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy that along with attraction and repelling energy, forms into composite elementary particles of which all things are made. 

            There is little chance these words will gain the attention of the community of scientists but if each person took an interest in denouncing the run amok program of modern physics their attention might be won as it was with civil rights. Support for this and similar revelations posted at and would be a good way to start.

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