Thursday, June 19, 2014

Demonstrating Affinity Energy
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            A theory has been developed claiming the existence of a here to fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy. The theory recognizes one form of fundamental energy that produces attraction force and a second that produces a repelling force between elementary particles and then claims evidence supports the existence of a third form of energy that powers an affinity between the attraction and the repelling energy charges. The challenge is to demonstrate proof that the affinity form of energy exists. The accompanying photographs provides visual evidence that this presentation explains.
            The fundamental force in physics and otherwise throughout the sciences, involves the attraction of energy charges to produce binding of component, which forces are recognized as involving opposing or positive and negative charges. In the realm of electrical energy the power to produce electricity involves establishing a “difference of potential” by creating a separation between positive and negative, otherwise known as attraction and repelling, charges. In other situations it is the attraction of a proton for an electron, where the proton carries a charge produced by attraction energy charges and the electron charge is produced by the repelling energy charge. What has never been explained is what powers the “difference of potential” to produce the attraction of electron charges across the “difference of potential.
            The Van der Graaff generator pictured (courtesy the Boston museum of science) generates a separation of positive and negative charges that are attraction and repelling charges and otherwise proton and electron charges. Electron charges are isolated and deposited on the collector, a hollow metal sphere that is insulated from the earth potential, the attraction or positive charges. The differential grows with each electron charge added to the collector. The electron charge repels other like charges and has no attraction power. The positive charge otherwise known as protons also repel like charges yet somehow the proton charge is able to attract the electron charge. There is no question that it exists but the cause has never been explained and why are the electron charges not annihilated by the attraction charges.
            Each electron is a single charge of the fundamental repelling energy. Protons are an assembly of 1,836 elementary particles that are a composite assembly of attraction and repelling charges plus as theorized a third affinity charge. It is the repelling charges of the 1,836 contributing elementary particles that produces the repelling force between protons while the attraction charges produces attraction with other attraction charges. The question never asked: why the attraction and repelling charges do not annihilate each other? The answer is because they are not opposite charges but interact because of a third energy charge that establishes an affinity between attraction and repelling charges, which charge is exposed as the difference of potential created when attraction and repelling, positive and negative, proton and electron charges are separated as with the Van de Graaff generator..
            When electrons flow over or through matter they are forced to move from atom to atom. It makes no difference if the movement is through an electrical conductor, the air or flesh. Electrons move because they are forced to move. It takes force to remove an electron from an atom and the process breaks atoms. That is why, when electricity flows through flesh it causes damage. The work done moving electrons from atom to atom in electricity is called resistance. In chemistry and biology the movement of electrons changes the composition of atoms and molecules. The movement of electrons changes atoms and molecules.
            With static charge as generated by a Van de Graaff generator electrons are not caused to flow, rather the energy charge that powers the difference of potential is exposed. It can be seen as causing the frizzy hair because the boy in this case is included as an adjunct of the charge collector so that each length of hair is charged with the same charge as the adjacent length of hair. The like charges repel producing the fussy hair. No damage is done because electrons did not flow. Similarly when of sufficient intensity, the charge can arc in the act of discharging the difference of potential but electrons are not moved. The “spark” seen is the affinity energy charge that when concentrations are exposed the concentration is visible as a glow. (That phenomena was demonstrated by .)
            This explanation is offered as evidence that a here to fore unrecognized charge of fundamental energy that establishes an affinity between the fundamental attraction and repelling charges exists and is the energy that powers the “difference of potential” in electric, chemical and biological phenomena..    


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Positive and Negative Charges, the Rest of the Story

Positive and Negative Charges, the Rest of the Story
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            Electricity is one of the first physics phenomenon studied. As early as 600 BC demonstrations were being conducted showing what subsequently became known as static electricity was created by rubbing fur with a piece of amber. The demonstrations showed a force of attraction between charged particles and the discharge of a visible spark. That is the way things stood for 2,000 years.
            In the 1,600’s AD researchers concluded that the rubbing action transferred electron energy charges from the fur to the amber to create a “difference of potential”. That is, a place with an excess and a place with a deficit of charges. The breakthrough came when it was realized electron charges flowed through a conductor connecting two “difference of potential” points to equalize the “difference of potential”. From then until now it is accepted without further consideration that the “difference of potential” is the cause of electricity and the two points of differential were called positive and negative. (Positive being the point with an excess of electron charges and negative the point with a deficit.)
            That theory has been accepted without question for all these years even though there is no explanation for how it works or what gives the “differencel of potential” the power to drive electrons through a return circuit that can produce work in the process. That is one of the physics theories that caused me great concern personally through 60 plus years engaged in radio and electric power generation. Concern that prompted these 20 plus years of research to find an explanation.
            Difference of potential is analogous to the apple falling from the tree that allegedly opened Newton’s mind. With gravity, the “difference of potential” is created when an object exists or is elevated to a higher elevation, such as water in a dam or above a water fall. Then, the force of gravity that pulls the water, and the apple, to a lower elevation is used to do work. But even that proven concept has been discarded by modern physicists who have been inventing other convoluted explanations for gravity such as warping space-time and the equivalence principle that equates gravity and acceleration as the same. That distortion of truth may also be caused by failure of science to recognize their beliefs regarding “difference of potential” is wrong.
            For many this may seem like a “so what” situation since many believe that what will be will be regardless of what scientists believe. That is true, but in the meantime great harm is being done. The ramifications are analogous to slavery and ethnic and racial discrimination that was accepted for centuries until the general population came to realize the great harm being done. It is indifference for the fundamentals of physics that we and our children are not only not being taught the truths needed to live but give science carte blanch freedom and the classrooms of our schools to ridicule religious beliefs. That is counterproductive to a healthy society. Further, with the aid of institutions of higher learning and civil government, huge amounts of talent and fortune are expended or misdirected research and study of things of questionable value and events where nothing can be done to change what goes on. Meanwhile, our children are being force fed defective information and our world suffers from our lack of consideration in areas that are within our power to correct.
            The answer to what powers difference of potential is affinity energy, a here-to-fore unrecognized form of fundamental energy that along with attraction and repelling energy, forms into composite elementary particles of which all things are made. 

            There is little chance these words will gain the attention of the community of scientists but if each person took an interest in denouncing the run amok program of modern physics their attention might be won as it was with civil rights. Support for this and similar revelations posted at and would be a good way to start.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Positive and Negative Electrical Charges

Positive and Negative Electrical Charges
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014

            The concept of positive and negative electric charges developed from demonstrations by Thales of Miletus about 600 BC by rubbing fur with amber. The term electric was invented by William Gilbert about 1600 AD. Throughout the years the terms have been demonstrated but the cause has never been proven. The behavior of electric charges has been accepted as an invariant constant in Physics, a fundamental characteristic of matter.
            There have been a myriad of explanations and demonstrations of the behavior of electrical charges over the years. In fact the field of electricity has grown from those demonstrations and study of behavior. There has been some effort to explain the cause but in the end electric charge has been accepted as a fundamental characteristic of matter where the charge remains constant, which is the basic law of physics otherwise known as the conservation of energy. (To be believed through faith, i.e: without proof.)

            The interaction of energy to form matter is what physics and creation is all about, especially for those who believe that creation has been a progressive evolving development, in which case what exists developed from a fundamental thing. Most are in agreement that the fundamental thing was a form of energy. Therefore, if the power to do something is inherent in or is a fundamental constant of something, then it evolved or was developed from the originating fundamental energy. The task then is to follow the bouncing ball, to put the horse before the cart.
            Without magic particles of energy capable of producing one force, say attraction, is not going to produce anything except a ball of attraction energy particles existing at a point. So, it would appear a second forms of fundamental energy particles able to repel the constriction of the attracting force is required in order to create an assembly with physical presence
             But how is that going to work, the attraction and repelling energy particles, analogous with positive and negative charges, will mutually annihilate. Without some mystical intervention a big insurmountable problem. Except: If the attraction charges attracted only like attraction charges and repelling charges repelled only like repelling charges, and one of each where made a composite particle then the charges would not mutually annihilate. But now more problems.
            Particles each with an attraction and a repelling charge will only produce two particle assemblies; and how can an attraction and a repelling charge be made to assemble into a composite assembly; and how will the attraction and repelling charges interact to produce a positive-negative relationship without magic? All of those problems vanish opening the door to self-induced progressive evolution of the creation process, with the introduction of a third form of fundamental energy charge. A charge that causes the attraction charges to attract repelling charges, a charge that creates positive and negative potentials, an affinity charge.
            With three fundamental energy charges coexisting as a composite particle it could be elementary to the progressive self-development of all things seen and unseen. Being a composite of three complimentary charges the particle presents no detectable charge in the manner employed in explaining the quantum chromo dynamics involved in the formation of quarks.


             While the behavior of electrical charges has been thoroughly researched and explained the cause has never been established and proven. Reliance on the conservation of energy law is not a proven explanation. The introduction of the concept of a composite three part elementary particle of fundamental energy charges provides a clear explanation of the cause and the processes involved in the progression of the creation of matter including the phenomena associated with electrical charges.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Quarks Revisited

Quarks Revisited
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014
            The current explanation of quarks is fraught with questionable claims, theories and non-explanation explanations. Most of the claims are based upon interpretation of observations of reactions produced in particle accelerators or beliefs derived by unproven theories. Clearly the current explanation has discounted the concept of elementary particles as recognized by Galileo and Newton.

            Paramount is the acceptance of quarks as particles elementary to the formation of matter. By admission a real quark has never been observed as existing except for fleeting microseconds following release in particle accelerators when their presence is marked as a trail shown in a “cloud chamber”. By admission quarks are not stable and change quantitative values spontaneously. Further, other than their existence in conjunction with the formation of neutrons and protons there is no evidence they fulfill an elementary function. As described quarks are not likely material with which to build the universe.
            Theories intended to explain the behavior of quarks rely upon unproven conjecture most notably the theory of quantum chromo dynamics. The concept used in an attempt to explain quark behavior can be explained equally well if not better based upon the assembly of elementary particles made of three forms of absolute behavior fundamental energy charges. One charge attracts a like attraction charge only; a second charge repels a like repelling charge only; a third establishes an affinity between the charges that attract and the charges that repel with a quantum intensity of each in each elementary particle
             In the context of a composite particle the three charges present a zero charge but each has a very specific task, which is to self-assemble in this instance to form quarks. Following the fundamental physics law of force inversely proportional to the distance squared, 960 elemental particles assemble to make a quark eventually to be united with two other such assemblies. As the three quarks assemble the assembly develops both a center of gravity and a singularity center when the 960 attraction charges constrict into a point charge. The force exerted on constricting the individual quarks as well as their assembly increases as the distances involved are reduced. First one quark develops a singularity center changing the nature of that quark. Then called an up quark and the assembly a neutron. Quarks without a singularity are down quarks. Eventually without interference a second quark develops a singularity center giving the assembly a powerful singularity center and the assembly with two up and one down quarks transforms into a proton.
            In transforming the proton emits an electron charge. It is unclear but is theorized the third quark develops a singularity center at that time. In which case, the proton has acquired three 960 unit singularity centers plus a powerful singularity center of 1,836 units of attraction charge that is encased by the 1,836 repelling energy charges. It is worthy to note that attraction charges produce gravitational force which is the equivalent of rest mass therefore, the quarks and the proton assembly present a mass considerably greater than 1,836 standalone elementary particles. This agrees with the position that it is the attraction charge that powers gravity.
            It should be noted that the up quark in a neutron has developed a singularity center but since it interacts with a like charge only, that singularity center, which is an attraction charge does not register as giving the neutron a charge. However, the neutron up quark plays a role in the assembly of nuclei since it interacts with the singularity centers of the proton’s up quarks. It is the energy of the bonds formed between quarks and between the singularity centers of protons that is released in nuclear reactions. Assemblies of protons as in atom nuclei, produces a singularity center for each level of assembly. Therefore, the singularity center of a uranium atom is considerably more powerful (intense) than is the singularity center of a hydrogen atom. At the singularity point the intensity equals the number up protons in the assembly.
            When viewed from this perspective there is every reason to believe that quarks are only formations of elementary particles that exist only as long as the neutron or proton remain intact. Failure of even one quark bond results in the disassociation of the assembly. They certainly do not qualify as elementary particles


            The community of Physicists need to seriously rethink their approach to the study of Physics. Fundamental Physics is not a religious concept.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Elementary Particles

Nuclear Energy

Revisiting Nuclear Energy
By: Miles Pelton, 6/2014
            The big mystery in nuclear energy is how nuclei assemble into such a powerful bundle of energy when the principle component, protons, strongly repel each other and neutrons seemingly have no attraction power.
            Set the stage: Each proton and each neutron has a center of gravity of 1,836 units that attract each-others 1,836 elementary particles. Their power increases exponentially as distance decreases and their assembly develops a center of gravity where the intensity is the sum of the joined centers of gravity. In addition, the elementary particles assemble to create quarks. A neutron has one up and two down quarks and each proton has two up and one down quark. The up quarks have developed a singularity center meaning the attraction charges have constricted into a point charge, a center of attraction charges. Simultaneously the repelling charges are left out but remain attached to their singularity center by affinity energy charges there by creating a periphery encasement of repelling charges that strongly repel like charges. The singularity centers each produces lines of binding force that bind with other singularity centers. That action is opposed by the repelling charges that surround each singularity center. Protons that develop a 2 X 1,836 singularity center present a powerful repelling force whereas, the magnitude of repelling charge of the neutrons has not increased.
            Act 1: Standing alone, protons and neutrons do not form a strong assembly however, two protons and two neutrons form a strongly bound assembly as a consequence of their interaction that is principally controlled by the behavior of the attraction energy centers. The neutrons help create a more powerful center of gravity (4 X 1,836) that helps to counter the repelling forces thereby reducing intervening distance while increasing exponentially the power of attraction. Meanwhile the binding power of the singularity centers increases with reduced intervening distance. Eventually the attraction power of the singularity center overcomes the repelling force existing between protons and the singularity centers of the two assembled protons generates a more powerful singularity center. It is the power of the singularity center of the assembly in conjunction with the absence of distance that establishes the power of bonds formed. It is the power of the bonds formed by singularity centers that is released in nuclear reactions. Gravity bonds do not fragment as do singularity center bonds so are not involved in nuclear reactions.
            It is the role of affinity energy charges to bond repelling charges to attraction energy that forms singularities without which there could be no nuclei assembly limiting creation to the formation of hydrogen atoms. Affinity energy also contributes to the energy released by nuclear reactions since the bonds they form are fragmented by such reactions. Further, being the energy form that produces illumination, the affinity energy released contributes to the intensity of the light release that accompanies nuclear reactions. Further; since power of attraction energy is reduced by increased temperature, it is reasoned that the formation of atoms takes place at near absolute zero degrees, not at the high heat generated by a “big bang”.
Conclusion: Affinity energy plays a vital role in the forming of atoms and in removing the mystery of how atomic nuclei assemble. Please note that it is the energy that formed the bonds that held the nuclei together that is released when those bonds fragment, IT IS NOT the conversion of mass to energy unless that action defines the expression. Matter is disassembled, not transformed. Therefore, some brilliant mind needs to explain where the energy released comes from.


Affinity Energy

Friday, June 13, 2014

Proof of a Supplier of the Energy of Cfreation

Proof of a Supplier of the Energy of Creation
By: Miles Pelton, June 2014

            Great effort has been expended over the years of scientific research not only trying to prove the energy that powers creation is not supplied from a source outside the universe system but to conceal evidence otherwise. Argument is presented that proves energy is continuously supplied to create and sustain creation.
            This argument is based upon defining creation as: bringing something into existence with the means left without definition.

            The inverse distance squared law is a physical constant in physics when dealing with radiated energy. That law is found in Newton’s law of universal gravitation, as well as laws dealing with light and electromagnetic radiation. While not recognized as such by documented physics principles, the energy that powers gravity, light and electromagnetics are the three forms of energy fundamental to all creation. These three forms of energy assembled as elementary particles are fundamental to the creation of matter and all subsequent forms of energy.
            There is an explanation for the inverse distance squared law. Simply, energy radiated from a point into three dimensional space disperses with distance from the point of origin. Think of a point expanding spherically into an unbounded three dimensional space. Now, recognize that something is left out of the inverse distance squared law. The energy will disperse at a constant diminishing intensity only if the intensity (pressure) in the point source is maintained constant. Therein lies the proof that the energy fundamental to creation and the sustenance of creation, the energy inherent in elementary energy particles, has a means of sustaining intensity.


            The argument proves itself, the intensity of the energy supplied from a point source is maintained constant requiring a means to maintain the intensity of the point source.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Explaining Auroras Borealis and Australis

Explaining Auroras Borealis and Australis (updated)
By: Miles Pelton, June 2014

            Current explanation of the auroras is all theory that leaves many questions and provides few answers that pass the common sense stage. Basic conclusions, such as their relationship with the earth’s magnetic force field and solar wind, are well founded. It is the mechanics involved in explaining how those phenomena interact to produce the unique auroras that lacks clarity. With recognition of a here-to-fore unrecognized type of fundamental energy as the cause of illumination, the mechanics involved in auroras is clarified. Since the referenced energy acts to cause the energy that causes attraction (gravity charge or by some gravitons) and the energy that causes repelling (electron charge) to have a liking for each other, it is called an affinity charge

            Solar wind is primarily protons that because of being overheated, have lost their power to attract. The energy that drives protons is the attracting (gravity) charge therefore protons have lost the power to bond affinity charges and in turn electron charges. The dead protons are ejected from the sun as solar wind. Meanwhile, recognize that affinity charges (light) released as a consequence of the fission reactions taking place on the sun, are radiating through the same space as the solar wind but the affinity charges do not interact with the dead photons.
            The lines of magnetic force of the earth’s magnetic force field are encased with repelling (electron) charges. It is the repelling charges that cause lines of magnetic force to repel other lines of magnetic force, which is a fundamental force of magnetism. Then recall that affinity charge interact with, are attracted to, repelling charges. Normally the magnitude of affinity charges attracted to the magnetic lines of force are not sufficient to be visible. However, at times of high solar flare activity the number of affinity charges radiated by the sun increases. During those periods the number of affinity charges attracted to the lines of magnetic force are sufficient to be visible during hours of darkness as the glow called auroras. Because the affinity charges are attached to the lines of magnetic force they expose the behavior of the magnetic line of force.
            The different colors displayed are the consequence of the behavior of illumination. Color is produced by the perception of illuminating energy, which as now claimed to be affinity charges. It is the strength of the bonds of the atoms illuminated that establishes color and since the structure of the various atoms is unique the energy intensity forming those bonds is likewise unique. The intensity (think strength) of bonding energy is reflected in the frequency or wave length of the energy. Our sight senses interpret bonding energy intensity frequency as color with each frequency (wave length) perceived as a specific color. Lower frequencies are seen as red and the colors progress through orange, yellow, green, blue and violet as the frequencies increase.
             When affinity charges bond to an object, in this case the lines of magnetic force, they reflect the energy intensity of the bonds of the illuminated object. The bond intensity of the lines of magnetic force decrease with altitude therefore the aurora color at high altitude may be red or shades of red whereas, at lower altitudes the intensity is stronger and the colors reflected are in the green range.


            This explanation is offered not only to clarify the mechanics involved in auroras but to justify the conclusion that the concept of affinity energy demands recognition.

Monday, June 9, 2014

What Drives Electromagnetic Radiation

What Drives Electromagnetic Radiation
By: Miles Pelton, June 2014

            The subject of electromagnetic radiation is the most confused misunderstood and poorly explained area in all of physics Most of what is understood developed through progressive trial and error application of technological processes. Theories are rife with non-explanation explanations often offered to explain other non-explanation explanations. Glaring mistaken theories are hidden by torturous non-explanation explanations. Understanding comes from realizing that the development of the matter and forces involved in electromagnetism are the product of elementary particles that are composite assemblies of the three forms of fundamental energy namely; attraction charges that attract only like attraction charges; repelling charges that repel only like repelling charges; affinity charges that cause attraction and repelling charges to attract each other. That will be demonstrated by this explanation.

            It is the intent to explain the concepts resulting from the application of fundamental physics concepts rather than argue existing misdirected theories. All forces are derived from the three fundamental energy charges previously stated with each existing in elementary particles at the quantum intensity of one unit. The attraction charge that attracts only like attraction charges is contracted into a singularity point that becomes the heart of protons and is the charge that produces gravitational force. The repelling charge that repels only like repelling charges forms an encasing shell around the proton singularity and is held in place by the affinity charge. The repelling charge is what current theory calls an electron charge. The affinity charge establishes the interaction between the proton singularity and the electron charge. The attraction charge becomes the ground reference for the difference of potential created by the affinity charge.
            Current theory calls the affinity effect by the term “a difference of potential”. The affinity charge is the power that drives the proton-electron force including driving electricity and the force involved in valence bonds. The repelling charge is always held by affinity charges as the periphery layer of elementary particles, photons and lines of magnetic force. It is caused to spiral in the process of emission by protons where the spiraling periphery covering of lines of magnetic force and photons imparts a repelling component to those phenomenon.
            For clarification purposes, the relationship between protons and electrons is not in response to their opposite charges but because of the affinity charge. It is the spiraling repelling charge that impart the magnetic component to flowing electrons and lines of magnetic force. It is the spiraling repelling component that is transposed from the lines of magnetic force to the windings in electric power generators along with the affinity charge that establishes the “difference of potential”. When a return path is provided the difference of potential moves in an effort to equalize the difference of potential. But the affinity charges have established a bond with the repelling (electron) charges so they are drawn along. As a consequence the resultant current flow has two components. One the spiraling repelling charge plus the affinity charge. Each spiralling repelling (electron) charge carries its spiraling energy field that is the component known as producing magnetic force and is accompanied by an affinity charge of equal intensity (wavelength). That clarifies the duality theory of electromagnetic charges. There is in fact two linked charges involved in electric phenomena.
            The electromagnetic radiation involved in radio, television, radar type transmissions are produced by setting up an electric field that imparts a counter electric field on a distant receiver configuration. Electrons are not transmitted, only the field intensity is impressed across the intervening distance.
            Radiation involving the transmission of photons is an entirely different phenomena than electromagnetic radiation as is x-ray radiation. They have been covered by a separate discussion.


             The ambiguities and misunderstanding associated with electricity, electromagnetic radiation and the duality of electromagnetic forces are clarified by applying the fundamental physics concept of tri-charge elementary particles. 

What Drives Radiation

What Drives Radiation
By; Miles Pelton, June 2014

            Science has ask us to accept that radiation just happens with no cause. Nothing with the precise behavior of radiation will just happen, there must be a cause. That is the objective of this paper, to identify and explain the power behind radiation.

            Radiation involves photons (electromagnetic radiation is a separate subject) that exist in a wide range of intensity but in all cases are composite assemblies of the trio of fundamental energy intrinsic in elementary particles. In fact, elementary particles correspond to the quantum photon. Photons are produced by protons where assemblies of protons, as in an atom nucleus, develop photons whose intensity is in proportion to the number of assembled protons. Protons emit photons in the form of lines of force where the attraction charge intensity of the photons powers the binding force of the line of force emitted. When lines of force are severed the photons of which made are freed and radiate from that point. The question then becomes, what causes the photons to radiate.
            Photon radiation involves very precise controlled behavior including speed. The force applied to move photons diminishes in strength as the distance from the point of rupture, squared. The constant decrease in force translates to a speed rate that sustains photon acceleration at a constant speed designated as the “speed of light”. That behavior gives indication that the energy inherent within the photon itself that diminishes in strength with distance is at least a factor in powering radiation. Photon radiation is limited to the system from which released.  Photons released from massive systems like stars and galaxies that involve high energy intensities can involve great distances. Bear in mind that some lines of force are associated with the universe so radiation from those lines of force may extend to the limits of the universe.
            Lines of force that bind components into matter are the product of protons and assemblies of protons (atoms) that generate a center of proton power in a manner similar to the manner by which assemblies of matter generate a center of gravity. While lines of force are customarily seen to involve atoms there is every reason assemblies of atoms, say a planet or a star, also develop a center of proton power. However, such bonds are not known to fail although could be associated with colliding or dying stars and galaxies and could account for the more powerful radiation associated with those events.
            So the power behind radiation is a product of the proton center of power and is system specific. The core of proton power is the singularity formed of concentrated attraction energy. However, the intensity of the charge of a singularity center is matched with equal intensity repelling charge and affinity charge. Repelling charges repel like repelling charges, attraction charges attract like attraction charges and affinity charges establish attraction between attraction and repelling charges. So the question then, what charge does a photon freed from a line of force display?
            Photons are a composite of the three fundamental charges, HOWEVER; it is the bond produced by the attraction charge that is fractured releasing photons. The attraction charge of the released photon has been distanced from the system proton center of power. Its power to attract has been expended. It can be attracted but it cannot attract. The photon of which a part is no longer neutral. It exhibits a repelling charge and in that state repelled by the repelling charge of the center of proton power. Recall that fundamental energy charges set up an energy field that diminishes in intensity as the square of the distance, which diminishing strength field accelerates like charges at the speed of light. (“Speed of light” is an adverbial phrase defining speed it does not confer that the object of concern is light.)
            (While not pertinent to radiation, it is worthy to note that the expended attraction charge carried by a photon explains why the charges deposited from impacting photons produces the effect called heat.)

            It is the intensity of the repelling charge component of a center of proton power that powers the radiation of photons. Yes scientists, there is a cause.

Identifying a Here-to-fore Unidentified

Identifying a Here-to-fore Unidentified Fundamental Energy Form
By: Miles Pelton, June, 2014

            There are a number of forces in fundamental physics that have been accepted without the cause specifically identified. These instances are seen as the cause of illumination and vision; the cause for the “difference of potential” that is involved in electrical energy; the cause for the binding of electrons in chemical and atomic reactions; a cause to explain how attracting and repelling forces work together to form matter. Consideration of those phenomena leads to recognition that there is a here-to-fore unrecognized fundamental energy form that is in addition to the energy that produces attraction and the energy that produces repelling forces.

            In order to explain the phenomena involved with fundamental physics the cause must be understood. To say that energy particles are bound together to form matter does not explain what is bound or how binding is achieved. To explain what light or vision or gravity does is not an explanation of the cause of that behavior. To pass off electricity as caused by a difference of potential does not explain what gives a difference of potential the power to produce electricity nor does it explain what makes electrons do what they do. Those phenomena are now being explained by non-explanation explanations.
            It is generally acknowledged that fundamental energy acts from a point to establish an energy field that diminishes in intensity as the radial distance increases from that point. That is the behavior evident with the fundamental forms of energy that powers gravity, illumination and radiation. That characteristic must be present to qualify as fundamental energy.
            It is also generally recognized that particles of energy with the power to cause attraction by other like particles powers the attraction force seen in the assembly of particles of energy to form quarks, neutrons and protons and that the energy that powers that behavior comes in packets or particles of discrete quantum intensity. That behavior leads to the generally accepted conclusion that the agent responsible for powering that behavior is inherent in the particles that are assembled to make quarks, neutrons and protons. Those characteristics define the energy particles fundamental to the formation of matter. They have been derived through studying the recorded observations of a variety of demonstrations conducted over years of scientific research but are never the less conclusions.
            It is also generally recognized that a repelling force is involved in the assembly of elementary particles to form quarks, neutrons and protons. It is recognized that without a repelling force the attraction energy would contract into a point without establishing a physical presence. In order to create an assembly with physical presence, there is need for an energy component to produce repelling force and that it exist inherent in the particles that are assembled to make quarks, neutrons and protons in other words an elementary particle.
            There lies a problem that prevents the development of understanding regarding how matter is created from energy. In order for elementary energy particles to self-assemble each elementary particle must have an intrinsic attraction charge and an opposing repelling charge but there is no known way to obtain that behavior with a single energy charge. That means each elementary particle must contain both an attraction and a repelling charge but if these were opposing energy charges they would annihilate rather than coexist inherent in an elementary particle. Obviously a third component is needed to prevent annihilation. Now a new problem. If the attraction charge in one particle attracted the repelling charge in a second particle and the same reaction by the charges in the second particle, there would never be anything except two particle assemblies.
            Since self-assembly of elementary particles has produced quarks, neutrons and protons, there is a way. Consider the following: If attraction charges attract only like attraction charges and repelling charges repel only like repelling charges they could coexist without annihilation and they could produce “chain reaction” assembly but without help they would not assemble to form an elementary particle. However, with a third form of energy that produces an affinity between attraction charges and repelling charges they could assembly into a common elementary particle and each charge would constitute a quantum particle of their respective charge type and the three quanta would be an inherent component of each elementary particle.
            The trio of charges forming each elementary particle present a zero charge effect making detection of elementary particles difficult. A means to detect “electric charge” has been developed however; the “electric charge” in this instance is the “difference of potential” between attraction and repelling charges, which is the here-to-fore unrecognized affinity charge. It is not the electric charge. The electric charge is the repelling charge. The repelling charge can be identified as the cause of the repelling force produced by magnetic forces.
            Each of the three fundamental energy charges produces a variety of effects in addition to their basic job. The attraction energy charge also is: the fundamental unit of mass; the singularity center of protons and assemblies of protons (nuclei); and the producer of the effect called heat;
            The repelling energy charge also is: what is currently called an electron charge: producer of the repelling component of magnetic force: producer of the weak force in atomic nuclei.
            The affinity energy charge also: produces illumination and vision: it is the difference of potential that powers electricity and the binding force for proton-electron interactions. It is the keystone of creation.


            With recognition that a third form of fundamental energy, here to fore unrecognized, exists and along with attraction and repelling energy forms elementary particles, the process of creating matter with a physical presence from energy is readily explained and understood and with that, all fundamental physics principles.