Monday, June 9, 2014

What Drives Electromagnetic Radiation

What Drives Electromagnetic Radiation
By: Miles Pelton, June 2014

            The subject of electromagnetic radiation is the most confused misunderstood and poorly explained area in all of physics Most of what is understood developed through progressive trial and error application of technological processes. Theories are rife with non-explanation explanations often offered to explain other non-explanation explanations. Glaring mistaken theories are hidden by torturous non-explanation explanations. Understanding comes from realizing that the development of the matter and forces involved in electromagnetism are the product of elementary particles that are composite assemblies of the three forms of fundamental energy namely; attraction charges that attract only like attraction charges; repelling charges that repel only like repelling charges; affinity charges that cause attraction and repelling charges to attract each other. That will be demonstrated by this explanation.

            It is the intent to explain the concepts resulting from the application of fundamental physics concepts rather than argue existing misdirected theories. All forces are derived from the three fundamental energy charges previously stated with each existing in elementary particles at the quantum intensity of one unit. The attraction charge that attracts only like attraction charges is contracted into a singularity point that becomes the heart of protons and is the charge that produces gravitational force. The repelling charge that repels only like repelling charges forms an encasing shell around the proton singularity and is held in place by the affinity charge. The repelling charge is what current theory calls an electron charge. The affinity charge establishes the interaction between the proton singularity and the electron charge. The attraction charge becomes the ground reference for the difference of potential created by the affinity charge.
            Current theory calls the affinity effect by the term “a difference of potential”. The affinity charge is the power that drives the proton-electron force including driving electricity and the force involved in valence bonds. The repelling charge is always held by affinity charges as the periphery layer of elementary particles, photons and lines of magnetic force. It is caused to spiral in the process of emission by protons where the spiraling periphery covering of lines of magnetic force and photons imparts a repelling component to those phenomenon.
            For clarification purposes, the relationship between protons and electrons is not in response to their opposite charges but because of the affinity charge. It is the spiraling repelling charge that impart the magnetic component to flowing electrons and lines of magnetic force. It is the spiraling repelling component that is transposed from the lines of magnetic force to the windings in electric power generators along with the affinity charge that establishes the “difference of potential”. When a return path is provided the difference of potential moves in an effort to equalize the difference of potential. But the affinity charges have established a bond with the repelling (electron) charges so they are drawn along. As a consequence the resultant current flow has two components. One the spiraling repelling charge plus the affinity charge. Each spiralling repelling (electron) charge carries its spiraling energy field that is the component known as producing magnetic force and is accompanied by an affinity charge of equal intensity (wavelength). That clarifies the duality theory of electromagnetic charges. There is in fact two linked charges involved in electric phenomena.
            The electromagnetic radiation involved in radio, television, radar type transmissions are produced by setting up an electric field that imparts a counter electric field on a distant receiver configuration. Electrons are not transmitted, only the field intensity is impressed across the intervening distance.
            Radiation involving the transmission of photons is an entirely different phenomena than electromagnetic radiation as is x-ray radiation. They have been covered by a separate discussion.


             The ambiguities and misunderstanding associated with electricity, electromagnetic radiation and the duality of electromagnetic forces are clarified by applying the fundamental physics concept of tri-charge elementary particles. 

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