Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Positive and Negative Electrical Charges

Positive and Negative Electrical Charges
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            The concept of positive and negative electric charges developed from demonstrations by Thales of Miletus about 600 BC by rubbing fur with amber. The term electric was invented by William Gilbert about 1600 AD. Throughout the years the terms have been demonstrated but the cause has never been proven. The behavior of electric charges has been accepted as an invariant constant in Physics, a fundamental characteristic of matter.
            There have been a myriad of explanations and demonstrations of the behavior of electrical charges over the years. In fact the field of electricity has grown from those demonstrations and study of behavior. There has been some effort to explain the cause but in the end electric charge has been accepted as a fundamental characteristic of matter where the charge remains constant, which is the basic law of physics otherwise known as the conservation of energy. (To be believed through faith, i.e: without proof.)

            The interaction of energy to form matter is what physics and creation is all about, especially for those who believe that creation has been a progressive evolving development, in which case what exists developed from a fundamental thing. Most are in agreement that the fundamental thing was a form of energy. Therefore, if the power to do something is inherent in or is a fundamental constant of something, then it evolved or was developed from the originating fundamental energy. The task then is to follow the bouncing ball, to put the horse before the cart.
            Without magic particles of energy capable of producing one force, say attraction, is not going to produce anything except a ball of attraction energy particles existing at a point. So, it would appear a second forms of fundamental energy particles able to repel the constriction of the attracting force is required in order to create an assembly with physical presence
             But how is that going to work, the attraction and repelling energy particles, analogous with positive and negative charges, will mutually annihilate. Without some mystical intervention a big insurmountable problem. Except: If the attraction charges attracted only like attraction charges and repelling charges repelled only like repelling charges, and one of each where made a composite particle then the charges would not mutually annihilate. But now more problems.
            Particles each with an attraction and a repelling charge will only produce two particle assemblies; and how can an attraction and a repelling charge be made to assemble into a composite assembly; and how will the attraction and repelling charges interact to produce a positive-negative relationship without magic? All of those problems vanish opening the door to self-induced progressive evolution of the creation process, with the introduction of a third form of fundamental energy charge. A charge that causes the attraction charges to attract repelling charges, a charge that creates positive and negative potentials, an affinity charge.
            With three fundamental energy charges coexisting as a composite particle it could be elementary to the progressive self-development of all things seen and unseen. Being a composite of three complimentary charges the particle presents no detectable charge in the manner employed in explaining the quantum chromo dynamics involved in the formation of quarks.


             While the behavior of electrical charges has been thoroughly researched and explained the cause has never been established and proven. Reliance on the conservation of energy law is not a proven explanation. The introduction of the concept of a composite three part elementary particle of fundamental energy charges provides a clear explanation of the cause and the processes involved in the progression of the creation of matter including the phenomena associated with electrical charges.

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