Monday, June 9, 2014

What Drives Radiation

What Drives Radiation
By; Miles Pelton, June 2014

            Science has ask us to accept that radiation just happens with no cause. Nothing with the precise behavior of radiation will just happen, there must be a cause. That is the objective of this paper, to identify and explain the power behind radiation.

            Radiation involves photons (electromagnetic radiation is a separate subject) that exist in a wide range of intensity but in all cases are composite assemblies of the trio of fundamental energy intrinsic in elementary particles. In fact, elementary particles correspond to the quantum photon. Photons are produced by protons where assemblies of protons, as in an atom nucleus, develop photons whose intensity is in proportion to the number of assembled protons. Protons emit photons in the form of lines of force where the attraction charge intensity of the photons powers the binding force of the line of force emitted. When lines of force are severed the photons of which made are freed and radiate from that point. The question then becomes, what causes the photons to radiate.
            Photon radiation involves very precise controlled behavior including speed. The force applied to move photons diminishes in strength as the distance from the point of rupture, squared. The constant decrease in force translates to a speed rate that sustains photon acceleration at a constant speed designated as the “speed of light”. That behavior gives indication that the energy inherent within the photon itself that diminishes in strength with distance is at least a factor in powering radiation. Photon radiation is limited to the system from which released.  Photons released from massive systems like stars and galaxies that involve high energy intensities can involve great distances. Bear in mind that some lines of force are associated with the universe so radiation from those lines of force may extend to the limits of the universe.
            Lines of force that bind components into matter are the product of protons and assemblies of protons (atoms) that generate a center of proton power in a manner similar to the manner by which assemblies of matter generate a center of gravity. While lines of force are customarily seen to involve atoms there is every reason assemblies of atoms, say a planet or a star, also develop a center of proton power. However, such bonds are not known to fail although could be associated with colliding or dying stars and galaxies and could account for the more powerful radiation associated with those events.
            So the power behind radiation is a product of the proton center of power and is system specific. The core of proton power is the singularity formed of concentrated attraction energy. However, the intensity of the charge of a singularity center is matched with equal intensity repelling charge and affinity charge. Repelling charges repel like repelling charges, attraction charges attract like attraction charges and affinity charges establish attraction between attraction and repelling charges. So the question then, what charge does a photon freed from a line of force display?
            Photons are a composite of the three fundamental charges, HOWEVER; it is the bond produced by the attraction charge that is fractured releasing photons. The attraction charge of the released photon has been distanced from the system proton center of power. Its power to attract has been expended. It can be attracted but it cannot attract. The photon of which a part is no longer neutral. It exhibits a repelling charge and in that state repelled by the repelling charge of the center of proton power. Recall that fundamental energy charges set up an energy field that diminishes in intensity as the square of the distance, which diminishing strength field accelerates like charges at the speed of light. (“Speed of light” is an adverbial phrase defining speed it does not confer that the object of concern is light.)
            (While not pertinent to radiation, it is worthy to note that the expended attraction charge carried by a photon explains why the charges deposited from impacting photons produces the effect called heat.)

            It is the intensity of the repelling charge component of a center of proton power that powers the radiation of photons. Yes scientists, there is a cause.

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